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Re: The Healing Women (Cail)

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:57 pm
by Oonah

Order of Adunih Healer

Gennadya's caring words with Cail's ability to navigate the angst of everybody's reactions to this terrible situation heartned the little Tunawa. She recognized that while they each had faults, as a trio they worked well together. It wasn't the first time they had worked so closely together; but this time, in direct care of mass casualty patients, they were turning out to be a good team. Her pride in belonging with these ladies, knowing they could depend upon each other, warmed her sap and she stepped away to find her next patient with freshened confidence.

There was a knight was sitting against the wall with his head tipped back and eyes closed, patiently waiting his turn. Oonah thought back realizing that all the healers had moved around him to care for those more critically injured for some time now, just as she had when he had waved her away the first time. This time she noticed that his breathing seemed short and his forearms rested about his middle as if he were hugging himself. There was nothing more apparent about why he might be here which made her wonder why exactly he was here and not out fighting on the wall. The healers had patched up and sent many of their patients back to the front with much more apparent damage.

At his side she piped up, "Good knight, all more critical injuries being treated. Here am I to help you now if any need of me?" He didn't answer or acknowledge her in any way. Reaching out she patted his arm, then shook it more firmly as she watched for his eyes to open. "Good knight, awaken, K? Is to tell me why here you are." Her alarm grew as, still, he did not respond. Taking up one of his hands, she found a low pulse and his skin was cold and clammy. What could it be? She needed more information. Her gaze lifted to roam across the wounded to see how near Gennadiya or Cail was. Perhaps they knew more about this man?

"Eh said eh 'ad been fight'n 'ard ona wall an fell from et ta toppa cart below. Eh said eh's guts 'urt but dinna think too much 'bout et but ta sit an rest a bit."
It took a bit for Oonah to decifer the heavy dialect then look gratefully toward the grizzled old soldier nearby, unrecognizably swathed in bandages. "Eh been dozin off n on fur breaks now."

"His ab-do-men," she slowly pronounced the word she had learned for 'gut'. "Many thanks is what needed I to know." Turning back to her patient, she struggled to lift his arms aside. The man moaned, "Whaaaa?" as his eyelids fluttered open and tried to focus on the slim stick figure in the green cloak at his side.

Hopeful at his awakening, still Oonah tried to keep the worry from her tone as she explained, "Is all good, need only to see your hurt." The knight's chin lifted and dropped, which Oonah took for consent. Struggling a bit more she managed to lift the hem of a light chain mail shirt and hauberk to reveal his slightly distended belly awash in an ugly purpilish bruise. Her groan of compassion mirrored his painful moan. "Might have you ribs broken, but is common injury to be healed," she explained encouragingly.

As Genna had once spoken of the importance of letting the patient know what was happening, Oonah did so, "Will press upon lightly to see if and which. If pain grows, say so please." For better leverage, Oonah leaned her weight into her arms as she probed against his upper abdomen, her hands sinking deep within the swelling.

The man's body suddenly heaved as a choking gurgle slipped past his lips. A large welling of bright red blood burbled forth to splatter down his chin on to his chest and onto Oonah. Back arching, his flailing tossed her aside as more crimson stained his chin. Oonah watched in stunned horror as he slumped bonelessly and, just like that, the emptiness of death began to glaze his eyes.

She didn't move, couldn't think, her mind numb with what to do next, until she heard the grizzled patient nearby begin to speak in what she quickly deciphered was prayer.

There was nothing more she could do except....
Oonah climbed to her feet, gently pressed a palm of her hand to each of the dead man's lids to shut them, then dropped to her knees to add her words to his, " Immortal Moseke, may you yourself grant to the soul of this deceased solder rest in a place of light, a verdant place, a place of freshness, from where suffering, pain and cries are far removed. Where birds call and nature grows, may he find peace in another world beyond this one."

And so she would stay, in mourning until her sisters came or the next casualty called her back into action.

Reference: Internal Bleeding
Tunawa Female

25 Arc old
10 " Tall
Moseke Mark

In Birthday suit
Green Cloak

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
~ Jerry Cantrell

Re: The Healing Women (Cail)

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:31 am
by Cail Qy'Jihai

Cail Qy'Jihai

Please note I do not own the song

Cail looked at Genna as they all seemed to calm down from the momentary chaos of what to do with the man. She had not meant to startle Oonah or make her decision any less important than her own. The woman looked at the small Tunawa and waited till the chaos had died down, and the soldier’s friends had either went back to help or found medical assistance for themselves as well. Smiling gently, the biqaj held her hand out for Oonah to climb on as the man was getting moved.

“No, it is my apologies. I did not mean to cut under your directions. I should have been calm and not shouted. I will do my best to remedy my responses,” Cail stated.

The woman kept a smile on her face when Genn complimented Oonah on her calming abilities. It had truly helped to have her singing to those that are upset. If the small woman had decided to ride on her shoulder, Cail would have dropped her off with the sleeping knight then moved on to help another that was injured. The knight was a woman and seemed far more agitated than any of the injured men. Keeping the best smile, she could while addressing her Cail began to access what was wrong.

“Hello madam. My name is Cail and I will be tending to your injuries,” Cail stated.

The sight of her arm snapped clean in half with the bone sticking out of the skin made the woman’s stomach turn. Clearing her voice, the biqaj called for one of the assistants to help her set the bone correctly. If the bones were not lined up properly the injury would repair itself incorrectly. Gently raising her hand, the woman inspected the break as best she could. To her it looked very clean and that was validated by the assistant that had been working longer.

“We will need to reset the bone, wrap it without stitches, and put a splint on it. With how large the hole is the sticks will need to go on top and on bottom of the arm instead of the sides. It will hurt, make sure she bites down on to some leather,” Cail said.

There was really nothing else to be done other than giving her some pain medicine and something to bite on. It was going to feel like they were rebreaking her arm all over again to get the bone in place. It took a good five bits for them to get it set and wrapped, then the assistant wrapped the arm again while Cail held the sticks in place. The screams coming through the leather made her heart clench in pain. Once everything was finished, Cail took out the leather and wiped her head down with a cold rag.

“We will come back in a few hours to see how the cut is draining. If everything is good with no sign of infection, we will stitch the cut closed and redo the splint. So long as there is no infection, the splint will have to stay for several weeks if not half a cycle,” Cail explained.

After finishing, Cail ran over to where Oonah was hearing a man puking violently. The sight of blood caused the woman to go pale. She had only seen that kind of thing once, the name escaped her about what caused it. But it was never curable. As expected, the man died shortly after laying back, the woman walked over and knelt beside the bed letting Oonah and the other knight say their prayers. Remembering an old song that her mother would sing at a sailor’s death; the woman began to sing quietly. It was a somber song with so much meaning; as she sang Cail found a bottle of ale and two glasses. Putting them on the table beside him, she poured a glass for him and sat the bottle down.

Of all the money that e'er I had
I spent it in good company

And all the harm I've ever done

Alas it was to none but me

And all I've done for want of wit

To mem'ry now I can't recall

So fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be to you all

So fill to me the parting glass
And drink a health whate’er befall,

And gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all

Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They're sorry for my going away

And all the sweethearts that e'er I had

They'd wish me one more day to stay

But since it falls unto my lot

That I should rise and you should not

I gently rise and softly call

Good night and joy be to you all

If I had money enough to spend
And leisure time to sit awhile

There is a fair maid in this town

That sorely has my heart beguiled.

Her rosy cheeks and ruby lips

I own she has my heart in thrall

Then fill to me the parting glass

Good night and joy be with you all.

Biqaj Female

23 Arc old
Long Brown Hair and Eyes
5' 8" Tall

Clothing Style
Green Cloak

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
~ Jerry Cantrell

Re: The Healing Women (Cail)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:25 am
by Pig Boy

Experience: 15 no magic


Knowledge: Surgery x4
Medicine x4

Renown: 10

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level. However, I would include teaching and leadership skill here, given that Gennadiya is overseeing the green cloaks' healing of soldiers.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Experience: 15 no magic


Care Giving: smile when helping patients
Medicine: make sure you have what you need for burns
Medicine: clean a burn first Medicine: make sure blankets are clean
Medicine: third degree burns can cauterize themselves
Medicine: bones have to be reset to heal properly
Medicine: prioritize injuries based on severity
Medicine: you don't save everyone
Singing: saying goodbye in a song

Renown: 10

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level. However, please remember to include the levels of skills used next time.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Experience: 15 no magic


Socialization - approaching patients in mass casualyt with a firm but calm intent to heal mind and body
Sociology - Mass casualty events can deeply affect the moral and ability to heal wounded and non-wounded folk
Medicine - General wound care and treatment for burns
Medicine - Triage assessment and priority for treating shock and severe burns
Medicine - Treat shock symptoms
Singing - Songs of healing to calm and encourage healing of many patients
Surgery - Observed Genna surgically removing charred fless of 3rd degree burns to avoid bacterial infections
Medicine - learned about cauterization to stop a patient from bleeding out
Medicine - experienced a death through un-timely identification of internal bleeding

Renown: 10

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level. Please list your skill levels along with the skills used for your next review claim.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none
Comments: I don't often see group healing stories, so this was an interesting change of pace. Each member of the team brought different skills and methodology to the table, Oonah with her rustic tunawa charm, Cail with her singing. Although their efforts bore mixed results, it seems like the green cloaks under Gennadiya learned quite a bit in this story. Gennadiya is really doing well in a leadership role. Hopefully she'll continue to further her career in the Order, and become a true leader in that faction.

If you have any concerns about this review, please pm me.