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Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 12:36 am
by Woe

Woe shrugged when she thanked him for saving her. It wasn't done out of a sense of altruism or goodness forbid some misaligned sense of chivalry. Woe had done what he did in order to improve Scalvoris' chances in the war. Lest they forget he had thought to throw away one woman's life in order to put a premature end to the war. Something Kura would learn about in just a short time, and perhaps even hold against him. He didn't care, his life in perspective wasn't important either. "Scalvoris needs its head of government, Albarech." Woe said simply, and with that, he approached her and slipped the ring of reversal off his finger. With that, he handed it over to her. "This ring will ensure your survival, should another mishap occur." Woe wouldn't hear of it if she tried to refuse. Let it lay on the ground if she didn't want it. Woe was expendable, she was not.

"There's a lot to parse through, and I don't know what kind of time we have." Woe adjusted his blackened glasses on his face, and looked at Kura in the eye, also catching Elisabeth's as he backed away from them. "In the Glass Temple, I was given a full view of what has happened, the extent of the Immortal involvement in the war, and also much about the Warden himself. There's more to share, but for now, I will give you the full understanding of what I saw in that temple."

And so, if Kura accepted that he would show her the information, and he gave her every assurance that it wouldn't show her anything she didn't wish to see, Woe would make certain that both Kura and Elisabeth were given what he had seen and known so far about all that had been transpiring in Egilrun, with the Immortal visitations of mortals in the recent days leading up to Chamadarst's entrance to the Glass Temple, and also the broader history of the conflict.

When it was all done, Woe caught his breath, but outside of the transmission of so much knowledge, it appeared little time had passed at all. There was more time, and Woe would make them understand him if they were willing to listen.

"I am Woe, the son of Sintra. I've only just moved to Egilrun this season, but in that time the War has moved quickly to sweep others into its wake. I don't enjoy war, but for all my wandering it appears to follow wherever I go." Was he oversharing again? Woe didn't care particularly but would continue to do as he thought he must. And he felt that fact of his heritage informed more than just the circumstances of his birth. To know his mother, one must also understand the forces that had shaped him into who he was.

"I'll say to you, what I told to the Quacian Royal Court: The enemy will not stop at anything to achieve their aims. If we lose Scalvoris, there may be nowhere safe left to go." Woe shrugged, "I am pragmatic. There is no life, not even my own, that I wouldn't throw into eternal perdition if it meant defeating the Warden, or seeing him sealed away in eternal isolation."

Woe gestured toward Ru, "My patron, Chamadarst, could not see Hart wherever he's being kept. He retrieved Ru, Hart's daughter, in hopes that perhaps Hart will try to come for her I presume. Hart himself is hidden from the sight of Immortals somehow." Woe sighed, "I can only hope his suspicions are correct. I don't know exactly why, but Hart is important, he could turn the tide in this war, somehow."

The son of Sintra held up his hands, palms upward as if offering submission to the Albarech and Elisabeth. "I tried to throw Elisabeth's life away, thinking that perhaps that would buy peace. That being the case, perhaps I should go to the dungeons, but I'd ask you to allow me to help in this war first before any punishment is rendered. Everything I've done, from deciding that Elisabeth was worthy of exchange with the Warden, to preserving your life has been a value calculation. If you owe me anything, spare me your thanks. Allow me to help."
 ! Message from: Woe
Woe has used the magical enchantment on his glasses to share his experiences at the Glass Temple, detailed here: viewtopic.php?f=251&t=26143

As well, he's shared the following information in the space of a few seconds with Kura, and also Elisabeth.

1. The story given in the exposition (not the links just the words in there).
2. The story given in the second exposition
3. The events of the Immortals-driven plots Peg has been doing. This will show all of them (even ones not yet completed):-
Sign of Five - Oram and Vhalar.
Once Upon a Time - Elisabeth and U'frek
Rising Stars - Doran and Xiur
A Dark & Stormless Night - Darius and Cassion
Bloody Resemblance - Yeva and Grizelda

Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:55 am
by Elisabeth Black


Arc 721, 30 Ashan

She had helped Kura to her feet and words were spoken with Moeske. The Albarech was right – they were behind.

The three entered the building erected by Moeske. Elisabeth, holding Ru, walked slowly, not wishing to wake the toddler. Her cloak was still draped gently over her, wished to keep her warm as they spoke of visions and plans. Woe was the first to speak and that suited her fine. However, it was soon apparent that he intended to show them things instead of speaking of them. For speed, perhaps that was the most efficient, but lots could get lost in context and they didn’t have time for that.

She watched what he showed, now having the blanks from her own visions filled in. Once that was done, it was time to start doing what had been asked of her – putting the puzzle together.

Niece? Well, that cleared that confusion up. Ru was Kura’s niece. She wasn’t sure quite how the family lines ran but it didn’t really matter at that moment.

Woe was the son of Sintra? Another mystery solved, although Elisabeth wasn’t a fool. Judging a book by its cover wasn’t her thing. She judged people by their actions and his had not endeared him to her in the least. They would both probably notice that the young mage was sitting nearer to Kura, making sure there was space between her and the man. She gently toyed with the silver band on her finger as she listened but didn't allow her thoughts to go where they wanted.

It was a good thing that he told Kura what he had done in the Glass Temple. If he hadn’t, she would have. Not because it gave her great pleasure to do so but the Albarech needed to know the people she was working with and what they were capable of. Every piece of information was valuable.

When he finished, they would find Elisabeth unmoved. A lesson had been learned and she wasn’t going to make the same mistake again. She held the sleeping Ru, stroking her hair, focusing on what she was going to say. Time was limited and Kura didn’t like rambling.

At the very least, with him speaking first, had afforded her the time to process what she had seen and formulate a plan of attack for the information. She was built for processing information and breaking it into smaller, digestible chunks. A big part of research was just that.

Kura had just seen everything that had happened. Now it was time to hear it from a different perspective, but there wasn’t time for everything. All three were still processing so she needed to hit the main points and they could go from there. Slipping her notebook out from her pack, she let her eyes go back over some of the notes she had written previously after her meeting with U’frek. By the time he was done, Elisabeth was ready…

“Albarech, in two trials, I have had three Immortals – Ziell, U’frek, Moeske – either tell me or confirm that because I’m unmarked, I have the ability and potential to take all the information coming in and see the bigger picture, because I’m not influenced by any of them. One would have been asking. Three, I’m being shouted at. It’s too big to ignore. So, I offer you what pieces I can put together in the limited time I’ve had…..”

Deep breath.

“The Warden. Chamadarst told us to tell you that you are right about him. Son of Qylios and has a being, of unknown power, that is disguised as his daughter…and she’s influencing him. She’s imprisoned below Slag’s Deep, and the Immortals don’t know who or what it is. Everything about her is hidden from them. He swore a blood oath in Vhalar’s name to protect her. The Warden is trapped in Slag’s Deep and his powers are tied to the place. To weaken him, we need to weaken the place. There is an indication that he’s being manipulated too but I’m not sure if that’s solely the creature or the outside force that seems to be shrouding things all over the place. “

She was struggling to keep everything in her mind. Between the Glass Temple and what she had just seen, her mind was on overload.

“The creature disguised as the daughter took power from the five Scalvoris Induks. Releasing Faldrass stole some of her power. Xiur thinks releasing the others will weaken her enough. Earth, Air, Water, and the Heart. That confuses me because I thought Vega already released the Heart of Scalvoris. A Seal was broken when she did that. The Seals seem to be important but Vhalar told the one man that they were hidden as well. The Manor being destroyed on Faldrass broke another Seal. Freeing the Induk broke another. Chrien also seems to think that one of her own destroyed the Manor. “

What had U’frek said about the Manor? Oh balance….

“Balance seems to come up a lot. U’frek also talked about the Manor on Faldrass being part of the balance and he said balance held the seasons in sway and if broken, future impassable for 'living souls'. “

Ru wiggled a bit, prompting the young woman to readjust the child in her arms as she began again.

“Chrien seems to be angry at Linca on Havardr because he disrespected Lisirra, and apparently, she was keeping balance. Linca is cursed by Lisirra now. Something about the ruins on Immortal’s Tongue being balance. Balance between Moeske and her sisters, which I’m guessing is Audrae and Lisirra. Audrae seems to be the one hiding all the things in shadows. Yeva has been told what to do to set things right there, I think.

Chrien was mad about a lot of things. What else? Oh…

“Chrien is angry about the death of Fei. Fei’s grave lies below Scalvoris and apparently is ‘corked’ now. If the being under Slag’s Deep is released, the cork will blow and by all indications, that isn’t a good thing. Mention keeps being made of mortals seek to intrude at a sacred place, which I have surmised is possibly Fei’s grave.”

Her mind was starting to bog down a bit.

“Egilrun. Chamardast wants to protect it. Something about it has power and if it falls, the power will be lost. Something about the glass doing back and forth from Egilrun and Viden. I can’t be sure but the glass and all the mentions of power from underneath or such seem to be focused on the colored sands and Egilrun. From beneath you, it devours. Faldrass might be involved with that too. There was mention that the Baron had some suspicions about that.”

There were things she didn’t understand in the information. She knew the docks reference was something Kura would understand as Vega had mentioned they both had been there. She wasn’t sure about the woman Darius had referenced – the one that seemed to be not dead. She knew nothing of the Watch.

"U’frek mentioned the ‘Childen of Fei, Sons of Ati'el’ and combat that could 'rend' reality open. I don’t know who the sons of Ati’el are yet so I can’t speak to why they are involved. A lot of Immortals seem to have been tricked and manipulated, which might explain why they are crawling all over this. There’s mention of the Pirate Lords as well."

Finally, she ended with the question that had started this whole meeting.

"A Cadouri by the name of Bao has taken the place of Ru. We were instructed by Chamadarst and Ziell to come to you and tell you what we knew."

There was more. So much more but until their situation was a little more secure, she held up at that point, deciding that it was enough for the time being.

Her eyes fell to her ring again. Oh! How could she have forgotten?

Holding up her hand, she pointed out the ring. "A set of rings were gifted to Balthazar at Cylus Dusk. This is one of them. They are connected and indicate if the other is in true need of the other or is in danger. When the storm started here, my ring went off, indicating Balthazar is in 'true need' of my help or is in danger. I find the timing suspect. What if this storm isn't just here?" Of course, she was worried about him and Haven, but there was very little she could do in the moment.

Sighing softly, Elisabeth sat back in her chair, considering Kura.

"You saw the sum whole of my life in a file not so long ago. You've talked to me. You even get reports on Balthazar and I. I have to believe you have a good sense of who I am by now. I have sworn to do what I can to help."

Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:14 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Kura took the ring Woe gave her, though some visible reluctance, then nodded when he said he could show her everything that was important and accepted the transfer of memory. When he was done and gave a full introduction of himself and explained what he had done and why, she scowled. Him being a follower of Chamadarst explained pretty much the entirety of his actions, as the followers of that overblown merchant looked at everything like a business transaction. It made for some shaky allies, but she could deal with that. As for him being a son of Sintra, she didn't much care. He decided his actions, not his mother.

Then Elisabeth started talking, very quickly at that, and explaining her role in things and giving a summary of what she had just seen. Kura, as was her wont, listened silently to what she had to say, closing her eyes briefly at the end when she explained what had happened to Bao. Hopefully the cadouri was safe, but they couldn't do much for him at the moment. When Elisabeth was done, Kura stood and started to pace, her eyes on the ground before her as she processed all she had been shown and told and started to put it together with information she already had.

"We are not so behind as I had feared. Nothin' is ever as simple on Scalvoris, and bein' aware of this islands habit of kickin' off in a bunch of ways at once, I've had watchers in place over the most likely places for additional Induks. Sweetwine, Ishallr, the Immortals Tongue, and that damned Tower. Faldrass is a known entity and our ally." she said, coming to a stop. "I've also got contacts among the Scaltoth tribes as well. I think we'll have to go lookin' for those other Induk with a bit more urgency than I had initially planned." she said, her tone quiet.

"One of Chrien's Blessed was responsible for, at the least, greatly contributin' to the manor's collapse. I had intended to deal with that personally, but so far as I know, the Blessed in question is dead. I'll have to look into Linca, but as for Moseke's sisters, there's four that I know of. Lisirra and Audrae, yes, but also Sintra and Famula." she said, glad that her mother had seen to it that she got a far more thorough education in Immortals than most. "Of those, Audrae would be the mostly likely to be behind this." she said, her tone calm.

"As to Egilrun, there's a glass crafter somewhere in Viden that's been unknowingly supplyin' the Warden, according to sources in Viden. Likely the originatin' glass is coming from Egilrun. I'll have to put a hard stop on outgoin' shipments for the time bein', I think. See if that drags our glass crafter out into the open where we can figure what she's been sendin' the Warden." she said, before pausing in thought. "Sons of Ati'el...Vhalar, Ziell, and Chamadarst. Since Chamadarst is literally the Immortal of Neutrality, that's probably referrin' to Vhalar and Ziell...who are both seasonal Immortals. A fight between them would be very bad." she said, grimacing at that thought.

When Elisabeth mentioned her rings, Kura frowned. "Most likely, the storm is hittin' every important place on Scalvoris. That would include Faldrass, unfortunately." she said, before growling. "Chrien's rage is a major problem now. I've no intention of lettin' anybody just go pokin' around a Grand Fracture for a whim, but she'd never believe me if I said it, and I can't get people movin' until this damn storm passes." she said, her eyes slowly turning gold as she started to pace again, her agitation clearly visible in every move she made.

Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:39 pm
by Woe

She took the ring, and that put Woe's mind at ease. He had little else to contribute after that, so he remained silent as the woman from the Temple, Elisabeth, pieced together the parts of the puzzle that he'd just unceremoniously dropped into their laps. He wasn't great at piecing together information or coming up with impromptu plans without some time for forethought, and it'd all been a little too much for him to process when Chamadarst revealed the visions to him. So he was glad that Kura and Elisabeth were already apparently deeply involved in the research going into the current crisis. For his part, he felt very much the ignoramus. No one had ever known so much yet had so little to show for it, as Woe.

Still, he was committed to helping, given his Patron's insistence that he protect Egilrun. It was a task he took seriously, as anyone in the world that meant more than a damn to him was currently stuck there. He would want to check on them as soon as possible, or else send someone, but for now the wellbeing of the Island as a whole hung in the balance. As Chamadarst had said, this wasn't a time for personal concerns. He had to be able to step back, and act on the big picture rather than homing in on minutiae.

He waited and listened as Kura thought aloud. And he would continue to wait and listen, as they came to a consensus. Whatever it was. "I'll help the Island, and Egilrun however I can." Was his only assurance.

Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:35 pm
by Elisabeth Black


Arc 721, 30 Ashan

With Ru still asleep, Elisabeth was able to focus on the Albarech’s words, looking for any places she could additionally contribute, but Kura was far more knowledgeable than she when it came to Immortals and such moments did not occur. Instead, she was the one being educated.

“The woman Darius spoke of? That’s not dead? Is that whom you believe is responsible for the loss of the Manor? I didn’t know much about that part so I couldn’t see those pieces.”
It was frustrating to know as much as she did and still be unable to see what she needed to. Thankfully, the information was where it needed to be, and a plan could be made.

“I still don’t know what the Pirate Lords have to do with any of this, the Pact they made, according to legend. I’ve thought about it over and over. U’frek mentioned it but I didn’t hear anyone else talk about it…”

Frowning when Kura said that most likely Faldrass was being impacted by the storm as well, Elisabeth’s heart dropped. She should be there, helping…but it wasn’t to be. The Universe had put her somewhere else.


She almost hesitated to mention him, but deep inside, Elisabeth knew she had to. Use all the tools you have available to you. It was a lesson Balthazar himself had taught her. Kura might see things differently, but she wouldn’t know until she said something.

Speaking softly, but direct, Elisabeth met Kura's gaze. “Albarech, if matters are as bad as they seem to be, and we are fighting for the whole island, we need everyone willing and able to step up. People might be spread across the whole of it. Balthazar, magic or no, is still one of the best fighters I know and could be extremely helpful as we move forward in an investigative capacity. He has experience with Induks. I respectfully ask that you consider allowing him to help. There's also Praetorum. He’s somewhere in Scalvoris too. He can help. He visited us in Haven right after you left. He helped with that same matter in Rharne that Balthazar was involved in.”

The young mage was straining to find anything in her mind that would help Kura. The storm was still raging, and Kura was a woman of action. Until the storm stopped, they simply had to wait.

Re: Glass Chessmen, En Prise

Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 12:07 pm
by Pegasus
Your Review
Sincere apologies for the delay on this review. Please be assured that it is down to my workload, not any reference to how much I enjoyed this thread! You all played your PCs wonderfully and I am so very struck by the aftermath of a situation where emotions had run very high indeed. It's evident that they've just seen someone willingly sacrifice themselves and that has left an imprint on them. Beautiful writing! Enjoy your very well-deserved rewards.



Oh, poor Elisabeth - flung into the maelstrom, literally. She has so much to deal with here and things just keep on coming. I was really impressed with how she kept her focus on protecting Ru, telling the Albarech and yet, always in the back of her mind she was aware of what had happened back in the Glass Temple. The aftermath of Woe offering Elisabeth as a sacrifice and of Bao then sacrificing himself is yet to play out - but I'm really looking forward to it. Lovely writing!


XP: 20 XP (10 of which may be used for Defiance)
Renown: 20


None from this one.


Caregiving: Use a frightened child's name.
Caregiving: Ask before picking up a child.
Caregiving: Protecting a child in a maelstrom
Caregiving: Physically protecting a child with your body
Defiance: Casting in a lightning storm
Defiance: How the elements respond to the presence of an Immortal.
Defiance: How real-life emergency / chaos impacts casting
Detection: Noting subtle changes
Detection: Noting very un-subtle changes.
Discipline: Remaining focused in a crisis.
Discipline: Focusing on the here and now.
Discipline: Acknowledge the feeling, take a step.
Endurance: Hail pelting you constantly
Endurance: The physical demands of a high-energy situation.
Endurance: Being in an explosion
Endurance: Dealing with impact
Endurance: The strange sensation of being healed.
Investigation: Putting together pieces from different sources.
Investigation: Understanding a very big picture is tricky
Investigation: Communication is key.
Investigation: Consider what you don't know
Investigation: Identify gaps.
Persuasion: Insisting without being angry.
Research: Delivering your information .
Research: Putting together patterns.
Rhetoric: Succinct delivery of information.
Singing: Singing to comfort a child
Tactics: Protect yourself in a crisis so that you can function when the rocks stop falling.
Tactics: Know where your people are.
Tactics: Shifting priorities are an inevitable consequence of a changing situation.
Tactics: Take every moment you can.



Wow, what a thread for Woe! He was dealing with a lot here and you played him and his skill set excellently. His logical standpoint comes across as cold, in places, but you write it so well that it's constantly underpinned by the realisation that he's trying to save the most people they can. His personality is exquisitely crafted and I enjoyed reading his contribution here!


XP: 20 XP (10 of which may be used for Empathy or Hone)
Renown: 20


Loss: 1 x Ring of Reversal


Discipline: Avoid looking at someone who has disappointed you.
Discipline: Dealing with an over-wrought child's tangle.
Discipline: Protecting yourself against the emotions of a panic-stricken group.
Discipline: Resisting the urge to flay a mortalborn.
Discipline: Putting yourself on the line to do what needs to be done.
Endurance: Hail pelting you constantly
Endurance: The physical demands of a high-energy situation.
Endurance: Being in an explosion
Endurance: Dealing with impact
Endurance: The strange sensation of being healed.
Empathy: Using your magic to calm a high-pressure situation
Empathy: Magic under duress.
Hone: Drawing runes while the world explodes around you
Hone: Maintaining order in chaos.
Investigation: Missing puzzle pieces
Investigation: Knowing the significance of what you don't know
Investigation: Questioning motives behind actions.
Investigation: Recognizing the need for a father as a powerful motivator
Investigation: Considering who might be involved - and why.
Investigation: Gather your resources - and information - before moving ahead.
Leadership: Giving clear information
Leadership: Instructing people where to go.
Politics: The importance of the Albarech
Politics: Keeping the Albarech safe.
Tactics: Identify when using magic is helpful.
Tactics: Know when magic is not useful.
Tactics: Get your people out of danger if you can.
Tactics: Weigh up the risk vs reward of your actions.
Tactics: When one solution becomes negated, move to the next thing.
Tactics: Know when to walk away.
Tactics: Weighing up the importance of different lives.



This thread really showed a side of Kura which I particularly enjoy seeing. She's such a politician and, here, I got to tell her off as Moseke! I loved Kura's "yeah, fair enough, lets get on, shall we?" response to that - it's so quintessentially her. I love the way you write her - if she was an action figure she'd be the "Pragmatic, Action-Oriented Albarech" . Beautiful writing!


XP: 20 XP
Renown: 20


Gain: 1 x Ring of Reversal


Caregiving: Wolves make good blankies
Caregiving: Calmly address scared children
Detection: Spotting a mortalborn
Detection: Identifying unusual behaviour.
Detection: Recognising what was said.
Discipline: Allowing yourself a growl, but then acting.
Discipline: Maintaining focus, despite all heck breaking loose.
Endurance: Hail pelting you constantly
Endurance: The physical demands of a high-energy situation.
Endurance: The experience of being hit by lightning
Endurance: The pain of near-death
Endurance: Waking up after a near-death experience.
Investigation: Consider how Immortals are linked to a situation
Investigation: Question odd behaviour
Investigation: Don't take people on face value
Investigation: Putting together the pieces
Investigation: Take all the information you can.
Leadership: Short, sharp orders.
Leadership: Be visible as leader.
Leadership: Be able to say no.
Leadership: Prioritise your tasks.
Persuasion: Try to reason with a beggar-woman
Persuasion: Trying to calm Chrien down.

Persuasion: You can learn a lot from failing, as well as success.
Tactics: Keep important information in different places.
Tactics: Don't try and talk Chrien down in the middle of a storm. You'll get turned into Kibbles & Bits.
Tactics: The enemy of my enemy might mean a new ally.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.