Re: You Don't Waste No Time At All
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:50 pm
And so, Faith accepted the position, and Famula stepped aside for her general to get to work. She watched and listened politely and quietly, just as all her followers did. At Faith's question, there was a moment of hesitance in Famula's eyes, a moment that only Faith would be able to see. Then she spoke, "I do not know what Ellasin is after. I'm afraid I'm far out of my element here. You have my help, but I am limited. I have the highest confidence in you, Champion mine, you are for more suited for this task than myself."
Following Faith's question to the entire congregation, she was soon being given stories from the various Zuuda present. They spoke of their run-ins with various Necromancers, some who claimed to be within the Coven. They spoke of attacks they suspected to be of Ellasin's hand. They spoke of the resources they had at their disposal in their various areas of the world. They were all being quite helpful, and while they had their own limited intelligence of Zuuda and their associates, they were by no means a spy network. But perhaps they were enough.
Once they were all done giving their reports to Faith, Famula stood, taking her son by the hand, and walked toward Faith. First to Padraig, "Vri, Moseke, and Jesine are all loyal allies mine. Perhaps they might know that which I cannot. I never expected to be mother to a spymaster in a war, but I couldn't be more proud, son mine."
Famula then reached into her cloak, and pulled out a black metal lantern that glowed blood red. She cast the light over Padraig, then Faith. She then handed the lantern to her General, "This tool will allow you to bestow access to this realm unto others until this war is finished. One must cast their blood upon a mortal doorway with intent, and Zuudaria will find them. To you, I grant this gift." Then looking at her son, "It is powered by what mortals call 'Wells', though this particular one can only be found here."
Famula's head turned toward the door to her Mausoleum. Looking back at Faith and Padraig, "I must go. Mine own duties require me." Then she smiled softly, "Thank you, all of you, for being ever faithful servants."
And she was gone, leaving Faith and Padraig and all the other Zuuda behind in her home.