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Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:37 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 600px; border: 5px solid #000000; background-color: #a4a3a4; margin: auto;][center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=100&image_id=11369[/img][/center][style2=margin-top: -5px; padding: 2px 30px 25px 30px; border-top: 5px solid #000000; background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(40,40,40,1), rgba(80,80,80,1)); color: #dcd8d1; font-size: 14px;][googlefont=Alex Brush][font size=200][align=right]Date[/align][/font][/googlefont]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:11 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 700px; border: 5px solid #000000; margin: auto; background-color: #eb5e5c][center][img]/gallery/image.php?album_id=100&image_id=11672[/img][/center][style2=margin-top: -6px; padding: 2px 20px 25px 20px; background-color: transparent; color: #000000; font-size: 14px;][align=right][googlefont=Tangerine][font size=200]Date[/font][/googlefont][/align]
[googlefont=Caudex][align=justify]Writing things here[/align][/googlefont][/style2][/style]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:22 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style2=max-width:690px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12141); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 240px; padding-left: 10px; height:auto; box-shadow: 1px 5px 10px #000000][style=max-width:670px; margin: left; padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px; font: Exo 2; border-radius: 5px;]Insert your text here[/style][/style2]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:23 pm
by Faith Augustin
Another Patrick code! Thank you!!
Code: Select all
[style2=max-width:690px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12143); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 240px; padding-left: 10px; height:auto; box-shadow: 1px 5px 10px #000000][style=max-width:670px; margin: left; padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px; font: Exo 2; border-radius: 5px;]Insert your text here[/style][/style2]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:24 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style2=max-width:690px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12145); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-left: 10px; height:auto; box-shadow: 1px 5px 10px #000000][style=max-width:670px; margin: left; padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px; font: Exo 2; border-radius: 5px;]Thank you, Patrick![/style][/style2]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:25 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style2=max-width:690px; background-color: #4A162D; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12146); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-left: 10px; height:auto; box-shadow: 1px 5px 10px #000000][style=max-width:670px; margin: left; padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px; font: Exo 2; border-radius: 5px;]Thank you, Patrick![/style][/style2]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:26 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style2=max-width:690px; background-color: #0B1127; color: #FFFFFF; margin:auto; background-image:url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12147); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top: 250px; padding-left: 10px; height:auto; box-shadow: 1px 5px 10px #000000][style=max-width:670px; margin: left; padding-top: 100px; padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 20px; font: Exo 2; border-radius: 5px;]Insert your text here[/style][/style2]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:27 pm
by Faith Augustin
Code: Select all
[style=overflow:auto; margin: auto; margin-top:20px; margin-bottom: 20px; background: url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=2&image_id=12144); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:2px; max-width:650px; height:698px; background-color: #00101A; border:1px solid #3F3F3F; border-radius:10px; color:#98B9FF; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px black;][style2=float:right; max-width:320px; height:350px; padding-top:20px; padding-right:10px; font:exo 2; background-color:#00101A; border-radius:0px 10px 10px 0px;][align=justify]Words here[/align][/style2][/style]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:01 pm
by Faith Augustin
This is a letter, or notes or something in a post. Spiffy!
Code: Select all
[style3=max-width: 520px; margin: auto; border: 3px #000000; background-image: url(/gallery/image.php?album_id=100&image_id=5221); padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; color: #000000; font-size: 14px;][googlefont=Marck Script][font size=140]
Faith's Post Templates
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:37 pm
by Rose Greenwood
A thank you for all your help with my write-ups. ^_^
Code: Select all
[center][img][/img][/center][style=max-width: 540px; background-color: #332E41; padding: 30px; margin: auto; margin-top: -8px; font-size: 17px; color: #6a9585;][googlefont=EB Garamond][align=right][font size=130] Date[/font][/align]