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[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 5:19 pm
by Nymph
Augiery Factions
“Structure is not just a means to a solution. It is also a principle and a passion." - Marcel Breur
There are multiple factions within Augiery that help maintain the cities structure. These factions have been hand crafted by a Vice for a specific reason. Some were built to keep the Txerriak under control while other's work alongside Lomela to provide quality, tasty food for the city. The military, controlled directly by the Vice of Wrath, is the largest of all the factions described.

Nymph wrote:For all factions, progression through the ranks will not be based on skills alone or a thread requirement each season. Progression in the faction will be based on plots and moderator approval. We strive to have PC-to-PC interaction and elaborate plots in Augiery. Although there are many suggested/required skills to get started in the Faction, elevation through the faction will be story based. The story must be related to the faction.
The Titiriteros
“If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a leash.” - Anonymous to Odessa

When Odessa came into power, she was challenged by a rogue Txapeldun. In retaliation to his comment, she created the Puppeteers, a group of women trained in the arcane arts of Empathy. Initially she designed the group to punish those that attempted to rise against the Wicked Council and the citizens of Augiery. Over time, Odessa was convinced by the members of the Titiriteros. Individual Titiritero began to experiment on unhappy slaves. They identified weak emotions - sadness, grief, disgruntlement, and anger - severing them for periods of time. These manipulated slaves began to see a benefit to their work, going as far as to enjoy it under the watchful eye of a nearby Titiri. Happy slaves meant happy citizens and a flourishing city. Odessa permitted the continued experimentation as long as the Txerriak remained within control. The Titiriteros punished those that rose against Odessa, many unable to organize a large enough group. Once handled, they were put back into the slave pits with an altered perception on life.

Although the Puppeteers is the main group within this faction, it is not common for Odessa to have other women under her control that help with controlling the slave population and protecting the city.


Titiritero - There are no defined ranks among the Titiriteros. Each member is a Titiritero, or 'puppeteer' in Common. They call themselves Titiri as a short version of the title. Titiri have joined their sisters generally for one of two reasons: they wish to experiment and become experts in Empathy or they wish to serve Augiery outside of the military.

Entrenatzaile - This group of women work together and/or individually to train and break new slaves. They use a variety of tactics that are very similar to torture to get a man to submit to them before releasing them into the slave pits for assignment. These Naer are particularly feminist and desire to see that Augiery achieves total control over all in the Southern Region and Idalos.

Titiritero - The PC must have 3 of the skills listed below at competent to seek entry into the Titiriteros. Once inducted into the rank, the PC will be trained by more experienced mages. If Empathy is not known upon induction into the faction, they will be trained and initiated into the Domain. There will be some deviations in skill sets for each player, so please contact an Augiery prophet for further help on joining the faction.
  • Empathy
  • Stealth
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Seduction
  • Sewing
Entrenatzaile - The PC must have 3 of the skills listed below at novice to seek entry into the Entrenatzaile. Many might find that their compatriots are starting as an Entrenatzaile with intent to become a Titiritero as it is often easier to make a name for themselves as a slave trainer before becoming initiated in Empathy.
  • Torture
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon of Choice
  • Strength
  • Endurance

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:38 am
by Nymph
The Sortzailea
"This? A depiction of our Lady of Shadows destroying the moons." - Anonymous to Casia

Created by Casia herself, the Sortzailea is considered the pre-eminent faction for artists in the city. Though the term broadly applies to most creative disciplines, the Sortzailea specifically encompasses the more practical application of the arts in the city. Each specific discipline in the city is tasked with furthering the city as a whole, as overseen by Casia.

Those interested in sculpting and stonemasonry are directed to do so in Audrae's visage. The statues and works created are often depicting the Immortal of Secrecy and Shadows, and show her in terrible poses. Those that do not depict Audrae are dedicated to the Vices themselves, and are no less ornate, but are smaller or less frequent. Each Vice has at least one statue to herself, and there is a rumour that there is a whole collection of the Seven Vices in the Ganga. Those tasked with maintaining the city are often sent to repair damages to the structures of the city, but have also been tasked with carving sermons to Audrae into the stone.

Painters usually create large murals depicting prominent times in the Naerikk history, and many such works litter the city in every sector except the Underhive. Their works are considered terrible and awe-inspiring, with heavy and sharp strokes depicting their bloody history. More than one such mural of Audrae are seen around the city, and many Naerikk will stop and say quick prayers to their Mistress in front of the murals, as if Audrae could see through the eyes of her likenesses.

Poets, playwrights and authors are specifically tasked with the creation of propaganda literature. Countless poems to Audrae's glory, plays depicting the destruction of the suns and moons, pamphlets speaking to the glory of the city, the Vices and Audrae, these are the weapons of the literate propagandists of Augiery. Rumoured to be some of the most evocative wordsmiths on Idalos, the literate propagandists employed by Casia are hand-selected to bring devotion to Audrae and her creations.


Hasibe - The first rank in the Sortzailea, the Hasibe is typically a novice or apprentice in their craft. Paired with an Erdigune, the Hasibe undertakes the most menial tasks for their craft. They will collect the materials, such as stone, marble, paints, ink... Whatever their Erdigune needs, the Hasibe is responsible for procuring. Little more than fetchers, the Hasibe learns at this level from watching their Erdigune.

Erdigune - The next rank, the Erdigunes make up the majority of the Sortzailea. Considered the typical artisan, the Erdigune is entrusted with preparing her own work. Whether she paints her own murals, or constructs her own idols to Audrae, the Erdigune is expected to be at least competent in her work. Many in the Sortzailea are happy with remaining at this level, as it is the most comfortable.

Maisu - The Maisu are the true masters of their crafts. Whenever Casia herself needs a piece commissioned, she chooses from the Naerikk of the Maisu rank. Usually comprised of a small group of artisans from each artistic craft, the Maisu rank is exclusive and exclusionary. These artisans are considered above typical city duty, and instead directly deal with Casia and the Vices. They are also the only artisans in the city allowed to work with Itzalezkobeira, the fabled Shadowglass found in the cave systems around Augiery.

Hasibe - Novice Art Skill, at least one season in the city, and plot progression/moderator approval.

Erdigune - Expert Art Skill, 3 seasons in the city, and plot progression/moderator approval.

Maisu - Master Art Skill, 5 seasons in the city, and plot progression/moderator approval.

Itzalezkobeira, or Shadowglass, is a substance found only in the cave-systems surrounding Augiery. Incredibly difficult to extract from the stone, the mineral is highly prized for its ability to show colour, even in pitch blackness. This does not radiate light, and does not illuminate its surroundings, but allows all who see it distinguish the colours of the glass as if illuminated. Exclusive to the Maisu rank of the Sortzailea, Itzalezkobeira works are considered extremely rare, and many priceless. Unless tasked with cleaning the works, for a slave to touch a work made from Itzalezkobeira is to invite a slow and painful death.

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 12:39 am
by Nymph
The Dendari
"For being made of shadow, we certainly like things that shine." - Anonymous to Aurelia

Under the purview of Aurelia, the financial situation of Augiery has reached new heights. The Vice of Greed is known for being a shrewd miser, and that carries through into the faction of the city she oversees. Called the Dendari in the Grovokian tongue, these Naerikk are some of the most influential in the city, behind the Vices themselves. Officially encompassing the bankers, tax collectors, and slavers in the city, the Dendari wields incredible power, backed by the wonders and wealth buried inside the Ganga. This power is only increased as there are rumours that the guild also backs gamblers and hustlers as well, granting them lenience in the city as long as they provide the city with its appropriate cut.

Among this faction, the slavers are the biggest contributors to the city's coffers. By controlling the buying and selling of slaves, both within Augiery and without, the slavers of the city have earned themselves the name 'Keepers', or 'Argiaren' in the Grovokian tongue. This is because their ruthless business tactics have often afforded them to buy slaves, and somehow still keep their money. Many consider the Argiaren to be extortionists and barbarians, but they just enjoy the thrill of the sale.

The second most powerful among the city are the tax collectors. Collecting from both the legal and illegal activities of the city, the tax collectors have earned the name 'Miser', or 'Zeken'. Their purses are tight, said to only open when putting coin in, never to take it out. Interestingly, though they are not the most powerful, they are the ones who report most directly to Aurelia as a whole. She ensures that each and every Zeken gives their full amount to the city, though she has never once stopped one from finding a little extra from those they take from, especially in the illicit spectrum. Often, Aurelia encourages the rivalry in the markets between her Zeken, hand-selecting ones who have shown a particular ability to produce more coin.

Finally, the bankers in the city are the smallest group under Aurelia's control, but one of the most vital. Augiery has one central bank for physical wealth, called the Dorrea. A vast majority of its workers are the bankers, nicknamed 'Watchers', or 'Jarraitzaile', work in the Dorrea. In fact, every Jarraitzaile in Augiery works in the Dorrea except three, called the Ikuli. The Ikuli are hand selected by Aurelia to guard the Ganga. Each must know the exact contents within the Vault at any given time, and should they even be questioned in passing by Aurelia, they must submit the answers. If the Ikuli is off by even one nel, she is killed. The Ikuli are sworn to secrecy about the contents of the Vault, and the punishment for selling the secrets of Aurelia is a fate rumoured to be worse than death.


Argiaren - The slavers in the city, the bulk of Augiery's Dendari are in this rank. Because the slave population is so massive, the Argiaren are prized for their ability to keep the peace and swell the ranks of unpaid labour in the city.

Zeken - The tax collectors are another large force, and they are expected to show shrewdness and cunning, like Aurelia. They are given a considerable amount of freedom in their jobs, and are only expected to present their collections to Aurelia. Anything extra they collect, Aurelia considers a bonus for their exceptional skills in their jobs.

Jarraitzaile - The bankers, they are tasked with protecting and ferreting away the city's wealth. While many work in the Dorrea, the Ikuli are stationed in a lavish structure nearest the Ganga, and are some of the most trusted Naerikk in the city. Aurelia considers herself closer to her three chosen Ikuli than she does the other six Vices.

Argiaren - Choose 3: Intimidation, Seduction, Unarmed Combat, Persuasion, Mathematics, Whips. In order to progress as an Argiaren, you must increase all three skills a skill tier and plot progression/moderator approval.

Zeken - Mathematics, and choose 2 of the following: Logistics, Intimidation, Deception, Detection, Appraisal. In order to progress as a Zeken, at least Mathematics has to increase every season and plot progression/moderator approval.

Jarraitzaile - Logistics, and 2 of the following: Mathematics, Intelligence, Unarmed Combat, Endurance. In order to progress as a Jarraitzaile, the PC must increase Logistics and one skill a skill tier per season and plot progression/moderator approval. To become Ikuli, a moderated storyline needs to be undertaken in which the PC is picked by Aurelia and shown the Ganga. No Ikuli has less than Expert Logistics.

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:04 am
by Nymph
“Yar, them on the seas’ll fear every time they see the our sails.” Maim to Runash

The naval power of Augiery, the Ursuges are considered the official and unofficial protectors of the seas. Comprised of 1500 ships, the captains and crews tend to keep the city of Augiery safe, using Sarraski as a launching port for aggression, and as a defensive bastion when being attacked. Though the city of Augiery officially sanctions only fifteen flagships, the other five were called to action or persuaded to Augiery’s cause, if only to allow the captains their lives.

The five majour ships of Augiery’s true navy are: the Odol Zin ( Blood Oath ), the Kaize Sekrueta ( Secret Wind ), the Irribarre Izugarri ( Hideous Smile ), the Zigorra ( Punishment ), and Runash’s personal ship, the Suge Berdea ( Emerald Serpent ). These five ships each specialize in something particular, with Runash’s ship taking the most special task of all: The ram. The Odol Zin is notorious for its agility and ability to navigate shallow waters, making it great for hit and runs. The Kaize Sekrueta is painted all black, and is the only ship not to feature any Itzalezkobeira in its figurehead. This makes the ship incredibly stealthy in the dark, and its crew all swear an oath of muteness. The Irribarre Izugarri is known for its vicious and sadistic crew, many of whom cut the faces of their victims and then nail them to the ship, allowing the pain and elements to lull them to a slow death. The Zigorra is the largest of the ships, meant to carry up to six hundred slaves back to Augiery in the spoils of victory. The most lavish for the crew, this ship is considered “light duty”, even though it is one of the most important ships in the fleet. The Suge Berdea is the most ornate, with a figurehead of polished and alchemically reinforced Itzalezkobeira in the shape of a clawed hand, much like that of a Naerikk. The figurehead is meant to do maximum damage to enemy ships, and the Suge Berdea is the only ship outfitted with 100 oars, used only in massive campaigns to propel the ship.

Though there are plenty more ships in the navy, those five are the largest and most prominent. And for those missions that the city of Augiery wants to complete, but does not want to become known for, they have hired specific privateers. Five of the most powerful former Pirate Lords of Scalvoris have taken up residence in Augiery and Sarraski, and they are given the most dangerous and clandestine missions that the Vices want undertaken. These Lords, three Naerikk, one Mer and a Biqaj, are well-known names throughout Idalos, but are rarely openly spoken for fear of retribution.

The first, and only male captain, is the Mer Maim. Called The Shark by the other lords, Maim is the captain of a ship named The Bloody Surprise. The ship is unique in that it always appears to be sinking, because much of the ship is kept filled with water. This allows the entirely Mer crew to remain hidden, and draws in ships looking to help or plunder the sinking vessel. When they are close enough, Maim and his crew will invade the other ship from below, and take what they wish. Maim rarely took prisoners until he struck a deal with the Vices of Augiery, and now he returns as many captives as he and his crew eat. Mutualism at its finest.

The next captain is Martiya Amaranthine, nicknamed The Knife, a Naerikk as renowned for her combat skills as any. Armed with poisoned swords, she captains The Slitted Throat, and is probably the most notorious pirate captain in the South Seas. Those who have witnessed her in combat and lived to tell the tale speak of a fury of swords, a whirling dervish, who boards enemy ships and leaves the crew in a mist of arterial spray. She very rarely speaks, even to the Vices, but is contracted to take on the most dangerous ships in terms of crew strength.

The third captain is one of the more terrifying, even among the other Pirate Lords. Nicknamed the Reaper, Parthea Vermillion captains The Sunken Tomb, a ship with the smallest living crew in all of Idalos. A powerful necromancer, Parthea only accepts living crew-women who wish to undertake the magic, and the majority of her ships fighting power are actually dead thralls. Many of the survivors of The Sunken Tomb have said they'd rather accept death than stare down The Sunken Tomb again.

The only Biqaj, Beng Qua'opre captains The Falcon. She's earned her nickname, The Swift, by being the fastest ship in the Southern Seas. Particularly adept at striking merchant vessels and ports, Beng prefers quick and fruitful attacks. Though she does not mind killing, she tries to strike the ships, take all their nels, and depart without bloodshed if she can help it. Interestingly, she is the only privateer ship that does not have to contribute slaves to Augiery, as she is strictly against transporting slaves aboard The Falcon, believing it to be bad luck to bring shackles on the ship.

Finally, the privateer fleet is rounded out by Vaniel Mazarine, the Vain. Her ship is the only one to be crewed entirely by slaves, save Vaniel herself. A Master Empath, Vaniel has used her magic to instill in the slaves of her ship an intense desire to curry her favour, to a lethal degree. Reveling in the enslaving for Augiery, Vaniel fills the void that is left in Beng the Swift's abstaining from the trade, contributing more slaves from her ship, The Divine Beauty, than all the other Lords combined. She only asks that she get her pick of the slaves in the city to brainwash into crewing her ship.


Marinel - The basic sailor on the ships, the Marinel perform most of the ship's menial duties. This is the entry rank for any Naerikk wishing to join the Ursuges. Many Naerikk aspire to more than this rank, and thus allow a constant flow of Naerikk Marinel.

Bigarren - The next rank in the Ursuges, the Bigarren are the majority of the ships' crews. Your more experienced sailor, the Bigarren is entrusted to board enemy ships, and are expected to bring their own flair for combat or boarding.

Lehkumea - Considered to be highly experienced sailors, the Lehkumea are often the second in command of a ship. The position can only be held by one Naerikk at a time, and thus there will never be two Lehkumea on a single ship. The glaring example is the twin Lehkumea of The Ispebaki.

Kapitaniak - A rank and a title, the Kapitaniak are the captains of their ships. Often referred to by their rank title, the Kapitaniak are given a ship and a crew, regularly taking over retired ships. Many times, these sailors are renowned with the Ursuges, and they report directly to Runash after each of their journeys on their ships.


Marinel - Novice Sailing, Novice Weapon Skill or Unarmed Combat, and plot progression/moderator approval. Every Naerikk is required to do 1 arc as a Marinel before being a full fledged citizen of the city. This may be in the PC's history. This can take place anywhere after their 20th arc.

Bigarren - Competent Sailing, Novice Weapon Skill or Unarmed Combat, and plot progression/moderator approval.

Lehkumea - Expert Sailing, Competent Weapon Skill or Unarmed, Competent Intimidation, Competent Leadership, and plot progression/moderator approval.

Kapitaniak - Master Sailing, Expert Weapon Skill or Unarmed, Expert Intimidation, Expert Leadership, and plot progression/moderator approval in which you acquire a ship and crew.

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:05 am
by Nymph
The Sinismen
"The birds see in the west; the birds see in the east. If one knows how to listen, we have all the information we need." - Anonymous to Tanvi

The Sinismen are a group of watchers, whispers, and assassins. This faction is directly affiliated with Augiery in that they align themselves with the goals and views of the city; however, the players within the faction are generally stationed outside of the city. Tanvi, alongside Odessa and Audrae, have placed several "sleeper agents" throughout Idalos. These women have limited knowledge of their history due to the Mind Lock ability of Audnev. Tanvi tends to hand select young girls for placement around the world. She will then lock their memories of their mission until the time is right. When on diplomatic missions to the location where a sleeper agent is, she may unlock their memory at that time.

Tanvi does not unlock memories unless a need arises for the sleeper agent to become activated. Once a the agents mission has been completed, they are tasked with returning to Augiery for replacement in the world. Although Tanvi is the Vice of Diplomacy, she has an underlying ideology: violence is sometimes needed for peace.

Sleeper agents are variable in what they are used for. They may have underlying missions to integrate themselves into other cultures or political systems, specific targets for murder, or general shady objectives to spread Audrae's presence in secret. Each mission is catered specifically for that agent. By locking certain memories, the objective remains a secret until it is necessary to reveal it; however, other memories remain unlocked to guide the agent to gain the required skills without knowing it. A woman might remember always being in the kitchen with the desire to become a world-renowned chef. Unbeknownst to this agent, her goal is quietly dispose of a well known political figure by slipping poison into one of her delicacies. Another might remember nothing, only the love of those presently around her. Spreading discord is easy when the populace doesn't suspect you.


Loaren - There is only one rank in the Sinismen. Members of the faction are considered equal. Some have thought about elevation through the number of completed missions; however, one mission may take a Loar's lifetime to complete if complicated. Another Loar may complete twenty missions in her lifetime as a skilled assassin. Loaren that have long-game missions may never see Augiery again. Some of these long-game agents may be in groups to make the history more believable. It is not unheard of for entire families to move just to complete a mission for Audrae. For those that complete a mission and have the opportunity to return to Augiery might find themselves hailed as heroines.

When on diplomatic missions, Tanvi will interact with the agents. Sometimes it is to unlock memories, other times it is for a mission update. She is always keeping tabs on her agents. Retired field Loar have been known to be handlers on her behalf and are deeply appreciated by the Vice Queen. They help her maintain sleeper agents as she cannot be in every place at once.

Failure is not an option. A mission is completed or the agent dies trying. Tanvi will claim to have no association or knowledge with the mission and absolve Augiery from your failures.

This faction does not have any set requirements as missions are variable. To join the Loaren, please contact the local Prophet of Augiery to begin working on a mission that will best suit you and your needs. It is best that this starts at character creations; however, we are happy to work with you to enhance your story.

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:06 am
by Nymph
"I say never again, but I have a masochistic heart and a horrible need to hurt that which feeds me." - Anonymous to Lomela

Lomela and her team of dedicated "farmers" work in the Ebaketa Saloi. Known as the "cutting parlor" to those that don't speak Grovokian, this place is a tightly guarded secret to those that do not work for the Biltzekos. The Biltzekos are a group of farmers and scientists that pride themselves on being on the leading edge of agricultural technology. Augiery has always had difficulty in providing for its people until Lomela's ancestors came along. The plants needed nutrients that would normally come from sunlight. With the lack of sunlight, they sought out another form of food. Fungus and insects got incredibly boring after a while. Augiery's citizens desired meat, vegetables, and fruits; the Biltzekos needed to provide. It was shortly after the rediscovery of Augiery that they found a new source of nutrients for their plants: blood.

The first blood spilled gave Lomela's ancestors an idea. The red gold on the stone could not have come at a better time. Full of nutrients, the plants began to flourish. The blood was mixed in with the soil and water, providing that one thing that the plants needed most. Over time, the produce took on a red color, absorbing the hemoglobin provided by the mortal life force. Plants thrived and the amount of food became overwhelming; however, it wasn't until Lomela came to power that citizens began to reap the benefits. Her ancestors had kept the food to themselves or sold what was left over to the wealthiest families.

Lomela did not agree with this. She did not appreciate that her friends went hungry while her family were gluttons. So, for a long time, she starved alongside her friends. When she brought the concept of sharing the food with the city, her predecessor and family member was removed from her seat on the Wicked Council. The Biltzekos grew exponentially once it became a government run entity. Food was plentiful for everyone.


Mozketa - These women are probably the most skill phlebotomists in all of Idalos. With some training in anatomy and a severe interest in needle work, a Mozektar provides blood for the crops. Also known as bloodletters, mosquitos, and blood thieves, a Mozketar's job is fairly simple. They are to collect approximately a pint of blood per person (about 0.8% of the slaves body weight) from the listed slaves in a day. Good slaves will find that a Mozketar will treat them well, generally siphoning the blood is gently as possible. Bad slaves will often get beaten or cut for their blood, stripping them of more than the normal amount. Once the blood is collected, it has handed over to the Nahasgailu for incorporation into feed and soil.

Aside from collection, the Mozketa also ensure that the Ganadua slaves are in peek physical health. Sick slaves are removed from their position as the Biltzekos do not wish to poison the food supply with corrupted blood. Many will also seek ways to siphon blood more efficiently, including experimentation with needles, animals, and torture.

Nahasgailu - These are the agriculture scientists. They are the ones that incorporate the blood into the feed for the odolison and the soil for the laborantzas. There is a closely guarded recipe for each and they are constantly investigating new ways to make the crops larger for less blood. New crops, animals, and other products are constantly being tested and generated so that the food supply is variable.

The PC must have 3 of the skills listed below at competent to seek entry into the Biltzekos. Once inducted into the faction, the PC will be trained by more experienced scientists and have a private lesson with Lomela herself. There will be some deviations in skill sets for each player, so please contact an Augiery Prophet for further help on joining the faction.
  • Agriculture
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Intelligence
  • Medicine
  • Gardening

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:06 am
by Nymph
"Stoners are some of the coolest people you will ever meet." - Anonymous to Sanja

Pending Info




[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:08 am
by Nymph
"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world." - Anonymous to a Student

With no Vice Queen of Education, the Wicked Council decided to place education as a general domain governed by city and the Wicked Council. Although education is not high upon the list of many Naer, basic education is expected of all young girls. The basic education includes the history of Augiery, Grovokian, basic mathematics, Naerikk cultural views, and unarmed combat. Advanced education can be sought after on a personal level.

To accommodate those that with to pursue advanced education, they may seek out a young woman that has been dubbed "The Principal". She has taken it upon herself to record every single working woman within the city. Upon request, she will pair a working woman in that field with the woman that seeks the education. By employing the general female workforce, the Wicked Council believes that this will save the city money while providing education to those that desire it.

Since this is classified as a secondary or tertiary job placed upon someone by the government, they are given a base salary of 10gn per session. This agreement between teacher and student remains until the teacher can no longer impart information to the student or the student does not feel that this is the right fit for them.

Out-Of-Character System

Upon applying for a job within the city of Augiery, each female character is automatically enrolled as a Irakasle member. The Wicked Council wishes to ensure that each productive member of society understands that it is their civic duty to ensure progress for the citizens of Augiery. Once your job has been approved, it will be listed as an option below for other characters to pursue advanced education in. If a player wishes to pursue advanced education, they may apply for a private tutor/mentor at the Principal's Office. The Principal will notify the mentor in writing that they have a young citizen interested in learning their trade. This agreement is non-negotiable on the mentor's side when it comes to payment.

Nymph wrote:PC A wants to learn business management. PC B owns a business. The Principal pairs up PC A with PC B and says that it is PC B's civic duty to teach PC A all they know about business management. Per session, the City of Augiery will pay PC B 10 gn. This agreement ends when the teacher can no longer impart information to the student or the student ends the contract.

The objective of this system is to stimulate PC-to-PC interaction. If there is a specific field that many characters are interested in but there is no current PC playing in that field, a moderated thread can be requested with an NPC; however, this will be rare as it defeats the purpose.

Available Advanced Education

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:21 am
by Nymph
Lomela, Vice of Agriculture, comes from a long line of scientists and farmers that have harnessed the ability to grow crops and provide a wide variety of food without direct sunlight. Bountiful harvests are a common occurrence in Augiery. As long as there is a supply of Txerriak, there will be a supply of food. Lomela's private herd of Ganadua are housed within the Larre and brought to the Ebaketa Saloi where the nutrients are harvested from them for the odol laborantzas. Blood crops, as they are known in Common, have fed many generations of Naerikk. Although the slaves fear being picked to be a Behi, Naerikk find their sacrifice to be an honorable one. Lomela, above all Naer, treat her Ganadua as treasures. She provides them with excellent housing, scrumptious foods, and quality entertainment to keep them happy and healthy. Odol laborantzas come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. One trait is present in every crop: the color red. Although there is a wide spectrum of color, from deep blood to brilliant fire, red is the base color for each food product since the harvestable ingredient from the Ganadua is blood. Red fruits and vegetables are a staple for Augiery. Even red breads are common as red grains have been produced in the recent years. Red wine, beers, and juice are common drinks for those that can afford it. Water is given freely to the Txerriak. For foods that do not hold a red hue, these are instantly seen as foreign and imported. When it comes to meat, the citizens simply eat what is provided. White meat is imported as is assumed with all non-red food items. Red meat marbled with fat is also considered to be imported. Odolison is the traditional, Augiery raised meat available. No one has ever seen an Odolison ("Blood Bison" in Common). There are only crude drawings in the slave pens made by old Behi slaves to depict what they might look like. Their meat is solid red, extremely tender, and full of nutritious blood. Most Naer eat this raw or have the outsides seared for flavor. Over cooking Odolison is considered a cultural sin. Imported meat is cheaper and readily available in comparison to Odolison; however, Odolison is always provided at festivals. Richer Naer will not sully their tables with imported meat, preferring to keep Odolison readily available for their meals.

[Augiery] Lore

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:23 am
by Nymph
Augiery Festivals
“Here's to the moments when we didn't think about right or wrong, where we just lived, crossed our fingers, and hoped for the best." - Anonymous
Festivals and celebrations in Augiery revolve around the seven Vices; each season has a celebration of each of The Wicked Council, with the eighth celebration always to Audrae herself.

“In the darkness is our strength.” - Odessa

Cylus is an unusual season in Augiery. The season of darkness above is a delight to those who reside in the Hive. The celebrations in Cylus are the grandest and allow the Vices to be displayed in all their glory. Even those Vices more prone to travel will try and return for the Cylus festivities, if they can.

Audrae's Darkness ~ This is a most unusual festival, as it should be in order to honour the Immortal of Augiery. The first night of Cylus when their is the least light in the sky, the Coliseum begins the festival known as Audrae's Darkness. The Txerri do not fight in the coliseum this trial; this is a time for the slaves to rest and prepare for Odessa's Champion. During Audrae's Darkness it is the Naer themselves who fight and the place is packed to the seams with those who watch the combat. Only the strongest and most skilled of Audrae's children may fight in these bouts and the winner is granted the blessing of Audrae herself, if the Great Queen considers them worthy. If she does not, then she will not hesitate to strike them down, victor or not.

Odessa's Champion ~ The Coliseum fights are, as always, a source of delight and amazement for the residents of Augiery. Never moreso than in Cylus where one man among the Txerri is given the opportunity to rise up and fight against some of the Naerikk themselves. Should this lone man, the best of all the warriors under Odessa's domain show promise and survive, Odessa will fight them for their freedom. They do not have to win in order to gain that freedom, but they have to impress this Vice Queen. Whilst there have been some who have come close, this has not come to pass for a many arcs.

“The considered me a trophy. The city paid a lot of money for me, so I suppose I'm worth a lot.” - An Aurelia's Light Slave

Aurelia's Light ~ On this trial, a festival of chance takes place in the gambling sector. Once an arc a Txerri is given the title of 'Aurelia's Light' and is considered to be the finest example of a slave on offer. Maybe it is for his physique, his wits or his skills; sometimes it is all of the above. This festival sees women flock to the gambling sector where Aurelia's Light is won by one person in a game of chance. No one knows which game, or in which area of the gambling sector, it is revealed only at the moment of the win. This means, of course, that many more bets are placed in places with no chance of winning but then, the house has to make money somehow, doesn't it?

“Envy is the art of counting another's treasures instead of your own.” - Runash

Runash's Treasure ~ Once an arc, Runash holds a celebration. On Runash's Treasure, the women of Augiery are challenged to bring Runash offerings of great beauty, skill, or worth. These offerings have ranged from food to finery, gems to gold. At the appointed time, Runash comes to look upon the offerings and for that one which catches her eyes the most, a prize is given. All of the offerings are, of course, given unto the Vice of Envy, but the lucky woman who impresses her most is given a place in the Navy alongside her. Even those who do not wish to join the naval force work hard for this festival, for if your gift to the harvest is not deemed worthy, Runash will demand more, often insisting on taking her pick from the individual's personal possessions.

“I am not a glutton. I am an explorer of food.” - Naer to Lomela

Lomela's Harvest ~ Unsurprisingly, food is the theme of Lomela's harvest. On this trial, great trestle tables are laid out and the Txerri bring offerings of food from each household. Once all the food has been brought, a feast is held and Lomela sits, being brought the choicest delicacies by the Txerri who serve her. Should there be particularly excellent food, those who produce it have been known to be offered marvelous wealth and gifts so that Lomela can gain their secrets.

Sanja's Dream ~ Not so much a festival as a shared dream. Once an arc, the women of Augiery take a specific fungus, which grows only during Saun. They eat the cap of the mushroom and their Txerri eat the stalk. A small slice of either allows Sanja entrance to all their dreams and she spends the trial and the night walking through the dreams of all the souls in Augiery. However, the women who have eaten the mushroom cap are granted the ability to walk in the dream of those who have ingested the stalk of the same fungus. Not even the dreams of the Txerri are safe this night and more than one slave does not awaken when their mistress kills them for their impure thoughts of freedom.

“You have no idea how much I crave you.” - Tanvi to a Puta Txapeldun

Tanvi's Txerri ~ An unusual festival in Augiery, this one celebrates the egonkors, the brothels filled with male slaves. For one trial, Tanvi decrees that all should be able to enjoy the attentions of a trained slave and so all the services available from the egonkors are free of charge. The same is not true for the drinks and food served and often, of course, the first visit is the beginning of an addiction which is good for business. On this trial, the brothel owners are able to buy any Txerri, even those not usually for sale.

“If we shadows have offended, then we are doing justice to our Mother.” - Propaganda from Cave Night's Dream

Casia's Talent ~ The Vice Queen of Vanity presides over this festival where the arts are celebrated in all their forms. Songs, plays, sculptures, and portraits are commonplace, but during this festival Casia requires the women of Augiery to illustrate their talents in whatever way they can. There are competition groups where a winner is chosen. Then the best of each group will be presented to all of the Vices present in Augiery, and a winner chosen. That winner gets the opportunity to present their offering in whichever of the arts to Audrae herself. Great and terrible things have happened to those who have won this honour, depending on how Audrae liked what was on offer.