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Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:23 pm
by Eliza Soule
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) N/A
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Always!
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Get Eliza some major commissions, i.e. portraits, large ceiling frescoes, etc. Get her into some sort of adventure that pushes her outside of her comfort zone and gives her room to grow. Meet more local pcs.
NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Yes.

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:48 pm
by Jasper
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) Got Ashan's Blessing, became Song Forged, Birth of triples, survived snow and pirates.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yes
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Umm. Help with the recovery.
NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Yes.

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:12 am
by Ulric
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) Ulric joined a group of merchant sailors and has slowly begun to notice that they are a bit odd. Don't tell him but I think they might be pirates.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Yup! Gives me something to do!
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Just having a bit of fun. Wrapping up this little accidental pirate arc and figuring out where Ulric wants to go moving forward.
NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Yep, it will be mentioned.

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 3:24 pm
by Vito Rossau
Character Name: Vito Rossau
Reason For Being In Scalvoris: He needs a "safe haven" of sorts that's far away from his old life in Quacia.
How did you arrive? Many boats...
Blessings and/or Curses: N/A
Character Goals:
IC: Get closer to finding acceptance within himself with everything that happened in Quacia, distance himself from his old life as a scarlet priest of the Theocratum. Learn to stop inherently hating anyone with faith in or relationships to Immortals. Develop his own goals and personality, after living his life purely as an instrument of the Theocratum.
OOC: Get him more involved with other PCs, develop his skills and his character by making him do things he doesn't like (such as helping with relief efforts).
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Yes
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Have fun, write stories, get this kind-of-evil guy one step closer to being not-quite-as-evil.

NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Y

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:11 pm
by Saedra Voss
Character Name: Saedra Voss
Reason For Being In Scalvoris: Currently lives/is an active pest here.
Blessings and/or Curses: N/A
Character Goals: Find out what's going on everywhere, with everyone, all the time. Become a better writer and journalist, get those handy larceny & stealth skills up.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Yes
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Start up her own little newsletter, gain readers, get interviews with all the cool cats.

NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Y

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:19 pm
by Tristan Venora
Character Name: Tristan Venora
Reason For Being In Scalvoris: Visiting Winston, learning something, finding allies for Rynmere.
How did you arrive? Through Saoire's portal.
Blessings and/or Curses: Bellinos, Elithem, Vaelus
Character Likes & Dislikes: Tristan likes: alchemy, art, the theatre, weird things and his family. He dislikes violence and treason!
Character Goals: Restoring Rynmere.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Ask first, please.
"Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Visitng Winston, checking out Saoire's Dream, finding allies.

NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Y

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:06 pm
by Kotton
Character Name: Kotton
Reason For Being In Scalvoris: Resident and familial connections
How did you arrive? He was born here
Blessings and/or Curses: TBD
Character Likes & Dislikes: Likes to drink (a lot), hates lies, inequality, lack of justice and unfair treatment/justice, loves to explore and have adventures that are outside of the norm, loves learning and anything academic, and is starting to like cooking, poetry and science.
Character Goals: At the moment, no set and stone goals. Maybe in the following seasons, Kotton can improve his magic or perchance join the dating pool, but for now its just 'go with the flow'.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? I'm all for it!
"Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Since I'm new, I kind of just want to test the waters writing as Kotton; flesh out some of his personality through posts before making any life-changing goals.

NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Y

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:31 pm
by Alyssia
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) Nothing Alyssia has been keeping to herself.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Absolutely!
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? I want to get Alyssia back into the swing of every day life in Scalv and push her apprenticeship forward.
NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Yes

Re: Roster Hot Cycle 723

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:53 pm
by Kisaik
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) Ilaren's Mark, and had a big level-up from the Pirate attack! Also came back from an adventure in Yaralon with Winston.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Yep
What would you like to achieve on Scalv this season? Kisaik
NOTE: If you are writing in Scalv this season - Trials 1 - 40 of Ymiden are taken up with relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks. These MUST be taken into account in your posts, even if its just mentioned. Please acknowledge you've read and agree to this: Y