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Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:33 pm
by Gennadiya Lyosha
Thread Name & Link:
Angel of Mercy
PC(s) Involved: Gennadiya Lyosha
Overview / Details: Genna sends 15 xp of food stuff, and 15 xp of livestock to Scalvoris in response to the snow storm. The Rharne branch sends along medicines at the same time.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: Restock food supplies and help replace dead live stock from the storm. The medicine is specific to dealing with issues caused by cold.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Not really.
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:06 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Thread Name & Link:
[Winter Storm] Shoring Up
PC(s) Involved: Kura Wolfsdotter
Overview / Details: Snow storm event, Kura works on getting the Elements, the Adunih, and Isonomia better able to deal with the weather.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: Make the Isonomia and the Adunih more open to working with the government, increase the popularity of Kura and Leigh Birch in Scalvoris Town proper. Help keep Scalvonite citizens alive.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Nurp
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:08 pm
by Kura Wolfsdotter
Thread Name & Link:
[Winter Storm] Digging Out
PC(s) Involved: Kura Wolfsdotter
Overview / Details: Kura gets people to work on digging out Scalvoris Town and suggests melting the snow.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: Much the same as the last one, improve relations with Isonomia and the Adunih, improve the reputation of Kura and Birch, possibly the rest of the Council by proxy, keep more people alive.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Nah
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:58 pm
by Woe
Thread Name & Link:
Snowstorm thread 1: Woe
PC(s) Involved: Woe
Overview / Details: Woe is seeing the flurry at the beginning of the day. Five hours before the snow hits, he gets moving out of Onyx Hall and begins warning people. he sends his dragonling to Almund to watch over his people there. He sends out letters to several important people.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: The following message from Peg: "Message from: Peg
Reviewed! This thread will be fundamental for Egilrun. You will find that people work together far better because of this stuff. He'll have more helpers etc. Onyx Hall will become a sort of "central hub" and the entire population of Egilrun look to him. This will be a test of Woe's leadership as, over the next few hours and days, people turn to look at him to answer all their problems. The plus point of this is that it means people do what he says, and he is able to get stuff done. The down point is that, whether they be the Elements stationed there, or the urchins in the street - they're looking to Woe. Food is going to become an issue within a few days, also, and he needs to start dealing with that now. You can assume that there are NPCs in place who are competent and do their jobs. But Woe has made himself a focus."
Anything else you want to tell us?: Nah
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:00 pm
by Woe
Thread Name & Link:
A Feast for Doves
PC(s) Involved: Woe
Overview / Details: Woe is buying out the provisions of the various other establishments in Egilrun. He spent 40 wp to do so, however much taht results in adding to the days of provisions for Onyx Hall and the homeless and other unfortunates sheltered there, up to you.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: The Following Message is from Peg's Note: "The thread has been assigned consequences:
Cordelia's insistence on profiting from the misery of others is something she's quite proud of. She boasts of the deal she got from Woe and this does nothing for her reputation. Please submit to the State of Play.
As a consequence of hearing about Cordelia's insistence, the people Woe sends to collect the supplies also take the time to first speak to all of those in Onyx Hall and then to go around and gather food and supplies from homes. They will have enough for the duration of the snow storm with the supplies from Lemon Messy, too.
Also - the following Loot:
As a result of his generosity, Woe is able to make purchases in Egilrun at a 50% reduction in cost. No matter what he's buying. This lasts for a full arc and may last longer"
Anything else you want to tell us?: Nope
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 7:57 pm
by Balthazar Black
Thread Name & Link:
Black Masses
PC(s) Involved: Balthazar Black
Overview / Details: After a visit to the Glass Tree, Balthazar gets reports that there are ships lurking in the distance near the docks. He positions his people to prepare for an attack and sends some to alert the Elements.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: It could improve his reputation / make him seem more cooperative.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Nah
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 1:41 pm
by Elisabeth Black
Thread Name & Link:
A Ghost Story: Faldrass Edition
PC(s) Involved: Elisabeth Black & Kisaik
Overview / Details: Kisaik and Elisabeth investigate rumors of a 'ghost tower' on Faldrass. They discover a group of bandits playing a con on people, endangering them and pretending to 'save them' while extorting money. They neutralize the operation and deliver the bandits to the Elements, saving a small group of cadouri in the process.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: Improves their reputation among the populace/Elements, especially on Faldrass. Elisabeth's reputation with the Elements and/or Jacien might also improve as she is a super secret Spirit agent.
Anything else you want to tell us?: They were awarded +10 renown so I thought it best to plop it up here.
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 12:13 am
by Woe
Thread Name & Link:
Bun Bun Invasion of 723
PC(s) Involved: Woe and NPC Toutouye
Overview / Details: Woe hunts the friendly bunnies, trying to drive them from Egilrun, or at the very least from their cabin.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: Perhaps on Egilrun, as Woe issues a small bounty for bunny pelts to anyone who hunts them down.
Anything else you want to tell us?: The bounty reads as follows:
To whomsoever it may concern,
Let it be known that the Egg of Egilrun has issued a bounty on the pelt of any bunnies found within the town of Egilrun, until the end of Ashan.
Egg Woe Morandi.
Re: Scalvoris State of Play
Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:53 pm
by Oram Mednix
Thread Name & Link:
I'm incensed that these thurible puns aren't censered!l
PC(s) Involved: Oram Mednix
Overview / Details: Oram helped some fairies harvest ingredients for making incense on the Fairy Harvest trial. In the process, he learned from the fairies that kitten bee honey responds well to being set out in sunlight for about a break before use. Doing this:
1) gives the honey an even clearer golden color;
2) gives it a unique and intensely sweet taste not unlike royal grizzly bee honey;
3) causes it to take on the consistency and viscosity of cooking oil, making it much easier to work with.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?:
Kitten bee honey in cooking and mead brewing will become much more popular. There may be a spike in unprepared wannabeekeepers trying their hand at raising the creatures, thinking them safer than ordinary bees. Such amateurs are likely to subsequently lose control of their hives, thus afflicting their neighborhoods with cute, mostly harmless, but very mischeivous kitten bees!
Settlements & Locations: mainly Scalvoris town, but possibly others, as well.
Anything else you want to tell us?: Peg made me do this.
Re: Scalvoris State of Play (Hot 723)
Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:52 pm
by Woe
Thread Name & Link:
Charity for Thieves (Ironically titled I suppose now)
PC(s) Involved: Woe
Overview / Details: Woe orders/tries to get Whitbloom's help in bringing the unsunk pirate ships from the pirate attack, to put to use for Egilrun's defenses. handover to the elements, whatever that means.
What impact do you think this might have and on who / which sections of the post above?: I think Egilrun should have a pair of very nice ships at the end of this.
Whitbloom Shipwright.
The Swift? her boat, not sure if it was the one that was sunkk.
The Knife? Her boat, not sure if it was the one sunk, but I think so.
The Wicked Reaver? I don't think the Wicked Reaver was sunk.
Famula perhaps, Sintra maybe
Anything else you want to tell us?: