[Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.

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Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.

Taking a bite of his first meal, Ralgar listened as they debated and discussed. For the most part he kept to himself, even at a table with others he knew. They were nice, and Ralgar liked them plenty, yet he couldn't help but feel like he was distant from them. This was far out of his comfort zone, in a place of high class with fancy food and Immortals. A part of him felt he shouldn't have come, but he couldn't deny how nice it was to see everyone here. Those from his group and others alike, it was a celebration of their battle together, to save Scalvoris no matter the sacrifice.

At Natalia's question, Ralgar glanced over to her with a soft look, though his eyes remained intense as they usually did. "Herbs, from my people in Scaltoth. I can't say I know their name, but they remind me of home" he nodded, having enjoyed the meal greatly. "I recommend trying it" he said, eyes looking back to his meal as he finished one final bite. When it came time to order his next meal, he allowed the chef to pick. While waiting, he ate a bite of the popping sphere, tasting another strong fruity flavor as he bit into it. Despite how weird the taste was, something he wasn't used to, it was an amazing sensation.

Ralgar stood and gave applause when it came to the tribute to Doran and Woe, nodding to Woe in particular as he was given praise. The Deathkissed had seen Woe in Scaltoth and his willingness to help, how he had helped wake them from the strange place they had been in, nearly falling into sleep. Then, once he sat down, he looked to the new Immortal as he arrived - Cassion. He was almost grateful to see a familiar face, even if that face as an Immortal.

At the question asked, however, he considered for a moment. "A journey" he said in reply to the question. "Of a tribe branching outside of their home for the first time. And most definitely not the last" he nodded to the Immortal of stories, giving a smile that he didn't give often, warm and almost welcoming - the same way he would to someone of his own tribe. Cassion had earned respect for how he had been during the time in the ruins, and for that Ralgar was thankful.

Then he went back to quiet, not wanting to ask anything.
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            Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.


            Saoire's Realm

            It was obviously coming towards the end of the evening, and they had celebrated and thanked a lot of people, rightly so as far as Saoire was concerned. But there was more still to do and so she once again stepped up to the cleared area to speak. "It has been a wonderful evening and I hope that you have all enjoyed yourselves," she said with a smile. "But we are not yet done. There is wonderful food still to eat and people to thank." She looked around the room with pleasure and delight in her eyes.

            "The next two people are being thanked for their leadership," she smiled as she spoke that. "And first, of course, we must thank the Alberach of Scalvoris, Kura. Your determination in your role and commitment to keeping Scalvoris safe has, literally, saved the island on more than one occassion." Kura's role as the Alberach was well known - as was her "get in there" attitude to helping in a crisis. "For the arcs of service to Scalvoris, we give you thanks"

            Each Immortal stood and clapped for the Alberach, with Saoire leading them. "You deserve all the thanks we have and I want you to know that your efforts are appreciated" As she spoke, a platypus cadouri brought Kura a gift. It was boxed and wrapped and seemed to be a book of some kind. "It is very much our hope that you will enjoy this gift, and that it goes some way to showing you how deeply grateful we are."

            Again, she raised her glass. "The Alberach.!"

            The Fire Table
            Cassion asked them his question, and they answered. He sat and listened to them all, each one, and then he nodded. Natalia and Hart answered the question he had asked, Woe and Ralgar seemed somewhat oblivious to the undertones at the table. But, he gave a cheery grin and looked around. "You know," he said to Woe. "I am very pleased to be a grandfather. It is a great adventure, after all!" To Natalia, then, he turned his attention. "A mortalborn, aye! Coin-kin, no less. And why would you apologise for having feelings?" Cassion chuckled and shook his head. "They are the most mortal of things to have!" Her thoughts on the future caused a chuckle of some amusement from him, but he said no more.

            To Hart, and his explanation of how he felt, Cassion nodded. "IIt's not an uncommon reaction, that anger," he said. "Especially to one who has been told one thing and finds out another. And yes, biqaj are a strange and interesting folk." He shook his head slightly, and grinned again. "But then, aren't we all!" When Hart thanked him, though, Cassion ruffled Ruari's hair. "She is too beautiful, inside and out, for us to allow any harm to come to her. Too beautiful, and too loved."

            Woe asked if they had met before, and Cassion shook his head, "The first conversation I had with you, good sir," he said, amiably, "Was when you bemoaned the awfulness of Immortal parents to me. You quite cheered me up!" He gave Woe a grin. "What adventure is my favourite? Hmmm." That was an interesting question and he looked around at them, one at a time. "For you, Woe, the transition from Rynmere to here - it has been a long and slow road and you still stumble, time to time. But I respect that you take each step, and continue to do so." To Natalia, then, he turned and looked and he smiled. "There is so much for you to learn, still. Your journey has not yet begun, not truly. It will be a glorious adventure, I'm sure."

            He looked next at Ralgar. "If Natalia is on the journey of discovery, you are on the journey of re-discovery. In trying to regain what you have lost, you are gaining so much more along the way. It is a bright future for you, Deathkissed." And, finally, he turned his gaze to Hart. "Your story, Hart, is one of sacrifice. Of giving so that others may receive. There is nobility in your which you do not see and I hope, eventually, you will."

            That answered Woe's question. He moved on then to Natalia's, a much more practical and pragmatic one. "A number of people disappeared at the same time as the Warden," he said. "We believe that they were working with him. They are, currently, hidden from us." He gave a grim smile. "Not to be confused with those who turned up dead. I believe that Liza was fundamental to the drainglass and that Audrae is hiding her and others." His expression was, momentarily, dark.

            Hart's question gave Cassion a moment of pause and then, he shook his head. "You did not make a mistake," he said. "it was just another example of how you all taught me, surprised me. When given two options you all insisted on taking the third or fourth. " Mortals were such wonderful things. "It was part of what gave us the ability to change, to see, to question."

            It was a strange group here, Cassion thought, but there was no doubt that they had lessons to learn from each other. Whether they would- or not - of course, was a different thing. He looked at Wren and Iago and the children around the table and then he grinned. "Let me show you a magic trick?" And, as Wren found the card he had chosen was actually being sat on by Hart, as Iago realised that his card was in his own pocket and as Cassion seemed to pull a piece of sweet chocolate out of Ruari's ear, he kept the children entertained. Until, that was, Saoire spoke in tribute to Kura.

            Cassion stood and clapped with all the other Immortals. Then, he turned his gaze to Kura as it was his turn to speak. "I am sure that you hate this," he said, with a smile. "That you see yourself as merely performing your duty. Then let me thank you, Alberach, for performing your duty so well, for doing what you would expect of yourself, but which is so rare to see. Thank you for filling your role with passion and focus on this place and its people. Allow me the moment of telling you that you have made a difference and what you do is appreciated."

            Saoire's Realm

            As the staff collected the plates from the fourth course, Saoire rose again. "And now, a celebration of another type of leadership," she said . "That of leading by action. By deed. " Her gaze swept around the room until she saw the man she was speaking of - and to.

            "Oram Mednix stood in the Heart of Scalvoris and he refused to give up. He walked to a shattered altar and he began to rebuild. In the face of destruction," she seemed to be speaking directly to Oram, even though she was speaking about him. Her voice carried around the room and the pride in it was obvious. "In the face of destruction you rebuilt. You would not give in. And in that act and with that action, you epitomized everything that the Forged stands for." It was an important and serious point for her and she knew that she was not the only one who felt it.. "You are an example to us all, and we are beyond grateful to you, and for you."

            Again, there was applause. Cassion let out a whooping cheer for Oram and Saoire smiled. "I hope this gift brings you peace and pleasure" And indeed, Oram was brought a small gift in a box. It, too, seemed to be a book of some kind.

            The Fire Table

            As the food was cleared away, there was the penultimate tribute of the evening, this one to Oram. Cassion stood and clapped, loud and proud. Then, when it was his turn, he spoke. "I like you, Oram Mednix. I like your attitude, your approach to life and your stubborn determination to do the sensible, practical and right thing. But, then, I like a lot of people!" His expression was serious as he spoke that, even though it sounded like a joke. Because his next words were important. "But there are not many who I respect and admire. You are among that number. Thank you for each of your steps on this journey, you have aided Scalvoris selflessly and with great courage."

            It was then time to leave and he bowed low as he bade them farewell. "Enjoy your final course," he said. "And may you live a life so rich and full that, when you die, Adventure is there to greet you for the final journey and smiles as she says 'hello, old friend' to you" With that, he bounded off.

            The last Immortal to this table was Qylios and she walked over and smiled to them. "Greetings to you all, I am Qylios," she said and she sat down. "It has been quite the evening, has it not?" She looked at the cadouri waiter who had brought her final course, a bowl of sunfruit, and she smiled to them. "By now, of course, you know how this goes. However, we are doing things differently, this time."

            At the Fire Table, Qylios stood in her place. All eyes turned to her. "I am Qylios," she said with a smile. "And it is my honour and privilege to be here this evening. We have paid tribute to many, rightly so. But we have saved the final tribute until now, and it is mine to make." She looked around the room and her expression was serious, intense. "There is one here tonight, without whom there would have been enormous bloodshed. More than that, without his actions I would have been put in an impossible situation of my own foolish making." She was not too proud to admit that she knew that. "Without this man, the Warden and Audrae would have been able to attack, to harm, to carry out their plans and he bought us what we needed at enormous personal cost," she gestured to him, sitting at her table. "I ask you all to give thanks and show your appreciation for a man whose dedication to peace is as great as his determination to act. Thank you, Hart, for your actions. Thank you for saving my grand-daughter, and for saving me."
            Qylios sat down, once the other Immortals had spoken and she smiled at Hart. "I am sure that was far from comfortable, but it needed to be said." She was quite sure of that. Looking around, she watched the reactions of the others. "I wonder if you would tell me," she said, obviously aware of there being children at the table as well as those not involved in the Forging, "Of a time when you were proud of someone else, and what you were proud of?" She smiled at them, including the children, and then she added. "And ask of me what you will,"
            Please split your next (and final!) post into the following sections.
            • Fourth Course
              • Here you should answer the questions posed by other PCs.
              • You may also respond to the Immortal more (but no more questions, cos they're leaving in a bit)
            • Between Courses:
              • This is where you respond to Saoire's tribute to Kura & Oram
              • Please make sure you state if you applaud or not. All NPCs do.
            • Fifth Course
              • Here you get to answer the question of your new Immortal table-mate.
              • Also, you get to ask your own question of the Immortal.
              • No more Group Questions, as this is the final course. Instead, you should respond to the tribute to Hart

            Note: To keep this thread on track and moving, we are asking pcs to post weekly. If you do not post by the 'next post' date, you will be considered to have missed a round. If you miss one, you will simply be considered to have been quiet that round. If you miss two, you will be written out of the thread. Please let Pegasus, Avalon or Vulpes know if you will have trouble meeting a deadline.

            Next (and final!) Post: Sunday 26th September
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                      Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.


                      Fourth Course:

                      Natalia confirmed that Chamadarst was her likely kin, and Cassion also backed this up when he spoke to her. This was of interest, although he didn’t know what Chamadarst thought or felt about his own offspring, if he felt anything. Woe doubted that he did apart from whatever bargains or deals they took part in. He wondered if there was any long-term purpose to his offspring, as some Immortals seemed to harbor toward their children. Perhaps it was all about the deal that was struck to create the Mortalborn for him, and then he left the picture? It was almost sad, and he felt sorrow for Natalia for that. ”I’m sorry.”

                      Breen appeared next to Woe then, and whined piteously at him and then Natalia, trying to get his head under her hand, sniffing and licking her fingers if he could reach them.

                      Woe did watch as Natalia had her interactions with Ruari. The little girl really was quite adorable, almost too sweet for Woe’s taste, but then she wasn’t his own daughter. He suspected he’d have more patience for one of his own, should he ever sire one. As it was, he was loyal toward his adopted children, Toutouye and Iago, and Werthom before them.

                      Woe’s ears perked up as Natalia asked Cassion about the Egilrun representative, the former one Liza. The mortalborn had met her previously, and found her sisters entirely distasteful and hard to abide. He wasn’t sure if he’d had the occasion to meet the actual Liza that day, and presumed it was all smoke and mirrors, with one replacing the other, and shuffling in the mischievous way that sometimes twins and identical siblings did.

                      Woe listened carefully to Hart’s explanation of his story about how he learned he was mortalborn. It struck a definite chord with Woe, but then he’d never known a mother, whether adopted or Sintra herself. He spoke up after he was done talking, and said, ”Hart, I envy you your relationship with your real mother, the biqaj woman who loved you. Sintra was never anything like a mother to me, and I never had a surrogate to fill that role, in truth. To be honest, when I found out Sintra was my mother, I was very happy, but I was also very deluded and entrenched in her cult. I’ve since seen the errors of their ways, and come out of it with a realization that Sintra might as well not be my mother.”

                      When it came time for questions to be asked by his fellow diners, Natalia’s question was the first. Woe had trouble with it. The only traditions he knew were Webspinner traditions. He shook his head, ”The ritual of sitting down to dinner with people I care about. A daily tradition if you will, something that is very important I think.”

                      To Hart’s question, he grew long in the face. Breen whined at that, and tried to lick his fingers, ”I haven’t known such a day, a day with no regrets at all, yet.” Woe murmured, ”I’ve done things I’m glad about, and proud of, and had a sweet moment or two, but nothing I would relive without altering something.”

                      Woe listened quietly to Ralgar’s answers, however the tribesman was laconic as always, and kept his words to what was needing conveyance. Woe could appreciate a person who kept their words to a minimum. Discretion was a hard trait to learn, so it was valuable to have people who were capable of such at your side. Woe was glad that Ralgar had been there in Scaltoth with them.

                      Between Courses:

                      Woe heard the toast of the Albarecht, and rose to applaud her. However he had noted that she’d said nothing before or after his speech to Woe personally. Had he been a sentimental man, he might’ve taken offense. Afterall, they’d shared a moment beneath his mother’s blanket, and he’d given her his ring of life. But he’d done so with a purpose, and that wasn’t in order to garner accolades or curry favor with the Albarecth. So politely clap he did for Saoire and the Albarecht was toasted.

                      Woe also applauded for Oram. He was one of the people in Egilrun that Woe had come to greatly respect for his level-headedness and down to earth nature. He was a problem solver by nature, much like Woe considered himself to be, and Woe was glad he was on Scalvoris’ side.

                      As the applause died down, they got to converse with each other.

                      Fifth Course:

                      The final course was a bowl of sunfruit, which Woe also ordered, as it happened. Woe noted the presence of Qylios there, and bowed his head in greeting. Then she gave a tribute to Hart. Woe clapped lightly for him, and Qylios’ words. He was glad that Hart had played the part that he had. Woe had initially been angry that Hart would go ahead without any help or backup, and disappear without a trace. Woe wasn’t entirely aware of his role in the entire story at that point, but it all came clear later, and Woe kicked himself for not keeping the other Mortalborn close at hand.

                      Still, all’s well that ends well he supposed, and that had ended well enough. ”Thank you Hart, for your courage in facing the Warden alone, for the sake of your daughter. I was angry at first, when I learned you’d gone ahead and done that, but I understand the sentiment, and the desire to retrieve your daughter without dragging anyone else into it. For that you have my utmost respect.”

                      Finally, there came a time for Qylios to ask a question of them. Woe gave it some thought, and shook his head. ”I… Proud?” Woe thought on it a moment, ”It’s hard to pick one instance. But I was proud of my song Iago for being very cordial and gentlemanly toward Natalia tonight, when I wasn’t feeling up to the task of this event.” Woe sighed.

                      Finally, there came a time for them to make a request and ask questions of the Immortal. Woe turned to her when he got a chance, and spoke, ”I have a question for you, Lady Qylios, wrapped up in a request. My request is this, that if you feel unable or uncomfortable answering my question, you may refuse. My question is this. I’m curious about the man you sired the Warden with. What struck you most about them, what made you love them? If you did love them. And please, if you would, tell us more about the man that was your son, the Warden. Who was he, before he became the Warden? What did he mean to you?”

                      Woe frowned in concern, worried that he might have potentially struck a dangerous chord with the Immortal of Light. But then, if anyone had the courage to speak on uncomfortable topics, it was she who embodied courage.

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                                Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.

                                Ymiden 39, Arc 721
                                Fourth Course
                                Glancing to Woe, who sat next to her, the young woman noted him deep in thought for a moment, at the end of which he simply told her that he was sorry. Natalia wasn’t sure for what, but they could discuss it at the end of the evening. Smiling gently at him, she inclined her head. “I know, but you don’t have to be. I’ll sort it all out. It’s just going to take time.”

                                Breen was suddenly there, and Natalia gave him the attention he wanted, letting her hand gently stroke over his head.

                                Her interactions with the young girl were satisfying in a way she couldn’t explain. Natalia was careful with Ruari, enjoying the time spent. The young woman had no experience with children, and didn’t want to do something wrong, but the little girl made their interaction easy with her outgoing behavior. Smiling, she watched as Ruari gently stroked the crystal sculpture of the horse, called it Rensa. Laughing softly, Natalia nodded. “Indeed. Rensa is a good name. I’m sure he will enjoy it.”

                                Thinking for a moment, she spoke again to the girl. “Maybe if you come to Scalvoris Town, you can meet Rensa in person?” Casting a glance to Hart, Natalia gave a quick smile. “It would be my pleasure to introduce the two, if you are ever that way. Renaissance is very gentle.”

                                Soon enough, Ruari had returned to her father, and questions were asked of the table. Iago spoke up, asking about sand. Considering her answer quickly, she took a sip of her sparkling drink and answered the boy. “I don’t know that I currently have a favorite, but I’ve heard about the warm sand on Faldrass and have been curious. I’d like to go there someday and walk along the beach, I think.” It was a bit of a whimsical answer, but a little whimsy never hurt anyone, especially surrounded by so much of the fantastical.

                                Hart’s question was a bit more complex, but she had an answer ready for that too. “There will be, sometrial, a trial like you speak of, but I have not lived it yet. Still, I have hope. Ask me again in five arcs and perhaps the answer will have changed.” Smiling, she cast a glance around the table, letting her thoughts consider the people there, wondering how everyone would change in that time.

                                Cassion spoke to her, assuring her that her adventures had only just begun, while it seemed most others at the table were well on their way. Woe and Hart, especially, seemed to have lived lifetimes already and yet she was still struck by the fact she was currently located in an Immortal’s realm.

                                The Immortal’s answer to her question was interesting. Apparently, people had been taken and were hidden from even those with great power. Maybe someone needed to start looking for them.
                                Between Courses

                                Natalia rose as more people were honored, and one she recognized this time. Nudging Woe gently, she glanced in Oram's direction. "Is that the man that was at the outpost dedication?" She thought perhaps it was, but wasn't positive. He had been nice, although they hadn't spoken long.

                                Final Course
                                The evening was winding to a close, and their final courses were being delivered. For Natalia, it was a piece of decent chocolate cake. Before she could begin, however, two things occurred. First, they were joined by another Immortal - Qylios. Before they could learn anything further though, she began honoring another, who just happened to be sitting at their table - Hart.

                                Listening to what was said, Natalia rose and clapped, smiling as Woe spoke to Hart. Natalia hadn't taken the vial, and as such wasn't privy to the details of all that had happened, but whatever it was, it had been massive. She knew enough though. Perhaps with time, she would learn more.

                                Once things had settled down, Qylios did as those before her did, asking a question and offering to answer theirs. Natalia considered the question asked while Woe answered, causing a smile as she nodded in agreement. Iago had been quite the gentleman, and that train of thought led her to her answer. "I too am proud of Iago." Gifting the teen with a smile, she continued. "I'm very glad to know that your father taught you so well."

                                However, the young woman wasn't done with her answer. "Hart, Woe and Ralgar - I'm proud of them. I'm proud of all those within this room that had the courage to do what needed to be done. I don't need to know all the details to know it was important and we all should be grateful to them."

                                As for questions for the Immortal, Natalia didn't have any, nor for the table. She was enjoying listening to all that was going on, and spending time with friends - old and new.
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                                          Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.

                                          At Cassion's comment to Ralgar about a journey of rediscovery, the Mortalborn nodded his head politely, letting a wide smile spread across his face. As he did he realized he hadn't answered about Joy, the man deciding not to take the scroll. "I am glad for the part I played in saving Joy, but her journey and mine are of two different worlds. I trust she is in good hands with you as her grandfather, and with the good people surrounding her" he nodded respectfully to Cassion, before sitting up straight again.

                                          This table had been a strange experience for the Deathkissed, truth be told. That much was a thought he felt when the group started to ask questions, reminiscing about the experience so far as it came time to answer the questions asked so far. There was a difference between him and the others that had grown more prominent, not that he minded much. At Hart's question, he paused for a moment, unsure at first. After a few seconds of thinking, he had his answer. "I would choose to relive days of my youth. Working with my father in the snow, carrying wood back to the houses for fires. Nothing beat it" he nodded, before turning to Nat as she asked about favorite traditions.

                                          "We have many rituals in the Bro'ky'na, and often we share our food and experiences together in Scaltoth of an evening. So those" he said, loving the feeling of being sat around a fire with all of his tribe members, eating that day's hunt and sharing tales of their time out in the jungles. There was something magical about it, with the Scaltoth night around, the sounds of the wildlife echoing across the plains. It was a life that Ralgar wouldn't give up for anything. When it came to colors of sand from Iago, Ralgar didn't truly know how to answer, having spent near to no time at any of the beaches in Scalvoris. So for the moment, he kept quiet.

                                          At the tribute to Kura and Oram, Ralgar applauded both, though his eyes focused on Kura for a moment longer as the woman he knew from this entire ordeal. She had brought him into the event, and the two had fracture scars together now, along with Nir'wei. As well as that, she was the leader of Scalvoris Town, and a powerful one from the little time he had spent with her. Blunt, to the point, formal all in one. Perhaps part of it was due to his time in the Bro'ky'na, but he had respect for Kura and people like her, viewing her as better than most civil folk. She was unwilling to sit by and let the world move. Instead, she made choices herself. That took courage.

                                          At the final course Ralgar had a dark chocolate cake, with an intense flavor to it, the man taking a bite and immediately feeling a warmth through him as a final tribute came. This time to Hart. Ralgar didn't hesitate to applaud, giving Hart a nod with a reassuring smile. "To Hart" he said simply, grateful to the man that had prioritized his tribe when things were bad, wanting to make sure they were safe before they ventured to the Induk. It was a small act of kindness, but it had told Ralgar all he needed to know of Hart.

                                          When it came to Qylios' question, Ralgar simply smiled at the immortal of Courage. "When a group of strangers arrived at Scaltoth, after a strange cold overshadowed and my people were confused, some scared. When one man offered aid, asking if there was anything they needed. I was proud to work alongside a man like that."

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                                                    Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.

                                                    39th Ymiden, 721
                                                    fourth course
                                                    When Cassion said that Hart had nobility in him, Hart said, with a smile in his voice, "The nobility would be on my father's side." His father was a Venora, a noble of Rynmere, and Hart smiled lightly at the immortal.

                                                    "I would guess," Hart said, the smile no longer in his voice, "That there is something noble in me." The thought that there was nobility in him, though, and that it should be acknowledged by him, was difficult.

                                                    But, he thought, Cassion wasn't likely to describe qualities in him that weren't there.

                                                    Hart looked at him for a long moment, when Cassion said that his decision about Joy wasn't a mistake. Then he nodded, gratefully. "Thank you," Hart said.

                                                    When he'd thanked Cassion before, the immortal had mussed Ruari's hair.

                                                    Then, Cassion did some magic tricks for the kids. Hart looked for Wren's card, and Wren looked at Cassion, taken by surprise. "How did you do that!" Wren said, more and more surprised by Cassion's magic the more Cassion did it.

                                                    Ruari was too little to get the magic tricks, not knowing that a card that was here shouldn't magically be there. The two year old did know, though, that chocolates weren't meant to be in ears. She looked indignant when Cassion brought the chocolate from her ear, nearly as indignant as she'd looked when he'd mussed her hair. But despite her indignance at the immortal, Hart noticed that she -and Wren- liked him, as well.

                                                    Smiling because of Cassion's tricks, Hart thought about Iago's
                                                    . "I'd have to say Faldrass sand, as well," Hart said when Natalia said Faldrass. "Because of that, orange sand. The sand is warm, but it doesn't get overly warm like other sand gets in the sun."

                                                    He smiled. "I'm looking forward to swimming in Faldrass waters, in Vhalar," Hart said. "The sand should make the water warm; good for swimming, when otherwise in Vhalar the water might get too cold." Too cold, at least, for other swimmers.

                                                    To Natalia's
                                                    , Hart said without much thought, "My family has a tradition of meeting, in summer. There's a location we meet once a year, so that if we've sailed to different corners of the world, or if we've not met with one another of late, or if we've otherwise lost contact with one another, we're still able to meet. It's a big get together, and often lasts for one or more ten-trials."

                                                    Hart hadn't sailed to that location, though, since he'd lost his ship. For a moment he was quiet, thinking; then he looked over at Woe and Natalia as they spoke.

                                                    Woe said that he envied him his relationship with his mother, and Hart said, "She's a lovely woman; a lovely mother." Woe said that he'd not had a mother, and Hart thought of questioning him about what he'd said. Her cult.

                                                    But, thinking a moment, Hart didn't question him. It might be a history Woe would not like to relive.

                                                    Speaking of, Natalia and Woe said that there wasn't a day in their lives they would relive, and Hart looked at them both, quietly. There were many days in Hart's life that he would have liked to relive; there were many, many good days.

                                                    "I wish you both a good life," he said, "With many good days."

                                                    He smiled when Ralgar said he'd relive the days of his youth. "I would as well," Hart told him.

                                                    Natalia invited Ruari to meet her horse, Renaissance, and Hart smiled at her, as well. "Sometime later in summer?" he said. "Or maybe in Vhalar?"

                                                    between courses

                                                    The fourth course was taken away, and Saoire stood to give the
                                                    speeches of the night. Kura and Oram were honored as leaders, and Hart stood and gave them their ovation, glad that they were being honored.

                                                    "Kura," he said. Her work in the Glass Temple had been pivotal to the groups' success. "Without your mind for organization, your brilliant leadership, your vivid political insight and intelligence-"

                                                    He looked at her thoughtfully, and because of that he smiled when he said,

                                                    "-and without your thoughtfulness, we would have been lost." He was quiet a moment, then he nodded and said once more, "We would have been lost without you, Albarech. Thank you." He bowed to her.

                                                    "Oram," Hart said. "I was impressed by your work in the Glass Temple." Like Woe and Doran, Hart thought that Oram was one of those who should be honored not only for their work in the Forging, but for their diligence in the trials and ten-trials before.

                                                    "In the Forging, though, I was impressed by your leadership," much like he'd been impressed by Kura's.

                                                    "But also by your groundedness, your logistical thinking, and your determination. There were obstacles in the Sweetwine group that I know I would have had difficulty with. But you -and your group- forged through them. Like Saoire said, you are a brilliant example of what a forged should be."

                                                    "Thank you, to the both of you," Hart said.

                                                    fifth course

                                                    It was the fifth and last course, and Hart had but a moment to take in his dessert -a simple fruit parfait, topped with whipped cream- before Qylios spoke.

                                                    Qylios said that there was one more guest to be honored, and Hart -who'd thought Kura and Oram would be the last- stood to congratulate them. But when she spoke, it was evident that she was speaking about Hart.

                                                    It was like Cassion had said, Hart thought. Cassion had said that there was nobility in him but that Hart wasn't able to acknowledge it, and it was quite difficult for him to acknowledge the honor given him now. Hart had Wished, yes; he had Wished, and he was Fracturing. There weren't a lot of Wishes left in him; there wasn't a lot of him left to give.

                                                    But it was the others -those in the forging, and those who'd given of themselves in other ways, like Galena- who had granted his wish. He'd wished that the nation would be okay. He'd wished that Joy would be okay, as well.

                                                    "I wouldn't have been able to Wish if not for others," Hart said, when the immortals had spoken. "I was without the ability to Wish, in the vault; Ziell gave me the ability. And he and Chamadarst gave me Bao, whose Wish I granted." He looked to the little cadouri. "It was Bao who Wished for Peace."

                                                    "Nonetheless," Hart said, "Thank you."

                                                    Thank you, Vega, he thought to the locket.

                                                    Sitting down, Hart noticed he was a bit breathless from being honored; it had stolen his breath in a way that honoring others hadn't. He laughed quietly to himself. He had a bite of parfait, which was very good despite -or maybe because of- its simplicity. When Qylios spoke to him, Hart laughed once more and thanked her.

                                                    Qylios' question wasn't difficult, and Hart said, "I'm proud of Wren." If Hart was honored, he was honored to be Wren and Ruari's father. Hart spoke to Qylios, though he also spoke to Wren who looked to him with a beautiful light in his dark eyes, "I'm proud of Wren going to Hopetoun."

                                                    "Like Woe said, I made the decision to go to the Warden by myself. I was told to do it in a dream, and I knew that it would likely be dangerous." In honesty, he'd thought he might die. "But I made the decision." He wouldn't have made a different decision; if Hart hadn't made it, Ruari would have been in the vault by herself.

                                                    "Wren was with me when I made the decision to go, but Wren wasn't able to go with me. I gave him a locket Daia gave me, to let him go to where the other lion locket was, in Hopetoun." Though he wouldn't have made a different decision, it had been difficult; deciding to go to Ruari, deciding to leave Wren.

                                                    "Wren was afraid," Hart said, and the boy looked at him quietly. "But he was determined too, despite being afraid; he was courageous like a lion. I couldn't have given the lion locket to someone more deserving of it." Qylios was the immortal of Courage; she would know Wren was deserving.

                                                    She was the immortal of Light, as well; she would know of Wren's light. "In the darkness," Hart said, "Wren was a light like a star. Vega couldn't have given her hope to someone more deserving of it." Neither could Wren have given his hope to someone more deserving than Vega.

                                                    "I'm proud of Wren," Hart said once more. For a moment, maybe, the light in Wren was visible to the others there, too.

                                                    With Qylios' question answered, Hart was quiet. He smiled once more at Ralgar, when Ralgar answered. "The Bro'ky'na should be proud of you," he told the great man, simply.

                                                    To Nat's answer, he said as well, "Thank you."

                                                    When Woe asked his question of Qylios, Hart thought a moment. Then he asked her, "If it's not too much I'd like to know a bit about the Warden, as well. Maybe a memory of him, of when he was younger? A good memory, if you would. If not though, if it's too much, that's okay."

                                                    Wren, tired now but determined, looked to Qylios. He questioned her in a whisper, presumably so Cassion wouldn't notice him asking, "Was Cassion's magic trick magic, or was it sight of hands?"

                                                    "Sleight of hand," Hart whispered to him, and Wren whispered to Qylios, "Oh, I meant sleight of hands. Was it magic magic, or was it sleight of hands?"
                                                    Objectives met in this post are
                                                    - all objectives
                                                    • fourth course, Hart answered Iago's question
                                                    • fourth course, Hart answered Natalia's question
                                                    • between courses, Hart clapped for the two being honored; he also thanked them
                                                    • fifth course, Hart had a parfait
                                                    • fifth course, Hart responded to being honored by Qylios
                                                    • fifth course, Hart said he was proud of Wren
                                                    • fifth course, Hart asked Qylios for a memory -maybe a good memory!- of the Warden
                                                    • fifth course, Wren asked Qylios if Cassion's magic trick was magic, or sleight of hand
                                                    Thank you to the mods for this event!
                                                    word count: 1776
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                                                              Re: [Telka] Saoire's Heroes: The Fire Table.


                                                              Saoire's Realm

                                                              Saoire smiled to those assembled. There was one more person to honor, and she was very happy because it was right to do so.

                                                              "Throughout these events, there was one whose impact was felt keenly by many. Her actions and deeds were a start, many arc ago, and what happened then touched many of the people that we honor here tonight. From the shores of Faldrass, where visions of her and said events were seen, to the Heart of Scalvoris, where her ability with children was channeled, woven into the grand story that was able to be masterfully created, she may not have been physically with us, but Vega Creede’s spirit and determination were with all of us, and now, a gift.”
                                                              Turning to Vega, Saoire held out a small glittering orb to Vega. The fairies within the room descended upon Saiore, Vega and the orb. As Vega placed her hands on the orb, she would feel an energy surge through her. It was gentle, as though music was flowing within, notes playing within her mind. The fairies began to glow, and the whole room suddenly heard the beautiful melody.

                                                              "“We thank you, Vega Creede – Song Forged!"

                                                              And finally, as Vega returned to her seat, the feast in Saoire's realm was done. The last of the food was eaten and, as the waiting staff cleared away the plates, Saoire spoke for the final time. "I'd like to give my personal thanks," the Immortal said "to the waiters and the chefs and all those who made this evening so very wonderful. Thank you" She led the room in the last round of applause for the night.

                                                              Then, with music playing and fairies fluttering, Saoire looked around at them - each one of them. "I hope that your evening has been filled with happiness and that you carry some of that with you, into the future. It is a brighter future we all step to, because of the actions of those we've celebrated today and I thank you for sharing the evening with us." Then, she gestured. "Please, feel free to stay and mingle if you choose. For those who are returning home, you just need to go out to the turtle bay, and you'll be sent back. Those who are staying the night, I hope you are comfortable."

                                                              Then, she bowed her head and bade them farewell.

                                                              The Fire Table

                                                              Qylios looked at Woe for a long moment as he first answered her question and asked his own. Her face was impassive, unreadable and she spoke quietly. "His father was a kind man," she said, her gaze not deviating. "Kind and good. He had suffered enormous hardships in his childhood, but he had refused to let them define him." Pausing for a moment, she bit her lip and then added, emotion thickening her voice. "He was the bravest man and the brightest light I have ever known." As for the second part of his question, she again spoke carefully, slowly. "My son loved with all his heart and all his soul," she said. "And what he meant to me? He was my son and I his mother. There is no greater bond."

                                                              And on that topic, she said no more, for the moment.

                                                              Instead, she looked at Wren. Natalia had answered her question, but had none of her own and when Natalia answered, Qylios nodded but said no more. Hart's description of Wren, though, that drew her attention in a way which many other words had not. "I see the light and courage you are," she said to Wren. Looking at him, she listened to Hart's question of her and she nodded once to him, but although she answered his question, her words were directed to Wren.

                                                              "I remember a trial, when my son was a child," she said. "we were in a park and he was on a swing. I loved the sound of his laughter," she said with a smile. "It made me happy. Next time I am afraid, Wren, I will think of you and your bravery. Thank you, for helping me to be brave."

                                                              When Wren asked about Cassion's magic trick, though, Qylios laughed. "I am duty bound to tell you, all of you, that everything Cassion does is magic," she said with a smile. Then, she bade the children around the table a farewell, then the adults.

                                                              The Review


                                                              Oh my gosh, Woe went through all the emotions here! Every single one of them! He was obviously struggling, psychologically and you wrote him as deliciously unhappy and quite out of place - or feeling such. He's an incredibly complex fellow and I do very much enjoy reading him. My favourite aspect of your writing is how well you portray his NPCs and how each of them has such a distinct personality. It was a pleasure to mod you in this event, and I hope that you enjoy your well-deserved rewards.


                                                              Oh, poor Natalia what a rollercoaster this thread was for her. Between Woe's hot/cold to her and then finding out that she's a mortalborn! You played her riding those rapids incredibly well, your writing was clear and it showed her as someone struggling with news and struggling to maintain a sense of dignity and decorum. She seemed to really take refuge in her interactions with Iago and Ruari, which was lovely to see. Great writing - enjoy your well-deserved rewards!


                                                              It's a shame that you were too busy to complete this event as it's always a pleasure to mod Alyssia. You write her beautifully and I hope that you enjoyed what you did here - enjoy your rewards!


                                                              Oh, my heart. He's so incredibly deep, fundamentally thoughtful and Hart's journey here is played out in a microcosm of a five course meal. He's a devoted father and a determined friend who always follows his own moral code. I loved the questions he asked, they were so well-considered and thought provoking. You write Hart with real grace and skill and it's been a pleasure to moderate you in this event. Enjoy those rewards - you earned them!


                                                              I think the thing that impresses me most with your writing here is how you maintained Ralgar being 'outside' of the group. He was at the table, he was present, but he wasn't part of it at all and that takes quite a lot of skill to achieve. You write Ralgar very well and I very much hope to see more of him in the future. Enjoy these rewards!

                                                              If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
                                                              Thank you - hope you enjoyed the thread!
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