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Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:14 pm
by Doran
“I would very much like to learn more about the history of your little hideaway sometime, provided that you are willing to share your knowledge with me”, Doran admitted in a calm tone of voice when Frosvinndur stated that the glories and failures of the past were well worth studying. “I believe that you need to understand the past in order to properly understand the present and, perhaps, try to bring about a better future”, he added. He had come to realize that a lot of Idalos’ current conflicts and mysteries had their roots in the distant past. The Shattering still affected Idalos to this very trial, for example. Everything was connected in some way.

With that thought in mind, he fell silent again and allowed Frosvinndur to examine him and determine if the potion worked as intended. When he stated that the effect only lasted for six breaks at the most – he briefly wondered how he had been able to figure that out – he turned to Faith, a questioning look on his face. “Would it be possible to simply take a dose of potion every six breaks until we have managed to improve it?” he asked, as that seemed the most prudent course of action to him, provided that the side effects were bearable. His own blood-based potions had few to no side effects; he realized that it might be different when it came to as potent a reagent as Dragon blood though.

A smile was visible on his face for a moment when Frosvinndur pointed out that his claws were too big and unsuited to human sized paper before he became much more serious again. When Frosvinndur started to growl, he stood completely still. He had looked divinity in the eye, back in the Glass Temple, but an angry Dragon, he decided, was something else. He listened to what he had to say about Deabrutoa, Artere and Kuvarakh – and took note of Faith’s statement that she wanted to go back to Quacia soon.

“Is the Composer the same being that created the Great Song?” he asked, his curiosity obvious when he heard Faith’s question and added, “Is he the same as the World Spirit, the Induk of Idalos?” He had been wondering how the world had come to be for a long time. He had learned some things from Chuckles in the Glass Temple, and he realized that he might be very close to discovering the final piece of the puzzle now. He was nearly speechless once more, but once more, he came to the conclusion that his curiosity and his thirst for knowledge needed to take a back stance compared to their task and the consequences that their findings would or should have for the time being.

“You are protectors and defenders of the world”, he stated and looked at Frosinndur, respectfully, as one should be when one was facing a being of such age and power, as something had just occurred to him, something that might matter in regard to what they were doing now. “Are you protecting the world from something or somebody in particular, if you don’t mind me asking?” he wanted to know before he explained as it sounded as if Frosvinndur didn’t seem to know what exactly the Immortals were,

“The Immortals are the creations of what we call the Original Beings, eight powerful beings that came from within Emea more than a millennium ago. All but one of them have perished now. I know that there was a war”, he added and bowed his head for a moment. He knew that there were paintings of it, of a war between the Originals and the Dragons. He didn’t feel guilty – he hadn’t had any part in the actions of his ancestors - but he was descended from the Originals regardless.

It would be prudent to take that into consideration.

He was just about to ask another question – Frosvinndur had mentioned ten dragons, and he wanted to know what their names were; it might matter when it came to deciding on their next course of action – when Faith talked about lowering the barrier. His eyes widened for moment as he hadn’t even thought about that so far, but then he came to the conclusion that it was an option that merited further consideration, especially if Frosvinndur was in favour of lowering the barrier. Once upon a time, it had been erected for a reason though, to keep something in or out. He couldn’t help but wonder if that threat still existed somewhere, either on their side or on Frosvinndur’s side.

“Why was this barrier put in place?” he asked Frosvinndur. “Was it due to a threat, some sort of conflict, and would that conflict still be an issue if the barrier were lowered? Faith asked if you would want us to look into lowering this barrier. Provided that this is something that you approve of, would be able to help us with it?” he continued. Considering what he was, Frosvinndur might know how the barrier had been erected. He might even have witnessed it. Maybe, he was even capable of lowering the barrier himself, and just hadn’t done so yet for some reason.

“Would lowering the barrier have any effect on that which you call the Formless Chaos?” he continued. There were people that needed the Formless Chaos – or ether, as it was called among the people on his side of the barrier – in order to survive. Once upon a time, he had vowed to protect the people of Idalos. He didn’t think that there would be any negative effects if the barrier were lowered or reduced – what he had learned so far made it unlikely – but it was better to be sure and try to figure out the possible consequences before they went ahead and did it.

“I hope that you do not mind my many questions”, he stated and briefly smiled. “It’s one of my flaws as a historian and scientist, I suppose. I have a tendency to consider every detail that could possibly matter”, he apologized before he turned to listen to Varlum.

The son of Faldrun hadn’t been able to add much to what Faith and he had said, regarding the matter of Dragons, but he said something else that was of considerable interest. When he revealed why the Ithecal had been created, he raised an eyebrow. It seemed as if there was some sort of connection between Varlum and Frosvinndur. It comforted him that the Dragon didn’t hold a grudge, despite the fact that there had been a war once upon a time. Perhaps, he considered, they would be able to leave the past behind and forge a new and better future, for every single one of them.

When Frosvinndur told him that he wanted to speak to Chuckles, the Mortalborn fell silent and looked for the materials under the bench. For the following couple of moments, he was quiet, and utterly focused, as he made a flame. When he had succeeded, he produced the rock and placed it into the flame before he stepped back, giving Chuckles the time and space that he needed in order to manifest.

When Chuckles finally appeared, he turned to face Frosvinndur again and spoke in a polite and serious tone of voice, “Frosvinndur, this is Brother Chuckles, an ancient flame entity and a protector of the ScalvFlame. Chuckles, this is Frosvinndur, the Dragon that we talked about meeting during the journey to the barrier. He said that he would like to speak to you”, he explained and fell silent once more in order to give the flame entity and the Dragon the opportunity to converse, and, perhaps, shed some light on the story of their world and which path they should take going forward.

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:45 am
by Basilisk
Frosvinndur gave a small chuckle when Faith offered to read him her notes. "If we have the time, I would welcome it, but we should take care of the most pressing matters first." he said, his tone calm, before he turned to Doran as the other expressed his interest in learning the history of their mountainous realm. "There of this place and it history that are not entirely mine to share and that I shall have to discuss with others." he said, some clear reluctance in his voice. "That said, that only applies to our earliest histories, and most anything after humans first arrived is something I am fully able to discuss, should we have the time." he said, his tone more open than it had been. When Doran asked about the potion, Frosvinndur nodded. "Yes, though that relies on how much potion you have and whether you can make more here." he said, his tone calm.

When Doran asked about the Composer, Frosvinndur nodded. "Another name for it would be The World Spirit, or perhaps the Creator. I do not know if it is the creator of all things, and given the existence of the Formless Chaos, I rather doubt it, but The Composer is the creator of Dragons and Spirits." he said, his voice calm. Then Doran asked what they were protecting Idalos from and Frosvinndur hesitated again. "The threat we were originally made to fight is not, as things currently stand, a threat to Idalos." he said, before shaking his head. "I apologize, I am being vague, but I am not entirely comfortable giving specifics. I do not wish to taint the possibilities of the future with the enmities of the past, especially when I do not entirely know the conditions of the present." he said, his tone somewhat distressed.

He nodded when Doran explained the Originals, though Frosvinndur had never heard of them, then turned to look at Faith when she asked about lowering the Barrier. Frosvinndur appeared agitated at the idea, before letting out a slow huff. "We had...never considered the possibility that they might be lowered. It was enough, we thought, when humans appeared behind the Barrier and then when people came from beyond." he said, his voice clearly agitated. Doran asked about why the Barrier had been put in place and then asked about the effect that lowering it would have on the Formless Chaos. "I...cannot discuss why the Barrier was put in place right now. As to the effect on the Formless Chaos, it should have no effect whatsoever, though I suspect that we here in the Barrier will develop the same connection to the Formless Chaos that Faith possesses." he said, his voice more calm.

When Doran asked if he minded the question, Frosvinndur shook his head. "Nay, I do not mind. I would share more, were it merely my own decision to make. I think, however, when I am done speaking to your Brother Chuckles, I am going to need to discuss this with some few others before you return to Idalos. Things are progressing far faster than I expected." he said, his tone calm. Then Doran began the process to summon Brother Chuckles and it went about as expected, barring that when Chuckles first manifested, it was as a roar of flame rather than simply manifesting into his usual vaguely humanoid appearance. He got it under control quickly enough, however. "Greetings, Brother Chuckles." Frosvinndur said, bowing his head slightly to the fire spirit.

Chuckles bowed deeply in return. "Lord Frosvinndur. I apologize for my over-manifestation at first, I am no longer used to a place with so little influence from Emea." he said, before turning to look at the others. "Hello again, Doran. I do not believe I have met your companions." he said, nodding his head at Doran before giving what appeared to be a slightly curious glance at Faith and Varlum. Then he turned back to the dragon. "How may I assist you, Lord Frosvinndur." he asked, his tone deeply respectful.

The Dragon thought for a moment, then nodded. "Explain the current state of Idalos, as known by the Spirits." he said, his tone calm.

Chuckles nodded at the request. "Beings known as the Originals tore open the barrier between the Formless Chaos, thenceforth known as Emea, and Idalos. These Originals and their created children, the Immortals, warred with the Verses and Dragons. The Originals won, but one of their number and his eldest child saved the surviving Dragons and The World Spirit by creating a barrier of their own around the flying island of Iulure, securing them inside. Then the Originals ruled until they were felled by their own excesses, barring one of their number who instead simply vanished. Since then the Immortals have ruled. There was a squabble among some of their number that, while quite horrific, has not yet produced much except a cessation of a war among the Immortals." he said, his tone thoughtful. "However, it did result in the successors of the four slain Dragons being freed, as well as Deabrutoa and Artere returning, though Deabrutoa was subsequently jailed. The other five are currently roaming free." he said, his tone calm.

Frosvinndur remained silent throughout all that, then shook his head slightly. "I feel like many details got skipped, but the nature of Spirits is well known to me." he said, his voice calm before he turned to the trio again. "I must speak with some others. Have you anything else to ask of me or tell me before I do so?" he said, his tone calm.


Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:32 am
by Faith Augustin
~~Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. ~~
Robert A. Heinlein

Faith was impressed by Doran's questions, and by how to the point they were. He was very clear and - most importantly to her - he was insightful. That was good. His questions were good ones and Frosvinndur answered them; Varlum was quiet but Faith also understood that. It was all rather overwhelming, she knew - and she felt it herself.

For her, the single most important question was about the lowering of this barrier. The decision for that would shape all that happened between them afterwards, after all, and would direct the focus of their research. If the aim was to lower the barrier, then doing so would become more important than, for example, extending the life of the potions. Besides, it would be what they focused on and would shape other things - what questions they asked, everything. That said, though, the last thing she wanted to do was to agitate Frosvinndur and she frowned and spoke quietly as she saw the look on his face and the change in his demeanour. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I don't mean to ask difficult questions. It just seemed to be logical to me since others of your kind are now in our world, that you should be able to join them." She had no wish to upset anyone.

The conversation between Frosvinndur and "Brother Chuckles" was something else and Faith listened intently. She was intrigued by the conversation and smiled slightly as things that she had thought were true, believed were true, were confirmed. But there was also new information. The Originals were destroyed by their excesses? Excesses of what? The eighth Original having vanished was also only a theory - and one of a few - until now but she had to admit that it was simply intriguing.

However, Frosvinndur seemed to be very keen to get things moving and Faith nodded. He had to speak with others, and he wondered if there was any more that they needed to ask him. Faith had no more - or approximately a million - questions, but she spoke. "I don't know if it is important, but at the sites of where the Originals died there are what we call Grand Fractures. These are like rips in reality which link to - we believe - the very deepest parts of Emea and / or the Originals own realm. There is a lot not known about these Fractures, but there are seven of them throughout our world. Just in case that's important."

If there was no more to be said, then Faith would simply say that no, she had no more to ask. If Frosvinndur was happy for them to stay here and wait for him, then she would work with Doran to make more of the potions, but basically she went where she was put and if he wished them to wait elsewhere - then that was what she would do.

40th Vhalar, 721
~~ Beyond The Barriers ~~

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:52 am
by Doran
“I understand that“, Doran replied when Frosvinndur admitted that there were parts of that place and its history that were not entirely his to share and inclined his head respectfully. He’d noticed the reluctance in the dragon’s voice. “And thank you”, he said to his offer to discuss should they have time. He couldn’t help but wonder how this place had come to be – and how the humans had arrived in Idalos, and where they had come from. As far as he knew, Idalos had originally been a world of spirits, and humans had been a much more recent development. Why did they inhabit so much of the world now?

When it came to the matter of the World Spirit, he hesitated for a moment, realizing that he might be touching upon a sensitive topic once more, before he asked carefully, “Do you know what happened to the World Spirit, and why nobody has heard of it recently? Other spirits, such as the Induks of Scalvoris, or Lovalus, still play an active part”, he added which made the absence of the World Spirit even stranger in his opinion. There still seemed to be a song, judging by what Chuckles had told him the Glass Temple. What had happened to the Composer and what had happened to those that had started the song though?

When Frosvinndur stated that the original threat was not currently a threat to Idalos, he inclined his head. He was, he had to admit, relieved. If they decided to try and lower the barrier, that would at least not be an issue anymore, but there were so many more things that needed to be considered. It was entirely possible that the fate of the world, that the future course of Idalos would be decided on that trial. He glanced at Varlum and Faith for a moment, wondering if they were aware of that fact, and what they thought of their responsibility.

“There is no need to apologize”, he spoke in a calm tone of voice when Frosvinndur said that he was not entirely comfortable giving specifics. “I understand your reason for doing so. Sometimes, it’s better to leave the past be.” He did not speak of certain things at length for the same reason. Sometimes, it was better to focus on the present, and the future, in spite of the fact that certain past events had played an important role.

He noticed how agitated Frosvinndur became when Faith talked about lowering the barrier which made him wonder if that was something that the dragon wanted to happen at all, or if he’d rather maintain the status quo. He glanced at Faith once more she spoke of the possibility of Frosvinndur joining the others of his kind before he focused on the dragon again, furrowing his brow very lightly as he considered one of his statements.

“You said that you might develop the same connection to the Formless Chaos that Faith possesses if the barrier were lowered. Is that something that you and the others that live on this side of the barrier would mind? Why do you call it a ‘formless chaos’ if you don’t mind me asking?” he continued, as it was likely that Frosvinndur had named ether such for a reason. That name might tell him a bit more about what ether was. Famula had cleansed his soul of the arcane parasite, but ether still played a part in his life in other ways, through his marks, through his connection to Emea and through his divine parentage. He couldn’t exist without it, and he wished to understand why.

When Chuckles manifested, in a roar of a flame rather than his usual vaguely humanoid appearance, his eyes widened as that was highly unexpected. Still, he did not forget his manners, but bowed to the flame entity before he introduced his companions, having noticed how Chuckles had cast a curious glance at them. “These people are Faith and Varlum.”

Having said that, he fell silent again and listened attentively, arms clasped behind his back and holding himself completely straight. He couldn’t help but wonder about Chuckles’ statement about the lack of influence from Emea. Did that mean that spirits, that beings such as Chuckles, were stronger without that influence? Had spirits as a whole been stronger before the Originals had arrived? Was that part of the answer that he was looking for, the answer to the question about the origin and the fate of the world?

He decided to postpone that question, as Chuckles began to explain the state of Idalos.

He already knew some of the story. He already knew that there had been a war with the Originals, but a lot of the other things that he said were new to him, and surprising beyond measure. He realized that he was very close to finding out how the world had come to be, closer than ever before, and he was excited, although he remained outwardly calm, for the most part. He reminded himself that they had come here for a reason, and that that reason was not learning about the origin of their world, at least not first and foremost, but there were a few questions that he allowed himself to ask, nevertheless.

Some of the answers that he would hopefully get might also help them decide their next course of action.

“Are the Verses the first spirits, or the most powerful ones?” he wanted to know because that term was new to him, and because it was important to know what you were dealing with. He gave Chuckles – and Frosvinndur, should he have something to say – the opportunity to answer before he continued, “Do you know why the Originals tore open the barrier, and which excesses exactly caused them to fall? Did they use their powers too much? The Immortals as well as my kind that we call Mortalborn fracture if they use their powers too much”, he explained to Frosvinndur as he might not know, and he wanted to inform the dragon as much as he wanted to learn from him.

“Delana”, he remarked when Chuckles mentioned the eighth Original who had vanished and furrowed his brow, as it sounded almost as if there was a connection between the Shattering and her, as if she might in fact have contributed to it, or even caused it. “My father told me about her”, he explained to Faith, and to the others. “One of my colleagues mentioned that she is the only Original that has no known Immortal children. Do you have any idea if she contributed to the seven’s fall and where she might have gone afterwards?” he asked. He had been wondering if it might be worth seeking her out, or if the last remaining Original should be avoided at all costs.

“And does the lack of a connection to Emea strengthen you?” he asked his final question, because he wished to understand how being behind the barrier affected Chuckles. How the spirits were affected might have an impact on whether the barrier would be lowered or not. This was something that concerned every being in the world of Idalos.

When Frosvinndur told them that he had to speak with some others and wanted to know if they had anything else to ask of him, he shook his head. He would not hold him up. If Frosvinndur was happy for them to stay here, he would help Faith make more of the potion, and if he didn’t, he would wait where he wanted him to be. He was just a guest here, after all.

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2022 10:07 pm
by Varlum

Despite how strange it felt to be beyond the barrier and disconnected from his magic, Varlum couldn't deny that there was still an element of awe and wonder when he was here. As if the scenery and creatures weren't a beautiful enough sight, there was also the surprise of meeting the dragon. The image of Frosvinndur and his powerful form was never something Varlum would grow comfortable with he imagined, even as a Mortalborn Ithecal that could grow to an incredible size. There was something awe-inspiring about it, like meeting a creature of legends, beings he had only heard about in stories as a child. It was similar to how he had felt meeting an Immortal for the first time.

When Frosvinndur spoke of the Ithecal taking place as protectors it made Varlum grin from ear to ear. "I hope we do as good a job of it as the Dragons did before us" he nodded respectfully, not attempting to hide his pride at being related to such powerful beings. The title of Protector added another layer of pride, though it was one he had already taken on with a fond pride. Being a blessed of Ethelynda meant protecting anyone that needed the protection, keeping innocents safe when they were in danger. Knowing that the dragons had been protectors before him and that he could continue to wear that mantle, however, was a blessing in and of itself.

When Chuckles appeared Varlum bowed his head respectfully, unfamiliar with the spirit but allowing the conversation to continue without any interruption. Truth be told, Varlum didn't have much more to add, only coming here to see what would come of the conversation the others had with Frosvinndur and to share the information he had obtained about the dragons and what became of their souls, the creation of his own people. Now that he had done that he was mostly here to listen, to see what the others had to say and see what answers they could get from the dragon beyond the barrier. There was so much that both sides could learn from one another, so many things unknown.

Once many of the questions were out the way and Frosvinndur was preparing to talk to others, Varlum shook his head when asked if he had anything left to ask. "Thank you for your time, and I hope to make you proud, as a protector to Idalos and a distant relative of the Dragons" he smiled, bowing his head with respect. "I hope to see you again some time, in the near future perhaps" he grinned before giving a small glance to Doran and Faith, ready to go whenever they were.

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2022 4:06 pm
by Basilisk
When Faith apologized for asking "upsetting" questions, Frosvinndur shook his head. "Do not apologize. The questions are necessary, just...somewhat awkward to answer. It is nothing that can't be resolved, so do not worry yourself." he said, his voice gentle. When she explained about the Grand Fractures, Frosvinndur nodded. "That the Formless Chaos and your Emea are one and the same explains a great deal about the differences I have seen between you and the humans here, and it explains why the Mortalborn are so dependent on their connection to the Formless Chaos. In brief, these Grand Fractures give everyone outside the Barriers a connection to Emea, but we here behind the Barriers completely lack any such connection. I believe this connection is also what's allowing you to pass through the Barriers." he said, his voice calm.

When Doran asked about the World Spirit, Frosvinndur shook his head. "I know for certain that The Composer cannot be dead, else Idalos itself would be no more. Other than that, I cannot say why it has gone silent. It has ever been unknowable, even to other Spirits, and it may well have decided to take a less obvious hand in the affairs of the world." he said, shrugging slightly. When Doran asked about them developing an Emean connection should the barriers be lowered, Frosvinndur shook his head. "This connection to Emea has done you and yours no harm. I do not believe it will harm us either. As for why I call it the Formless Chaos, for a realm of no solid substance and beings that constantly boil in and out of existence, it is an apt name." he said, chuckling slightly.

When Doran asked about whether or not the Verses were the first Spirits or the most powerful, Frosvinndur chuckled. "Both and neither. The Composer is the first and most powerful, as the World Spirit. But for lesser spirits, then the Verses were indeed the first." he said, his tone amused. It was Chuckles who answered the question about the Originals, however. "There are perhaps none who can say what made The Originals flee to Idalos. By the time they arrived here, they claimed to have forgotten their origins. As to the excesses that killed them, they freely used their powers to create new beings. Weapons, servants, children. They made the Immortals and ended their own lives in doing so." he said, his voice solemn. "As to Delana, she alone has the answer to any questions about her. She has, somehow, hidden herself from all observers." For Doran's final question, however, Chuckles shook his head. "It has no real affect on our strength. It's simply a matter of how the air feels. Like how the air's thin up high or wet in a jungle. I'm surprised you can't feel it." he said, his voice slightly confused.

When Varlum said that he hoped to make the Dragons proud, Frosvinndur smiled at him. "Your courage and protectiveness are clear to see, for those of us with who have the vision to see it. You need not worry about disappointing those of us who don't cling to the past." he said, his voice gentle. Then the Dragon stood back up to his full height. "I must speak to these others I have mentioned. I do not know if I will return before you have to return to Idalos." he said, before grimacing. "Conversations between beings with lifespans that are measured in millennia are rarely speedy things." he said, before looking at the trio. "I ask that Padraig be allowed to remain here to study with us. I can see how you made the concoction that allows him to remain and we will be able to duplicate it. I give my word that no harm will befall him." he said, before turning to look at Faith and Doran. "I would offer you two my Effigy. It is a form of power gifting that will allow you to wield powers similar to my own." he said, his voice calm. "Varlum, I would offer you the same, but in your current state, my powers would rend your body to shreds." he said, his voice gentle. He didn't want Varlum to feel as if Frosvinndur thought him unworthy. "Also, I would give you a task. See if there are any records on the other three Barriers. If you wish to venture beyond them, however, I would take great pains to see yourself prepared for trouble. I would not dare guarantee that the other Barriers are safe as this one." he said, his tone calm.


Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 6:04 pm
by Faith Augustin
~~Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. ~~
Robert A. Heinlein

Sometimes, it struck her just how unusual her life was.

As Faith stood, beyond the barrier at the edge of the world, she stood as a Champion to three Immortals, the head of two global factions and all round philanthropist, she considered that she really had not expected to be here. It was not what slaves did, after all and - for such a long time - she had been just a slave.

Frosvinndur said that he thought removing the barrier wouldn't harm him or his and Faith nodded. She'd rather him be certain, but she didn't really expect it. There was a lot of information then, especially about Delana, and Faith took it all in, as best as she could. Then, he spoke about Padraig staying here and Faith had that moment where she wanted - selfishly -to object. But, there was a bottom line for Faith. "That's entirely his decision," she said with a smile and meant it completely. "And whatever he decides, I support him." It made her heart ache, the thought of him being here again. It had been so difficult last time - but this time at least she would know where he was, and why their connections were broken. So, Faith did what she would always do, she glanced down at her hands and nodded. She considered giving him a message and paused as she wondered what she should say; then, she smiled. There was nothing she needed to say, he knew what he needed to know.

They both did.

And then, Frosvinndur offered her ~ and Doran ~ his Effigy. Faith had heard of these things, but until now it had not occurred to her that she might bear one. She considered it, carefully. There were questions, of course, and she ran through them. But they came down to a simple one. Did she trust Frosvinndur? Famula knew about this visit, she had been fundamental in Faith's understanding, so Faith knew there was no issue there. So, she nodded her head. "Thank you," she said softly. "It would be an honour."

All in, always. That was Faith's way of being and, as much as she knew that others might urge caution or consider things in a different way, she was who she was and she did what she did. Impossible things, incurable diseases, million to one chances, beating the odds. That was what she did and she smiled at Frosvinndur as she replied. "It sounds like an adventure," she said with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. But then, more seriously, she spoke again. "I will endeavour always to make you pleased you chose to give this gift."

As for the task? She nodded. "I'll give it full attention," she said. No more than that was needed, she knew, but she wanted to make sure that he knew. She'd be on it.

40th Vhalar, 721
~~ Beyond The Barriers ~~

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 9:56 am
by Doran
There was so much new information, there was so much to take in that even Doran who had lived for centuries and who was likely one of the most accomplished scientists in the world found himself slightly overwhelmed. If the Grand Fractures gave everyone outside the barriers a connection to Emea, and if ether and the Formless Chaos were one and the same, what did that mean for domain magic? He knew that there were different kinds of ether, but still, in that moment he couldn’t help but wonder if domain magic, the Shattering and the appearance of the Grand Fractures were all connected in some way.

When they returned from this side of the barriers – he refused to believe that they wouldn’t return – he would try to find out if domain magic had already existed during the time of the Originals. If it hadn’t, a connection to the Grand Fractures was possible, perhaps even highly likely.

There was more though …

“Perhaps”, he agreed and inclined his head when Frosvinndur mused that the World Spirit might well have decided to take a less obvious hand in the affairs of the world. He didn’t understand why Idalos would cease to exist without the Composer though. Daia had been dead, but there had still been dance and companionship during that time. Could nobody else sing the song? Could nobody else ensure that the world would not go silent?

He did not ask as their meeting was rapidly coming to an end. Besides, he was not sure if even a being that was as ancient as powerful as Frosvinndur had the answers to that question. He felt rather like a child at the moment, like someone who was just trying to understand the world and to whom it was filled with countless wonders and countless riddles.

It was not a feeling that he minded though. On the contrary, he enjoyed it. After four centuries, the world suddenly seemed like a completely new place again, one that was just waiting to be discovered – and he would do that and try to understand why it was the way it was.

“Perhaps Delana is really still alive because she never created any Immortals”, he remarked in a thoughtful tone of voice when Chuckles answered his question about the Originals before he wondered, “How do you hide from everybody, including the Immortals though?”

He didn’t really expect an answer. That was another matter that he would look into when he returned home, although he realized that he might have to tread carefully. Some things were better left untouched, and sometimes, they were consequences if you dug too deeply.

“No, I can’t feel it”, he replied when Chuckles described how the air felt and raised his head for a moment, as if he were making a more conscious effort to perceive that difference. “I wish that I could. I thank you for describing it to me – and for answering my questions”, he added before he fell silent once more as Varlum’s moment had come. The son of Faldrun had been quiet for the most part, but he had been a steady presence, and his companionship and his desire to protect the world were most appreciated.

When Frosvinndur rose to his full height, he could not help but be in awe. Upon hearing his request, he briefly turned to Faith, wondering what she thought of her husband staying here. He almost envied him, but only almost – there was much for him to do when he returned home. He would question him though if – no when they met again.

When Frosvinndur offered Faith and him his Effigy, he only paused for a moment, considering what he had said, before he inclined his head in a gesture of respect and replied, “It would be an honor to bear your Effigy, Frosvinndur, and I will do what I can to find out more about the other three Barriers. I will give my best”, he assured him.

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:17 am
by Varlum

Knowing that Frosvinndur was comfortable, perhaps even grateful, with the Ithecal taking up the role of protector as they had was a relief. Varlum had been trying to keep people safe for a long time now, many years of fighting as a protector of innocents. Ithecal often took pride in it, their ability to fight and protect. For many it was due to their ties to Ethelynda, but perhaps it was more than that. Perhaps there was something primal about it the Ithecal didn't realize, their connection to the dragons leading them to protect the world around, as their ancestors had done before them.

When the conversation turned to Effigies, Varlum nodded with respect. "I understand, and I am grateful regardless" he smiled. As much as he would have enjoyed the effigy, he also didn't want to die any time soon. Having his body shredded by raw power wasn't on his to-do list any time soon. Besides, Faith and Doran would use Frosvinndur's effigy well, Varlum was sure of it. They were, from his personal experience and bias, amazing people. They would use it for good every chance they got. That was what they did, after all. Help people, do good things. He'd seen it firsthand from Faith more times than he could count, and his meeting with Doran in Rharne some time ago at the ball had shown his willingness to do good. Vega had vouched for him personally, and he trusted Vega's judgement more than almost anyone else in Idalos.

"I'm sorry I didn't have much more to share with you, but as always, it has been an honor" the Ithecal bowed his head and knelt down on a single knee in respect, the way he would for Ethelynda. It was a show that he truly respected and looked up to the Dragon. Perhaps it was in part because of the sheer awe he felt whenever he arrived here, but another part was the knowledge that his people descended from the dragons in some way.

Varlum stood himself up and smiled to the others. "Shall we?" he nodded, knowing their time to leave was close.

Re: A Theoretical Impossibility: Again.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:22 pm
by Basilisk
Frosvinndur nodded at Faith's response to his request. "I will see to it that he is asked. I know it will be difficult for you, and I do not ask this lightly." he said, bowing his head slightly. Chuckles and Frosvinndur both nodded at Doran when he thanked them for answering his questions. Then Doran and Faith both accepted Frosvinndur's Effigy and the dragon nodded, reaching out and touching both of them with one massive claw. They would both feel a sudden rush of cold air as their hair turned blue and seemed to crystalize, their irises changed to white and dark blue scales covered their chests and upper arms. it would, with the benefit of hindsight, be the same changes that Faith and Varlum had noticed with Adalsteinn.

Shortly afterwards, a pair of Kaldvind swooped down to join the two, accompanied by a smaller, handled creature that looked like a little dragon made of ice. "You've met my Kaldvind before, but the little one is a Snokovind, a Dragonet. I believe you will find them an interesting study." he said, chuckling slightly. He turned to face Varlum then, his tone calm. "Do not feel disheartened that you did not have more to say, Varlum. What you have revealed tells me much about the outside world." he said, his tone gentle. He cocked his head slightly. "There is a sense about you, Varlum Onarmus. A pull. I think you will find a Dragon that suits you better than I in Idalos. If, however, you wish my Effigy when you grow strong enough to Bear it, I will grant it to you." he said, nodding his head.

"I must go now. I bid you all farewell, and I look forward to our next meeting." he said, before flapping his wings, giving them another blast of warm air as he did, and taking off into the sky, flying deeper into the mountains. As to the rest of them, when they left, they would find that Padraig had accepted to the offer to stay behind, and he had known that Faith would know all that there was to say between them.


Renown: 10 for meeting a dragon.
XP: 20
Knowledge: Linguistics: 3
Logistics: 5
Loot: Effigy of Frosvinndur

Renown: 10 for meeting a dragon.
XP: 20
Knowledge: Linguistics: 3
Logististics: 3
Research: 2
Loot: Effigy of Frosvinndur

Renown: 10
XP: 20
Knowledge: Linguistics: 3
Discipline: 5
Loot: Sorry. Varlum needs more EXP to Effigy.

is inactive. DM later if you desire rewards.

Well, this was a fun thread. I hope you all enjoyed it! Faith, Doran, congratulations on your new Effigy. =] As to your Tier 2's, that rank up didn't happen this thread because it was the start of a plot, not the end of one. Also, sorry the knowledge is a bit wibbly because of most of the thread being information sharing. If you all have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to let me know.