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Re: Council Meeting: Rebirth 721

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:38 pm
by Pegasus
Rebirth Cycle 721
~~1st Cylus 721~~
Things progressed and people spoke. Many spoke and a few even listened.

Bao spoke, Klaudia, Shl'drei, Ari'sora - none of them council members, but even so they were allowed to speak. Some had suggestions to make, others had observations. Through them all, the Council members could be seen. It was plain sight, after all.

Rand listened and watched. His gaze was intent and he watched those who spoke - and the audience, generally. Shania, too, was intent and attentive. She, unlike Rand, made notes in a small book at the side of her. She could write - it seemed - without looking at the parchment. Marcelle smiled around and watched what was going on - but she lacked the intensity shown by either the Militant or the Accountant. Francis was writing things down - it was hard to tell whether she was actually listening or not.

Meanwhile, Jo'ne was - as was her usual - chewing tobacco and appearing disinterested. Liza was attentive, but not focused. Linca of course -was not present. Kura had received a note earlier that he had fallen ill that morning. Finally, Leigh was watching to see which way things went.

The words happened, then, Kura called them to vote.

The results were read out, clearly, and without preamble by Rand. "Bao Bao is accepted. Klaudia, the vote is no." At which point, Shania turned to Kura and asked, quietly, if she might address the crowd. Once Bao Bao had been given his chair (and a cushion on it, or two, so that he could see over the table.....), Shania stood up.

"Before I had the honour of being the accountant, I was the representative for Gunvorton," she said. She looked at Klaudia, Shl'drei, Ari'sora. "And I know that what we do here is often difficult to comprehend. How do we come to the decisions we do?" She smiled. "Every one of us here appreciates you and your opinions and your offers. So, I would like to say that, what you describe," she spoke to Klaudia, "is not what I understand the situation to be. I will gladly sit with you and listen to each of your concerns and then, discuss them with the Order. We owe them so much, but they do not seek our funding." She smiled, then she turned to Shl'drei. "Being proactive is an excellent idea, and I thank you for that." To Ari'sora, she smiled. "And your concern shines out of you."

Shania spoke then, talking to the three - but also to all who were present. "Whether you have a seat on the council or not, we can all serve Scalvoris. I must support and echo our Alberach and say that people need to step forward. If not for a council seat, then offer us some time. I deal with numbers, these trials, but I never forget that each number, each decision that these good people make impacts our whole island. Each Council Member needs support and assistants. Are you well organised? Able to do filing, take messages, help out? Please, do so." She gestured to the council. "Learn the systems, get involved and then - if it is your wish - apply to be a Council Member. There are many ways to help and if it is what you truly want to do," she said, looking at Klaudia, at Shl'drei, at Ari'sora and then more generally, the room. "Then there is work to be done. Support your Council members, I urge you."

Then, Kura spoke and, at her discussion on Slag's Deep, Rand spoke. "I do, Madam Alberach, but I feel that the more specific planning is best done more privately. However," he said, thoughtfully - it was rare that the Militant spoke. "Winter is a difficult season for all and we will need resources. I'd like to request an executive order to be able to buy what is needed and to have priority in our businesses?" Francis, the Merchant, frowned slightly and looked at the Militant. "Winter is difficult for all. I trust that you aren't expecting our business owners to fund this?" Rand shook his head, no he was not. He was known for paying fair prices and so Francis nodded. "I can do that, if it is the wish of the Council," she said.

Liza, the representative of Egilrun, spoke then. "We need to protect Egilrun's citizens, in case this goes awry," she said. "And the weather won't help with that."

Re: Council Meeting: Rebirth 721

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:15 am
by Klaudia
1st of Cylus 721

Klaudia seemed to appreciate Kuras precise and thorough answer of her inquiry. When she mentioned the portals she had felt a little bit silly, sheepish even but she did what she had to or felt was right in the moment. Not everyone had been privileged to the information they had, but Kura had a talent for politics and navigated her concerns with an almost effortless rhythm as she nodded along in synchronized fashion.

Klaudia took a step back mentally for a moment as she recoiled from disappointment and being verbally jabbed again. Which in turn caused her to re-evaluate the situation again. She was denied a seat while someone else was given a spot. The ex mantis was happy for the critter you simply couldn’t teach cute the way he had it.

The way the Councilmen snarled at her and tried misconstrue what she believed at the time was a valid concern and audaciously twisting it into attempted defamation of character was insulting. And the way the Alberach had glared at her and took things personally when she dared mention what she thought the order stood for.

It was enough of an indication she was not welcome.

And now denied a seat in office there was a bit of embarrassment interwoven with a bitter pill that she knew deep down this wasn’t happening or she’d somehow managed to become the punchline to a bad joke as the councilor has offered the seat as an insult.

Even the constant mentions of Augustine and what a lowly piece of shit she was in comparison made her wonder if maybe the order was really for her. Apparently it was only her opinion that mattered.

She simply shut down from further verbal exchanges, anything brought her way was met with silence she was done while still retaining a certain level of courtesy.

And she was fine with that even when addressed with open arms to continue to do her part by doing there proverbial dirty laundry or scrubbing there floors. It was a big grin fuck and nothing more, they’d be fine without her. The offer could have very well been genuine but her consistent mistreatment thus far made her disbelieve the validity of this invitation.

Klaudia would spare herself the details as she sat appearing attentive while mentally detaching. Her thoughts didn’t matter here because her opinion was up for scrutiny and ridicule that crossed a professional line.

Her only option would be to sit quietly and patiently for the meeting to adjourn so she could quietly excuse herself.

She would keep her dignity.

This was her first experience with the council and it definitely was her last.

Re: Council Meeting: Rebirth 721

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:23 pm
by Rei'sari
3rd Cylus, 720

Location: ---

Ari'sora considered herself fortunate. As one nameless face in a crowd of civilians, no one had asked her anything. Not directly, at least. When the suggestion of people offering to take a seat on the Council came up, the choice had been simple; offer or do not. And she had not. Ari'sora knew that she had no business attempting such. She wasn't anything near qualified for something like that, and she would have no clue where to even begin. And that didn't even start to take into consideration what would happen the first time she was asked to decide A newborn child born mere trills ago would make a better candidate for a council seat than she ever would.

There had been a great deal of information to take in, but no decisions to be made on her part save for one; speak her thoughts about the Cadouri working for no pay, or do not speak. So she had spoke. And whether her thoughts had had any weight on the matter or not, Ari'sora was very relieved to hear the Alberach say that she would not have them work without pay.

The two people who had volunteered for a sea were voted on, and one of them had been chosen, while the other had been denied. Then the Accountant addressed the crowd. Ari'sora only knew who she was because she had addressed herself as such. As she spoke, she did speak to Ari'sora directly, and that startled her. But the woman's words reassured her that she had made the right decision in speaking out when she did, and she smiled back shyly.

The Accountant also spoke of offering time to the Council. She asked a series of questions that caused intense nausea to rise up in her as her mind started to dwel on them. She would have been violently ill, save for one thing. As she battled her nausea, she willed herself to ignore the questions. Those were not decisions that she had to make. Not now, at least. The nausea did not subside completely, but it was enough that she did not disgrace herself. For the moment at least.

Then the Alberach spoke of the business to be addressed by totrial's meeting. Something about Slag's Deep. Ari'sora knew nothing about the prison save for that it existed, so when the Alberach asked for suggestions, it was an easy decision. Speak or stay silent, and she chose the latter since she simply had nothing to say. She would, however, pay close attention to anything that others said.

Ari'sora is using Master Discipline (151/250 exp, 46 knowledges) to will herself to ignore the questions being asked about organization and such.

Re: Council Meeting: Rebirth 721

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:35 pm
by Pegasus
Your Review


Since the war kind of happened, I'm closing this up and reviewing. Well done to all involved. Don't forget the objectives at the beginning of the thread - they're still there! There are also council places which still need filling. We'll do another thread next season!


Bao is so adorable and earnest. His friendly demeanour suits the fact that he's a cadouri, but you manage to write him in such a way that you are not playing him at all stereotypically - and he comes across as a pc with real depth. He's an action-panda who is summed up by "so where do I start" and that's great! Well done, enjoy your rewards.

XP: 15
Renown: 10

+1 job!

Discipline x 2
Negotiation x 4
Politics x 4


The way that Kura deals with things when working is really well-written. I enjoy your writing of her, and touches like the colours in her eyes being something people have learned to watch for is both very interesting and a subtle writing tool which adds real depth. She's straight-talking, with a deal with it head on approach and your clarity of writing really helps with that. Your writing is lovely, and your pc is detailed and fun to mod. Enjoy your rewards!

XP: 15
Renown: 10

Discipline x 2
Negotiation x 4
Politics x 4


As you only wrote one post of just over 300 words, I can't give you full rewards here. But, it was a lovely post!

XP: 10
Renown: 5

Politics x 2


It's rare to see Nir'wei alone - and I loved how you got that nuance in your writing. Nir was unequivocally himself in this thread and his responses to the world around him were nuanced and entirely in-character for him. "Only slightly incensed" is something that epitomizes Nir'wei and I thoroughly enjoyed reading him. Enjoy your rewards!

XP: 15
Renown: 10

Discipline x 2
Negotiation x 4
Politics x 4

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.

Klaudia - your pc is not yet approved, so I can not give you rewards. Please let me know in a PM as and when she is.
Ari'sora - as your pc could not be here because of other IC situations, I haven't given you any rewards.