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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 10:01 am
by Balthazar Black

Zi'da 723
There were a few moments in time where Balthazar would really appreciate the knowledge afforded to him by Vri's gift. He often didn't consider his unshakable memory when working, but in the little moments where he needed to recall a very long name that he had heard, he always thought of and thanked Vri. Regardless, when Kisaik said that he preferred to be called 'Chip' in more recent times, Balthazar offered an acknowledging nod. Names were an interesting thing. People thought names held power but Balthazar knew better. Names held memory. The same person could go by many names but what they did would almost always go back to the name they wore, not the person they actually were. Kisaik wanted to be known as Chip. That was all that mattered but Balthazar could never turn his mind off. Not anymore.

Balthazar's expression remained the same but he seemed to shift his weight where he was. Why was he thinking so hard? Chip. Chip was a good name. It was also what happened to glass if you dropped it from a small height but a good name all the same. Balthazar glanced towards Winston for a moment. The small friend was always a reprieve from whatever else was happening in the mage's mind.

Kisaik asked Winston about the rainbow crackers he was sampling and Balthazar didn't think much of it until the tunawa mentioned ephemera. The Mountain King's prisoner. The memory flashed in and out of Balthazar's mind quickly. He looked towards the crackers with a grin trying to hide his own thoughts and picked one up. He wanted to test his magic on it. He wanted to see if his newest spark could sense the ephemera. Heck, he wanted to find the note of ephemera in the cookie using Attunement. However, he did not. This was not the time or place to play with magic. It was the time and place to enjoy the people around him. To that end, he watched for Winston's reaction to Kisaik's words before moving forward.

All was well until Kisaik did what any reasonable and well mannered, but ill-informed ally would have done. Kisaik asked Balthazar about Elisabeth.

He didn't realize he spoke about Elisabeth in the past tense until Kisaik mentioned it and when he did, Balthazar's heard plummeted from his chest. Past tense. As if he would never see her again. As if he didn't have his people on constant lookout for anyone even vaguely matching her description. As if he wouldn't make the darkest trade to put her in the world instead of himself. Kisaik had asked a question that would have sent Balthazar into a spiral in any other occasion.

Well, 'would have' is generous.

The question did send Balthazar's mind into a dark and downward spiral but he had great discipline and the presence of mind to maintain his composure. He spiraled into the depths of the Beneath and emerged again within two trills. Two trills. That was far more than an acceptable pause given the news Balthazar had to convey. Asking a paperboy what happened to Elisabeth was one thing, asking her husband forced him to relive every moment every single time it came up. Worse, he could never forget the best and the worst of how he'd been toward her. He could never forget how much he wished he had been better. Maybe if he was there the whole time- by her side at every moment for any thing, maybe she'd still be there. Wait, he was spiraling again.

So Kisaik's question stalled Balthazar's response for an entire three trills before the mage seemed to return to his body. "In the time since the pirates attacked, much has happened and very little of it was pleasant. Elisabeth is missing. She was last seen in Hopetoun. Despite my resources and powers, I've been unable to find any clue to help me discover where she is now." He didn't mention that he had been told it seemed even the immortals themselves couldn't find her. He didn't want to include that. Maybe it wasn't true or accurate. Maybe they were lying or he'd interpreted it poorly. Maybe she was doing something for them that would make it all worth it. "I'd-" His voice broke and he had to rebuild it for a moment "I'd prefer to leave it at that but I understand if you have questions. You worked with her. I heard good things. I wouldn't deprive you of any answers I'd have wanted." He could handle it. He would suffer through it, but he'd handle it.

Unfortunately no amount of internal strife would stop the spirits from playing their little games around everyone who'd come to the gathering. Crow, Balthazar's bonded diri of Death, had stopped whatever small distractions it had allowed itself. It sensed the potential rising in Balthazar and began to watch the mage carefully. It was always vigilant for any danger that might harm the mage but now it watched because it worried the spirits might tip him in the wrong direction.

Balthazar silently took one of the crackers that Winston said would help to improve mood and ate it whole. He chewed it quickly and quietly. He'd picked it up before Winston began reorganizing as well. That might have told Winston all he needed to know about Balthazar's mindset given he'd been fairly consistent about not eating around people in the past.

One spirit sat itself on the table to protest Sir Chip's actions and there was a moment in Balthazar's mind where he immediately considered immolating the interloper. However that was before he heard the spirits demand and remembered the jovial setting he was in. Instead of igniting the spirit, Balthazar smiled and turned his head towards the accused Kisaik. "Troonatic?" Balthazar repeated the charge, entirely unfamiliar with the word. However Kisaik asked Winston about another unfamiliar thing that the Grand Poobah had requested so Balthazar turned to Redly, prepared to ask the spirit for clarification. Who else would have known?

Winston spoke his advice to Kisaik in a soft tone but very little could escape Balthazar's perception.

"Make et amusing"

Balthazar pulled himself up by his bootstraps (figuratively) and freed himself from the darker recesses of his thoughts to process what had just happened. A spirit had come down and accused Kisaik of something during a time that was meant to be dedicated to Kisaik receiving a gift. Balthazar was the patron saint of bad etiquette, but even he knew that the spirit was being outlandish. What a Yari attitude. Balthazar liked the spirit a little more now. However, as custom, such an attitude had to be challenged and Balthazar would not sit back and wait for the receiver of his gift to defend themselves. To pull himself out of his own dark thoughts, Balthazar forcefully commit himself to the ridiculousness transpiring with the spirits.

He sat forward, pretending to be offended, and gave the accusatory spirit and hard look. "Troonatic? Troonatic! How dare you!" He was more focused on the lie than the acting. It wasn't a performance, it was a gag. He was trying to scare one spirit for the entertainment of them all. In fairness, the spirit asked for it. "Chip is no lulling troonatic! He's ergomatic! Innovative. Original. Fun."

Balthazar paused and gave the spirit another hard stare, but it didn't last long enough for the spirit to gather it's thoughts. In a single sentence, Balthazar threw all of his practice behind his message. "Grand Poobah, it is you who have insulted us. You have interrupted this annual celebration and now, in recompense, you must perform sixty and one Blimeywheels for us." Balthazar spoke the sentence with a childlike grin. He didn't know what a Blimeywheel was. All he knew was that it sounded like the sort of thing the spirits would have had an event for.
Capstones In Use
- For A Few Words Less: Balthazar has always had a habit of choosing to strike first and strike hard in combat which has slowly bled into his social habits. Rather than learn to speak endless volumes to persuade people to act according to his will, he has learned how to effectively target and attack the arguments and stances of others to convince them that his idea is best while using remarkably few words. While using this ability Balthazar comes across as far more convincing by slowly dismantling the opposing arguments of those around him rather than reinforcing his own idea. The longer someone of lesser social skill attempts to debate an issue with him, the more effective Balthazar's persuasion becomes as the vice of Balthazar's 'logic' tightens around the debate.

This ability is focused on NPC and will not impact how a PC perceives Balthazar, but it should be taken into consideration.

- Also Balthazar is guessing that Troonatic means boring and using that to try and turn the tables on the spirit.

Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:28 am
by Kisaik

Kisaik's entire demeanor appeared to sink a little. Although he tried to put on a brave and happy face, it was not very convincing. He could only hope his face was tiny enough that Balthazar wouldn't notice the downturn of his lips.

"Say no more." Kisaik said, and bubbling up from him was a sudden rush of vim and inspiration. "For when this is all over, and the Island's fortune is secure, we shall go on a grand quest to seek her out." Kisaik puffed his armored chest out proudly. Then added, "And if we should succeed or not, we shall have done honor to her memory by our legendary efforts!"

This said, Kisaik took another cracker and chomped down on it with a vengeance.

Then of course the fairy was still waiting for an answer to his challenge. Kisaik's face ran the gamut of expressions from mollified by Balthazar's compliments, to being amused, and finally settling on surprise as hair began to grow from Balthazar's ears, as he apparently mis-guessed the meaning of Troonatic.

Redly snickered snarkily. "Why, of course he's fun, innovative, and ergomatic. None of those things you mentioned counterdict my proclamation that he is most..." Here Redly took a deep breath as if for dramatic pause, and then boomed out for all the place to hear, "TROONATIC I SAY!"

"And you!" He pointed his finger toward Balthazar, "You would dare interject into our most noble duel? Fine, let it be a

"I call upon the strange etymology and entomological powers of the Sweetwine, and may he bless my wheelybits." Said Redly, "And you Balthazar shall join us, in doing no less than sixty Whineywheels!"

"Ready? Go!"

So saying, Redly began looking all around, picking up small fascinating objects and with every one he plucked up, he would say "Oy look! Blimey!"

Kisaik began his Blumwheels, and began plucking some flowers from a nearby vase, juggling the petals in a show of dexterity and athletics.

They both looked at Balthazar for a moment, to see if he would do his whineywheels. Whatever those were...

Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:27 pm
by Winston


If eating he was, then in better company he would not find himself as ample supplies were abundant around the room. Even so, the ferret was not convinced Kisaik's attempt to turn the mood to one of triumph was going to win the trial. Even so, he smiled and nodded in an attempt to support the suggestion. There had been a time when Winston believed that Kisaik's own quest for Love Lost had been a failure... That Winston, as a friend, had failed him deeply and most profoundly... He had since come to the realisation though that the quest had freed him. Freed him from an obligation that he could never have freed himself of without first finding his lost love, for one cannot set free what one does not have.

It also taught him that some things are best left be... He was still without talent at discerning the difference between the two.

As Balthazar ate the cracker, it tasted of brownies, the most superbly flavoured brownies and
the affect of the spirit food would provide him with some cheers, should he want to embrace it

The problem now was that despite Balthazar's just and eloquent rebuttal (that certainly had Winston convinced), spirits were made of different stuff and the Fairy simply continued with its torrade. Unfortunately, spirits, even ones complex enough to seem rational by mortal standards, very simply put, were not. You'd never talk a spirit of Fire to stop burning and sadly for Balthazar, you would be unlikely to ever convince a Sweetwine Fairy from playing.

All of this being what it was, while he had intended from the outset for the entire affair to be something of fun and joy, there was a fine line being walked right now and it could go a very unappealing way. Perhaps he should not have involved the fairies? No, they were a part of his life... By did that make it right for him to force them to be a part of other people's?... He decided to attempt to help, since he was already covered in hair, more would hardly matter.

"Well, Sir Balthazar," He began with a bow to the mage, akin to that of a most reverant servant. By his tone it would be obviouse that he was playing and far from serious. "Sir Chip wus indeed most
en 'is Return Tea Party, an' soh 'is sentence is jost... Bot now in 'is persiute af jostice far dis travesty..."
The ferret placed his hand over his heart and clenched his fist tight, melodramatically over-acting a scene of tragic irony. "The great and wise Grand Poobah of Sweetest wine has befallen the same fate! Falling upon his own sward..." He flounced and flopped over the back of a tiny ferret-size chair. "...sacrificing 'imself by breaching de sanctity af dis sacred place. Dis place of Tea..." He gasped. "' af Parties. Boo-hoo!" There were no tears. Just the very deliberate onomatopoeia. "But naw! Nat only one! Bot anodda! Anodda questin' far justice! In protection af de realm... Well, me livin' room at any rate... Balthazar Black 'as fallen fate tuh the crime punishable by Bum... *cough* BLUM-wheels af..." Suddenly a little fairy appeared by winston's ear with a message most urgent. "Wat? Whineywheels? Bot me tart dem wuz Blumwheels..? Oh. OK, whineywheels. Right, cheers. *EHEM*... Whineywheels af sixy an' no less. And so!" He stood up suddenly, holding an arm in the air with triumph. "En Ol'Tock's name 'imself, me shall take the punishment an sapre all present fram dis dire fate an' dere trangreshuns!" He looked at Balthazar fora moment and winked before starting to pick stuff up, glancing at it for a moment and then exclaimed. "Gally gash!"

Perhaps this was the conclusion to the affair? Or would one of the guests (invited or otherwise) cast things into further disarray? It was Winston's most sincere hope that his guest might continue to enjoy their time, or simply escape as he completed the sentence with a bright smile.
 ! Message from: Winston
Yay! Nice posts!

I suspect my guess at "troonatic" (rude) is incorrect, but hopefully Winston's play will engage the Grand Poohbar enough to quench his thirst for justice. :-p

OK, so from here we can conclude or continue. Please feel free to post however you see fit :-)

Sorry your capstone was not as effective as it might normally have been, but spirits are tricksie things. :-)

As before, please feel free to interact directly and assume things you would enjoy to eat and drink are there for you to have. Anything up to Tier 10 but not extraordinarily rare is up for grabs. Though Winston is more likely to have cooked an inexpensive dish from your fondest memory as a super-expensive dish packed with expensive ingredients. Whatever it is, it would be immaculately well prepared however.

Please consider marking up 3 (or more) knowledges in your next post.

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.

Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:43 pm
by Kisaik
Time to Skedaddle!

Kisaik felt a little guilt for having his own shortcomings as a knight being brought forth to sort of spoil the event that was meant to be joyful and a meeting with a very special neighbor in Balthazar. Kisaik really had wanted to meet him properly for some time, but not under the auspices of this most troonatic andd imperious fairy, who demanded play duels and insulted the honor of good knights and heroes.

The tunawa mortalborn instantly recognized what Winston was doing, and blinked up onto Balthazar's shoulder, as he continued to do blumwheels. There, he whispered to Balthazar,, "I think we should go now! Thanks so much for the gifts! Shall we combine our channelling of ether to part ways via portals? I'm going to the Sweetstone tree, you can come with and enjoy the hospitality of my tribe if you like!"

So saying, Kisaik's eyes began glowing bright green, s his rupture gleam engaged as he cast his vision to the Beacon set at the Sweetstone tree.

"Thanks again for the company and gifts, and a chance to meet a very impressive hero in Balthazar!" Kisiak shouted at Winston, as he continued to channel ether, his eyes growing in intensity of light. "You've done so well Winston, and thanks on behalf of Balthazar, for taking his Whineywheels on yourself!"

Kisiak turned his burning eyes to the fairy, and frowned, "As for you, my most Troonatic and Flimsybold master of ceremonies.... I bid you Hollinbarf. Goodbye!" This said, he opened the portal to the Sweetstone Tree, for Balthazar either to follow or else repurpose the ether to his own portal, ,to another place.

Strangely, Winston would find the consequence for his inability to identify the latest fairy word 'tripooka' would result in him growing a very long, luxurious, and pointy beard. It would last at least an arc, or until he visited a barber.


Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:37 pm
by Balthazar Black

Zi'da 723
Balthazar was content to pretend he hadn't seen the small downturn as Kisaik realized what had happened to Elisabeth. He nodded his head gently at the notion of a legendary effort to find his love. He would have gladly accepted the journey. He would gladly spend the rest of his trials traveling the world in search of Elisabeth... but he felt it was a doomed task. The immortals didn't know where she was. The rings binding them weren't working anymore. He couldn't douse her frequency. He felt the bond Vri's mark gave them but nothing came from her end. In the miasma of chaos, she had vanished and there were no traces he could find. Yet he would spend every trial he had left searching if it meant he got a few more trials with her. It was selfish, and he couldn't let himself be that selfish for the time being.

When the hair began to grow from Balthazar's ears the mage considered ripping it out. Or burning it. Burning it felt more right. Burning it wouldn't hurt him the way pulling hair out would. It felt strange and obscured his hearing a little, but worst of all it tickled. His hands shifted upwards slightly towards his ears only to lower again back down to his sides. No. Don't start burning things at a party. Be good. Redly had claimed that Balthazar's statements didn't prove that Kisaik was troonatic and Balthazar furrowed his, potentially soon to be singular, brows.

"I'm interjecting?" An uncontrolled spark popped between two fingers on Balthazar's left hand. He seemed to stare with dead eyes at the spirit who'd made hair grow from his ears for a few trills. "I'm Yari. Make up what words you want, but this is not a duel." There was something angry in his voice that he hadn't intended but he hadn't hidden well either. Suddenly everything seemed to shift. It was as if a cloud had passed over the sun and blocked it for a few moments, but as soon as it cleared, the light returned. Balthazar's expression softened and he engaged as best he could. It was most likely that Winston's crackers had a slightly delayed effect before enticing the mage back into joy. Then again, with as many sparks as he had to constantly fight inside him, it might also have been an active choice to play nice again.

It was just then that Winston stepped in. Their host must have seen the wheels spinning behind the fractures eyes of the mutant mage. Balthazar turned his gaze to Winston and listened to their host rather than addressing Redly again. Winston was more versed with the spirits way of speaking than Balthazar but it only prompted one action from the mage.

Why are some of you so normal and the rest so... odd. Balthazar asked Fuego and Crow telepathically.

Why are you? Fuego replied into the mage's mind. Balthazar's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Returning his attention to the party at hand, Balthazar finally realized the service Winston had performed. He was taking on the challenge and the risk of punishment for it. Balthazar smiled slightly and nodded to his small friend again. He would have to be sure to thank him when they managed to host the banquet for the Black Cats. He mouthed the words 'thank you' to Winston.

Balthazar took an almost predictive step to the side when Kisaik opened a blink portal up to his shoulder. It wasn't personal as much as it was that Balthazar didn't want to hear the noise so close to his ear. He kept his arm ready to ensure the tunawa didn't fall though. He didn't want to disrupt his blumwheels. Departures were made and Balthazar decided to follow Kisaik through his portal. It would be easy to get back to Almund from the Sweetwine. Before leaving he turned and bid Winston one last thank you. He really had done a lot to organize this for them.

Re: [Saoire Event 723] Balthazar to Kisaik

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:39 pm
by Winston

Review & Rewards

All Players


  • In small ways, you will be recognised by Fairies of Sweetwine in future as having attended the 'Gifting'.

Balthazar Black


I really enjoy your writing! Thanks for taking part in this event and providing not just a contribution to this year's event, but a great in-character progressive experience for us all!

I'm really pleased you got involved in the fairy antics, but very sorry it was all so loud and noisy for poor Balthazar. I suspect Winston will offer some apologies when they next meet.

I look forward to seeing you again next year. :-)


  • Points Bank: +20 - Participate in, and Complete, a Global Event (Advertised as such on sign up)
  • Renown:
    • +10 - For giving at Saiore's Gifting
    • +5 - For getting involved in Fairy antics
  • XP: 20


  • Deception: Pretending not to notice someone reacting
  • Etiquette: Fairies take parties very seriouslyFairies take parties very seriously


  • As Baltazar made his escape, he and Kisaik were intercepted by Shinwa with a small doggy-bag with goodies. Inside his he would find:
    • Two ingots (one of silver and one of gold, as he used to make Kisiak's gift) of metal that can be used to produce items that will not tarnish.
    • A supply of small boiled sweats (of a flavour that he would find very pleasing) that contain the spirit of joy for him to enjoy.
    • Some rainbow crackers (that turn the eater all the colours of the rainbow for a break).



Loooooove Kisaik! Thanks for taking part in this event and providing not just a contribution to this year's event, but a great in-character progressive experience for us all!

I'm really pleased you got involved in the fairy antics and you did a great job of running with it and tying it into your character's own IC events. Nice work.

Also! You gifted the giver! Well done!

I look forward to seeing you again next year. :-)


  • Points Bank: +20 - Participate in, and Complete, a Global Event (Advertised as such on sign up)
  • Renown:
    • +10 - For giving at Saiore's Gifting
    • +5 - For getting involved in Fairy antics
    • +5 - For gifting the giver - He gains a reputation for generosity with the fairies
  • XP: 20


  • Appraisal: Appraising an alchemically enhanced material
  • Intelligence: Being in the know about friends is difficult if you don't keep tabs on them.
  • Rupturing: Engaging a beacon of a famiiar place, in order to teleport a long distance.
  • Rupturing: Allowing another mage to repurpose the ether of one's spell, by relinquishing it as he fell out of the egress.
  • Etiquette: Fairies take parties very seriouslyFairies take parties very seriously


  • As Kisaik made his escape, he and Balthazar were intercepted by Shinwa with a small doggy-bag with goodies. Inside his he would find:
    • A supply of small boiled sweats (of a flavour that he would find very pleasing) that contain the spirit of joy for him to enjoy.
    • Some rainbow crackers (that turn the eater all the colours of the rainbow for a break).
  • Kisaik gains Balthazar's gift!

    1 Good+ Quality Silver/Gold/Embersteel enhanced Gardening Skill Kit that will never tarnish made to fit a tunawa's size.


  • Option Consequence: Kisaik's debt to (Fairy) society is paid, but the stain on his reputation may never fade! Ripley might just make it his personal mission to guide Kisaik through his future fairy events. Happy that Kisaik's punishment was dealt, with a friendly tone, he would hover over the twig-man shoulder like the an advisory devil, offering him advice in his future antics around Sweetwine.

    Note: This flavour NPC has no skills unless you wish to Dev them as a complete NPC. He may also not go anywhere other Sweetwine Fairies cannot usually go.

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!