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Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:52 pm
by Doran
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Reporting for Duty
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: no

Requested Rewards:
Acting: Pretending to be interested
Acting: Switching roles often
Acting: Ditzy airhead to bright young woman in a blink.
Deception: Mixing lies and truth
Deception: It's important to have a good memory
Deception: Ensure that you keep your opponent on their toes
Deception: Contradict yourself often to remain elusive
Deception: Sometimes, someone knowing you're lying is ok.
Persuasion: Persuading someone that they are non-scientific
Persuasion: An air of arrogance can portray confidence
Persuasion: Ask pertinent questions to strengthen your argument
Persuasion: I lied because you're adorable

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: yes please - a new job!
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A
Detection: Spotting inconsistencies in somebody's story
Intimidation: Listing all your accomplishments
Intimidation: Taking advantage of your height
Leadership: Maintaining professional distance
Leadership: Carrying yourself with confidence
Research: Acquiring a research assistant
Research: Listing your research topics
Research: Sometimes it's necessary to get a second opinion
Research: Answering questions about your research
Research: Some people willingly provide materials for your research
Teaching: An impromptu lesson on Immortals and their offspring
Teaching: Preparing for the following trial's lesson

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Yes, for getting an assistant.
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 2:05 pm
by Hikaru
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Gems and Angles
City/Area: Scalvoris town
Notes/Warnings: Just a solo

Knowledge Requested:
Business Management: Planning for absences.
Business Management: Incentives to work extra
Jewelry Crafting: Twisting Wire
Jewelry Crafting: Faceting Machine – adjusting angles
Mathematics: Angles
Meditation: Sitting still

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: n/a

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 6:25 pm
by Hikaru
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Grinding Awaay
City/Area: Scalvoris town
Notes/Warnings: Just a solo

Knowledge Requested:
Meditation: Music as an inward path
Meditation: Don’t let nerves sway you from your path.
Discipline: The importance of staying focused
Discipline: Persistence is a type of discipline
Jewelry Crafting: Angles of gem cuts determine brilliance
Singing: Freestyle humming

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: n/a

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:41 pm
by Kyreen
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Stone soup, part 1
City/Area: Scalvoris town
Notes/Warnings: Contains Food, Part of a multi-thread starter quest

Knowledge Requested:
Endurance: keep drinking to avoid dehydration from heat
Endurance: acclimatisation helps
Mathematics: calculating time available
Cooking: suiting a menu to the weather
Logistics: some foods need advance preperation
Research: consulting books for fine detail

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: Maybe?

Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: n/a

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:26 am
by Hikaru
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: What a Rip Off
City/Area: Scalvoris town
Notes/Warnings: Just a solo

Knowledge Requested:
Discipline: Be consistent with your expectations
Discipline: Address small problems before they become big problems
Meditation: find your courage
Meditation: Clearing your head
Negotiation: Giving a little to get what you want
Negotiation: Getting Ripped Off

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: n/a

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:09 am
by Ryqet
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Behind their backs
City/Area: Zynyx Market, Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:
Seafaring: Raising the sail
Seafaring: Pulling in to dock
Intimidation: Doing what you want
Intimidation: A lack of respect
Intimidation: Asserting dominance
Intimidation: Keeping things to your own terms
Loot: Nope
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Nope
Collaboration: Nope
Magic EXP: Nope

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:49 pm
by Theo Nji'Ryn
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Skipping Class
City/Area: Viden
Notes/Warnings: Mature

Requested Rewards:
Acting: Smoke in your eyes to bring on tears
Acting: Alcohol on your hands to make your eyes red
Acting: Dribble on a shirt if you can't make yourself cry
Acting: Pretending to sob
Acting: Attend to how you walk
Acting: Pay attention to how people look at you
Seduction: A man's shirt is a wonderful accessory
Seduction: Undressing slowly in plain sight
Seduction: Sharing a bath

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Yes. Maybe 5 or 10 here, for first steps in Viden society?
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A
Acting: Smoke in the eyes to bring on tears
Acting: Alcohol on the hands to make your eyes red
Acting: The protective older brother
Acting: An imperious tone of voice
Acting: Attend to how you walk
Acting: Pay attention to how people look at you
Deception: Pretending to have money
Deception: Taking a role
Deception: Ensure that you keep up your story.

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Yes. Maybe 5 or 10 here, for first steps in Viden society?
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: N/A

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:02 am
by Mute
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Toying With Emotions
City/Area: Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: None

Requested Rewards:
Empathy: Can manipulate own emotions
Meditation: Calming down
Socialization: Polite small talk
Socialization: Talking to strangers
Interrogation: Asking without speaking
Endurance: Being shoved off a table

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Reviewer's Discretion
Knowledge: 5 Posts = 10 Knowledges
Deception: Giving Vague Answers to Questions
Discipline: Facing a Threat Calmly
Empathy: Sewing Fear to Enhance Intimidation Attempts
Etiquette: Helping Someone to their Feet
Etiquette: A Friendly Wave Goodbye
Intimidation: Emphasizing One's Full Stature
Intimidation: Looming Over a Shorter Foe
Strength: Bracing Someone's Body Weight when Lifting

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Location: Scalvoris Town Public Library
Hikaru: A Jeweler
Hikaru: Bit of a Crybaby

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Collaboration: Yes
Magic EXP: Reviewer's Discretion

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 5:49 am
by Jonathan Burr
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Fire Flowers, Part II
City/Area: Viden Academy, Viden
Notes/Warnings: Nope
Requested Rewards:

Chemistry: Oxidizing calcium creates golden light
Chemistry: mixing metals with sulfur creates sparks
Chemistry: Experimenting with different metals to look for a desired outcome.
Strength: lugging metals around
Stealth: Sneaking into the Reagent stores of the Viden Academy
Stealth: putting things back the way they were to prevent being caught.

Loot: Barium and Sulfur Compound: Green Sparks, Calcium and Sulfur Compound: Gold Sparks, Copper and Sulfur Compound: Sapphire Sparks
Injuries/Overstepping: Nope
Renown: Strange flashes of colored light have been seen in one of the laboratories.
Collaboration: Nope
Magic EXP: Nope

Re: Review Requests 2.1.6

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:21 am
by Oberan
Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The man who had everything
City/Area: Emea
Notes/Warnings: Nah
Requested Rewards:
Collaboration: no
Magic EXP: no