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Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:32 pm
by Oram Mednix
I can see for miles and miles

Oram looked back quizzically in the direction the bird indicated. He was pretty sure Immortals’ Tongue was back that way. Had Ruffin flown all the way from *there*? No matter. What did matter was that the odd vegetation the Rangers had been seeing were noticeable at least all the way to shore, if the puffin told it true.

In spite of Ruffin’s skepticism, Oram and Hop proceeded with making the sand table. It was a good-sized one on a nice, flat shingle next to the run, where the the sand was cool and slightly damp. ”How about a north-seeking arrow, Mr. Mednix?” Hop asked, as he sorted his various sticks and colored stones in piles at the margins of the area they had marked off. Oram fished out his True North Gem and used it to get as accurate a bearing as possible, then drew the northward line with a stick.

Hop then stood in the middle of the table and looked around to spot nearby landmarks. It wasn’t the ideal location for actually seeing all of those, as it was down at the foot of the bank, but there was enough. The veteran ranger marked out the course of the run, the bridge, even the very hill that Ruffin had suggested they climb to take a look.

While Hop worked, Oram regarded Ruffin thoughtfully, not saying anything for almost a full bit. After a moment, he suggested: ”You’ve flown a long ways, Ruffin. You must be tired. Are you hungry, by any chance? I’ve got some fish I could cut up for you, if you like.

“I’ve got an idea about what to do next. Why don’t you stay here with Ranger Hopkins here and help him draw the things you saw on the map. In the meantime, I can go up and check out the view from that hilltop you mentioned.”

Hop looked up from the sand table, then over at Ruffin and nodded. ”I’ve been debriefing patrols for thirty arcs, my little friend,” he told the puffin reassuringly. ”You’ll find I’m quite good at getting whatever you’ve seen, whatever memories and impressions you picked up on the way here onto a map. I’ve done this with rangers who can barely string a sentence together in any language we had in common; I reckon you’ll do fine. Don’t worry. Just answer my questions precisely, and don’t get ahead of me.”

Assuming the bird was cooperative, and after fixing him up with whatever provisions he might need to refuel after his long flight here, Oram mounted Mule. Squinting up at the hill, he estimated. ”I should be back in about a break, no more than two. If the other rangers come back from setting up camp, ask them to wait until I come back.” Glancing at Ruffin, he wondered what those rangers would think if they found Hop debriefing a talking puffin.

Hop nodded, then looked down at the bird. ”If it makes it easier for you to see, you can get up on my shoulder or something,” he offered. ”Or I can bring my horse over and you can park on her.”

Oram waved goodbye to Ruffin and then turned to ride to and up the hill. Mule was good at this sort of work, better, probably, than most horses, picking his way up the slope. The animal was breathing a bit harder by the time they reached the top, the traveler noted, and he gave him some water and feed before walking the rest of the way to the crest to look around.

Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:47 am
by Avalon
Ashan 24, Arc 721

Ruffin watched the Hop and Oram with interest as they went about their work, quizzically tilting his head to eye the sand table, but not saying anything. The True North Gem did its job, accurately indicating the appropriate direction for them to mark off.

Oram’s offer of a snack was greeted with enthusiasm by their little companion. “Ohhhhh, fish?!? You are a kind man, Mr. Oram. I didn’t consider food when I started the journey. I was too worried about what was happening and wanted to find out if I could figure it out. That would be very kind of you!”

He also seemed happy, or as happy as a puffin can seem, about the man’s idea to go to the hill, hopping up and down a bit. “That’s a good idea. I will stay here and help your friend.” Turning to regard Hop as he spoke, Ruffin hopped over to the edge of the sand table, considering it again. “I will do my best to answer your questions.”

After the fish snack, Oram headed off to the hill while Ruffin considered Hop’s offer. “Hmm…the horse would be good. If I need to, I can fly up again and check things. Horse would be good.”

Oram would find the trek to and up the hill uneventful. Once there, he would immediately begin to notice what Ruffin must have been talking about. A little elevation was a good thing in this case, allowing the man to put things together a bit more completely…and it was quite evident….

‘X’ marked the spot. Or in this case, there was just an ‘X’.

All the oddities they had noticed from the ground level seemed to occur along very straight, unnatural lines. The bridge was the center of the “X”, lines radiating out from there. North, as Oram now knew having used his gem, was free of lines. The northwest line appeared to run off in the direction Ruffin had come. The southeast line roughly ran in the direction of Egilrun. To the southwest, the line pointed back in the direction of Scalvoris Town and to the northeast, the Scalvoris Mountains. The lines of weirdness themselves seemed to run beyond what he could see, which made sense since Ruffin had told them he followed the trail from the coast.

Back on ground level, Ruffin and Hop were making progress on their map. Hop’s map, smaller in scale, showed the same pattern that Oram was currently seeing from the hill. Additionally, with Ruffin’s help, he was beginning to notice that there was no apparent pattern for the type or placement of the oddities. That, at least, seemed to be truly random.

The weirdness was random. The lines, not so much.


 ! Message from: Avalon
Coordinated description of lines with current map (being used by rangers IC) provided to me by Oram.

Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:34 am
by Oram Mednix
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is

The view from a hill or mountain was only truly stunning once one got to the top. On the way up or down, one mostly just saw hillside. Oram kept his eyes on that hillside as he and Mule ascended, trusting his sure-footed mount to keep him aloft as they picked out a trail on the scrubby, rocky slope. Mule would deserve an extra apple once they reached the top.

That top could not have been a better lookout position. For their little Ranger detachment, Oram thought the hill would too long to descend in time of need. Perhaps the Elements would have a use for it once they arrived. Clambering onto a boulder slightly larger than Mule, Oram looked about, and saw immediately what Ruffin meant. Up here the odd discolorations in the vegetation resolved clearly into four long lines, all converging on or very near the point of the bridge. Oram took out his True North gem to get a bearing, but it was nearly superfluous; he could tell right away to what points those lines lead: Scalvoris Town, Egilrun, the beach from which Ruffin had flown, in the general direction of Immortal’s Tongue, and a point in the mountains that Oram guessed to be Slag’s Deep. It formed a clear ‘X’, albeit one squashed along the north-south axis, or stretched along the east-west one.

Looking closer, Oram could see that the lines weren’t uniform in composition; they were an effect cobbled together from the various effects he and the other Rangers had been seeing all trial. Did any of this mean something? If so, what? That the bridge was at or very near a confluence of…something was too suggestive to ignore, even if the hunter had no idea what the import was. Oram peered along each of those four lines, to see if anything presented itself at those points.

After a few bits, he clambered down from the boulder and fetched a notebook and a pencil from the saddlebags, along with Mule’s well-deserved apple. Oram roughed out a sketch and made some notes. Those marks would not have been much use to anyone who did not have their maker on hand to interpret them, but the traveler planned on seeing that would happen. After watering his mount and himself, he set off back down the hillside as quickly as he could do so safely.

He returned to find that Ruffin and Hop had recreated what he had just seen from the hilltop almost exactly. Hop had somehow managed to make the sand table depict the assorted nature of the flora along each of the lines. The old ranger nodded in greeting, while fixing the arriving hunter with a questioning look. Oram looked pointedly at the sand table and nodded. ”That’s it, exactly,” he said. ”That’s exactly what I just saw.” Hop looked thoughtfully at the sand table and didn’t say anything for a bit.

Oram broke the silence first. ”This might be important enough for us to report back right away,” he said, ”even if we have to cut our northward patrol short.”

Hop shook his head. ”No need to do that. We can write a report and send a ranger back to HQ with it. Speaking of which…” he gestured over Oram’s shoulder. Some of the other rangers were approaching the bridge; they had apparently found a campsite, and were now coming for further instructions.

Oram grimaced. Even though his spectacles made writing the report himself an option, he did not relish the task of composing it. ”Why don’t you take care of that,” he suggested, ”I’ll take care of these guys.” He nodded towards their approaching companions. He then glanced over at Ruffin. ”By the way, how was the fish?” he asked. ”Did you get enough?”

Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:45 am
by Avalon
Ashan 24, Arc 721

Ruffin welcomed Oram back with happy little hops, situated on the head of the horse Hop had brought over for him to stand on. Listening to what the man had to say, the puffin seemed even more excited, bouncing a bit as he replied. “Ohhhhhh! That’s wonderful news. I knew you would see what I saw if you went up there. It’s not right…at all. I don’t know what’s causing it.”

Oram’s comment and question to Ruffin were met by happy little hops once again. “Oh yes, Mr. Oram. It was lovely fish. I had quite a lot. You are a very kind man, yes you are.”

The two men continued their conversation until Oram noticed a rider approaching at a quick pace, coming straight towards them. Once the horse was close enough, it was easy to distinguish the rider as a ranger, but not one of theirs in the patrol.

Halting in front of the curious group, the man dismounted, turned, and noted the little puffin that had joined them. Eyes a bit wide, he shook his head a bit and turned to regard the men. “Ranger Hopkins, Mr. Mednix. Apologies for the unexpected intrusion but I have a message from Chief Ranger Elliot. He wanted me to ride out here and inform you that anything noted of unusual nature is to be reported to him personally as soon as possible by both of you. He is approving the temporary look-out posts to stay in place if you are relatively certain of their safety. He is not authorizing any additional missions. I can accompany you back to Egilrun if you will be returning immediately.”

The tone the ranger used was polite but no-nonsense. Something was going on – that was easy to tell. What it was, apparently, wasn’t to be found out until they returned.

Ruffin McGuffin, the puffin, flew over to Oram, landing on his shoulder. “Mr. Oram, it’s time for me to return home. I fly inland to see if there was anyone to help, and you and Mr. Hop helped. I know things will be okay now and that you will figure out what’s going on. Thank you…thank you very much!”

And with a tiny flap of wings, Ruffin said goodbye, winging his way back to the coast, leaving Oram, Hop, the ranger messenger from Egilrun, and the returning patrol there, attempting to figure out their next step.


 ! Message from: Avalon
That's it for me! You may post once again if you'd like or let me know we are done and I'll get this reviewed for you! Thank you for the fun thread - I enjoyed it!

Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:57 pm
by Oram Mednix
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead

As Oram watched the nearing rider, his expectant look turned into a puzzled frown. It was a ranger he recognized, but had not expected. He must have come straight from Egilrun. It was amusing to see the newcomer respond to Ruffin after he dismounted, but that trill of mirth gave way to chagrin when the ranger delivered his message. Chief Ranger Elliott wanted him to report personally? Very well, although that would defer Oram’s investigation of the northern sands to another trial. He shrugged and turned to Hop.

”We should still inspect the second campsite location before we go anywhere, right?” he asked.

Hop nodded sagely, gazing steadily at the newcomer. ”We must still be assured of the patrols’ safety, as our messenger just said” he pointed out, speaking more to said messenger than to Oram, it seemed. ”Tell Chief Ranger Elliott that Ranger Hopkins and Mr. Mednix send their regards, and that they expect to return to headquarters before dusk with a report of significance.”

When the ranger had withdrawn, Ruffin announced his need to take leave. Both the men smiled. ”Take care, little friend,” said Hop with a warmth Oram hadn’t heard before. The older ranger gestured toward the sand table. ”You did as good a job helping me with that as most rangers, and better than a few I’ve worked with.”

”Farewell, Ruffin McGuffin,” Oram added. ”and thank you for your help. Perhaps we will meet again under better circumstances.”

As the bird flew off, the two men climbed their respective mounts and made their way across the bridge, to find the campsite that the remaining two patrols were setting up, to inform the rangers that their senior was now in charge, and to head thence back to Egilrun, to tell the Chief Ranger what they had seen.

Re: What's wrong, Seymour?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:28 pm
by Avalon



Ruffin McGuffin has pretty good taste in friends! I enjoyed the back and forth between Hop and Oram (they work well together in my opinion) and everyone's begrudging acceptance of things, such as talking puffins, amused me.

There is such an amazing straight-forwardness to Oram's outlook and personality. He takes what's in front of him and works the problem, even if fantastical elements keep popping up in his path. I suppose that's what keeps life interesting?

Oram has an innate ability to lead that shines through his scowl-y (it's a word!) exterior. I awarded several leadership knowledges because of this.

As always, your writing is superb and I enjoyed this GST very much! Thank you for being patient with me when I tried to invent a new race. :lol:

Thank you for letting me GST this for you! - Avalon


Renown: 10 - The more public nature of this mission and the fact that several rangers were involved warrants more people knowing, talking, gossiping!


You have been nominated for the following medal: (I figure you are long past due for this....)
Ew! Bugs!
Awarded to a pc who completes their first thread in the wilderness.
(Please post in the Medal Nomination Thread and link this review!)

- The friendship of Ruffin McGuffin, the Puffin. May you see him again in your travels.

- Knowledge of the "x" lines and the directions they run in.


Detection - Looking out for signs of an ambush
Detection - Noting decrease in natural wildlife
Etiquette - Offering food to a weary traveler
Investigation - Investigating anomalies is important
Investigation - Asking appropriate questions for the situation
Investigation - Sharing information can be important
Leadership - Making your expectations clears
Leadership - Putting aside personal interest to follow orders
Leadership - How to take initiative
Leadership - Designating tasks to people
Leadership - Knowing when to ask for help
Leadership - Informing people how long you're going to take
Logistics - Figuring out where to put posts and patrols
Socialization - Introducing yourself to a new companion

Review Stamp:
 ! Message from: Peg
With massive thanks to Avalon for GSTing this thread!! Ok - so the "lines of odd" are like this across the island. Please only infer / know what Oram would, but since I'm so not good with direction / distance - here's the map!
Lines of Weird