A fantasy Roleplaying Game (RPG) forum with Immortals, Magics and where players Role Play (RP) in a dynamic, changing world called Idalos. https://www.standingtrials.com/
The new Roster for the new cycle is up.
I have added the Outlying towns as a potential starting place.
You will, of course, be required to state which one, though it will surely be Foster's Landing for most of you.
It is truly gratifying to see these towns get such attention.
Several of you are quite literally becoming part of the lore for those towns. Well done! ...if only the Forbidden post got such love...
Maybe I will work it into some future calendar in some horrible way. THEN you'll wish you'd been there...no, wait...probably not....
I have also asked how you stand on Mod Bombs.
Which brings me to the one semi-reprimand-ish comment I have.
I've noted some threads that have clearly been completed beforehand and dumped down in their entirety over the course of a few minutes.
I have no problem with this, except for the fact that it eliminates the possibility of me placing a mod bomb.
It is totally up to you guys. I have stated before that there's no problem with the pre-agreed PC-commandeering you guys are doing.
In fact, I love how smoothly it makes things flow.
But when the posts are all laid down rapid-fire like that, there is little chance of me sneaking in a mod bomb.
I understand that when you have the whole thread worked out ahead of time, you probably don't want a mod bomb interrupting it.
That is certainly your choice.
If the thought of a little surprise by yours truly scares you that much...well, go ahead and play it safe.....cowards....
No, in all fairness, I have had little time to formulate any decent bombs anyway.
It's difficult enough to stay sufficiently aware of everything going on to really come up with stuff.
Quio, if you want to flesh out your arrival a bit, now that "Interception" is done, you know much more clearly how you stand there.
Lastly, Hello Ivanthe! Welcome to Hell.
If you are starting as someone just arriving, I invite you to post at the gate, with the usual "...abandon all hope..." routine.
and on that note, and in honor of Grand Lord Ambassador, Sir Doran of Etzos, Hero of Oscillus and He Who Would Not Be Deceived...
I played it in Oscillus and I play it again here. Noth, you may note the line "to lose the child, the Faith" hmmmm......... it up...
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:11 pm
by Quio
Whoops. That is always how I post solos. Just all at once. I've got one coming soon that I'm going to have to post in one go since I've already got it written, but then I promise to try to amend my ways.
Speaking of, how long in between posts would you recommend for allowing a modbomb? A couple days? Longer?
I haven't forgotten my post at the city gates but uh. Quio is feeling rather paranoidcautious rn. He's somewhat reluctant to go to the city. Give him a few days.
Also, just, uh... totally unrelated but... the mill down by the river near Etzos... players can go there, right? Not for anything shady I promise. Just for some R&R.
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 10:20 pm
by Patrick
Aye, a general frame of time helps me determine best when to leave a thread open for a modbomb also. Be it via solo or collab, I generally sometimes don't touch a thread for a day or two; really it just heavily depends on the significance of the story tied to the thread.
Speaking of significance though, I'm legit excited you guys as I'd just like to point out an event in particular:
Trial 12: Earthquakes are felt lightly in Etzos. Anyone comparing notes would quickly find that the reported severity increases as one proceeds to the southwest; with Fordwell, Southguard and Highbend receiving the worst of it.
I mean it's thanks to our buddy Mal that this gets to occur, but just so everyone is aware OOC wise this is an event tied to the Expedition plot from the last season. I can't go into detail as that would spoil the plot entirely, but it's gonna be an awesome event once Pat's crew finishes the hunt for the Emean Jewel.
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2018 5:29 am
by Jedith Skylar
And it is things like the post above, which makes me excited that Jedith will be there next season. How he ends up there is dependent on other things, but I'm listening forward.... looking just doesn't work when I don't even have a monitor on this thing, and the Voice to speech softwars name also happens to be a famous man eating shark to posting in this locale.
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:47 am
by Elijah Temple
Hi guys, uhh, this is my first time doing anything like this so I'm a bit nervous and new to the site. I've heard it's fun though, so I'm excited to see how this goes
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:49 am
by Neronin
Welcome! If you have any questions everyone is happy to help
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:54 am
by Finnegan O'Connor
Yes, welcome:
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:29 am
by Patrick
Don't let these creeps scare you, you're a welcome addition to the site as well as the area. Let us know if we can help you get settled in, we'd be happy to help make the process easier for you!
Hope to get to write threads with you soon also, Pat'll totally buy the first round of drinks!
Let The Next Issue be Raised!
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:39 am
by Finnegan O'Connor
Ignore the village drunk ^, he's drunk. We're not creeps, we just like to sit in a circle and sip the blood of freshly slaughtered goats, stirred with the bones of new players. What's creepy about that?!