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Re: [Slag's Deep] Canary in a Coal Mine

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:20 am
by Woe
Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: abandoned

Thread: [Slag's Deep] Canary in a Coal Mine
City/Area: Egilrun

Skills used:
Leadership: Expert
Socialization: Tier 2
Tactics: Expert

Knowledge Requested:
Socialization: 4
Leadership: 4

Renown: Several Council members present to do an expedition, it doesn't get off the ground though so probably nothing.
Collaboration: Yes
Local Language Thread? (Yes - Name of Language / No)
 ! Message from: Winston

Re: [Slag's Deep] Canary in a Coal Mine

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:26 pm
by Winston

Review & Rewards

Skill Review: Appropriate to level.



It's always a shame to see a thread god stale, especially with so many great characters, but I entirely understand why it happened. I hope you enjoy your rewards!

You did an admirable job of politely writing Oram out even if he CAME BACK :-p Well done, shame the thread didn't quite make it though.

I enjoy reading Woe in an odd sort of way. He's so helpful... Like all of the time he seems to be helping someone for some reason, while still being a little recluse about the whole affair. I've not yet read a post of his I didn't enjoy.

I find your writing immersive, I can hear the grinding chains and imagine the complex passageways and you really only take a few words to describe them. Well done.

Perhaps one trial, we will find out what's in there :-)


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15


  • Socialization T2: x4
  • Leadership: x4


  • The 13 WP checks out in your ledger, thank you. Enjoy what you have of your armour so far :-)

Oram Mednix


It's always a shame to see a thread god stale, especially with so many great characters, but I entirely understand why it happened. I hope you enjoy your rewards! I hope Oram returns soon!

OMG I LOVE ROCKY THE STONE HORSE! Hehe. Rocky. Honestly that's probably been the most amusing thing I've read for a few weeks :-p Hehe.... Anyway... Rocky... I always enjoy your posts and think Oram has an excellently entertaining attitude and inner monologue.

I also enjoyed Froblin, well written.

There was only one claim for knowledge so I have only issued one, however if you wish to post a claim after the fact when you come around to reviewing this thread, please don't hesitate to DM me and I'll review it for you.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15


  • Animal Husbandry: Mind your animals’ limitations



It's always a shame to see a thread god stale, especially with so many great characters, but I entirely understand why it happened. I hope you enjoy your rewards! I hope Zana returns soon!

I would always LOVE to say she's a pleasure, but you know all to well she's a peach. :-p I enjoy her sharp tongue and reading your writing is easy to do and immersive.

Also, while she might be out of place in a cold dark cave, she is not unprepared (mirrors) :-)

Thanks for the great posts.

There were no claimed for knowledge so I have not issued any, however if you wish to post a claim after the fact when you come around to reviewing this thread, please don't hesitate to DM me and I'll review it for you.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15

Kura Wolfsdotter


It's always a shame to see a thread god stale, especially with so many great characters, but I entirely understand why it happened. I hope you enjoy your rewards!

Kura always scare me a little. I don't know why, I just always get a little bit like 'Uh oh. Better behave and not screw anything up' when she's around. ;-) I love reading your work.

There were no claimed for knowledge so I have not issued any, however if you wish to post a claim after the fact when you come around to reviewing this thread, please don't hesitate to DM me and I'll review it for you.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 15

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!