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Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:00 pm
by Faith Augustin
If there was one thing that Faith Augustin was good at, one thing which she felt her arcs of slavery had given her as a genuine boon, it was her ability to remain calm, focused, and disciplined. Something, it seemed, which the Immortals of Justice and Judgement did not have. She watched, calmly, as both of them shouted, and then Pier grew more and more irate. Pre, too, seemed highly emotional, albeit in a slightly quieter and minutely calmer way. She did not flinch, nor did she shout back. She was irritated, there was no doubting it, but she knew that to lose her temper here would be to the detriment of all, and so - like she would in a few trials in a kitchen with Maxine - Faith simply stood her ground and allowed her calm silver eyes to regard those in front of her.

Then, with a gesture from one of them - a gesture which Faith saw the other attempting to stop - suddenly her body lit in pain and she fell to her knees. The woman who had been a slave for nearly all her life - eighteen arcs of ownership, two of freedom - had been trained since birth not to cry out in pain. She had endured torture the like of which made Padraig want to kill and she had remained, silent and unmoving. Before Moseke had taken them from her, her body had been a map of those tortures. And she had never experienced anything like that. Never. Yes, as she whimpered in pain between teeth clamped shut together in agony, Faith felt it. She experienced it.

And she understood.

Faith had, thanks to the abilities granted by her blessings, experienced the deaths of a few dozen people now - literally experienced them as though first hand and, of course, she had experienced her own. In a very first-hand sort of way. Nothing she had experienced had prepared her for this, and the young woman was in a physical position which she had not been in for a long time. Kneeling on the floor, head bowed in pain, with every nerve alight in agony. Yet, she heard the voices, the voice, and she understood.

So, she grit her teeth and she stood with a wince. She made no more noise, but if she had allowed herself to, she would have grunted with pain as she slowly moved her left leg till her foot was flat on the floor. Then, hands on that knee and she shakily lifted herself up. Every bit of her shook, she was trembling from head to toe. "Qit...." Faith's voice was tense with pain and shook as noticeably as the rest of her. She knew Qit, and Qit would defend Faith should she think the twins had hurt her. She put her hand on Qit'ria's arm and squeezed gently. "My sister. All is well."

Breathing in, Faith looked at the twins. "You are in so much pain," she said, quietly. "So much pain. But this isn't right. Did you always feel the emotions before?" Faith looked at them and there was no anger, no argument - she understood much better, even though she knew that she would pay a heavy price. "It's all become your pain? Your joys and terrors? Every emotion, experience, life ... has become yours? That isn't right, surely?" No wonder they were so emotional, so volatile ... "Please," Faith said, softly, "let me help you?"

It seemed to her that something had changed here. Lifting a shaking hand to her face, Faith pinched the bridge of her nose and thought. Hard. "Something isn't right. Something... I should have seen it." Looking at the Twins, Faith frowned. "You called me Miss. You know I am not. Why would you do that, you wouldn't have done that before? It's so not like you, and I did not see it. I'm so sorry." If only she could stop the screaming pain throughout her body and the shock of what she had just seen, then she'd be able to think better, Faith was sure. "We have met three times now, you and I. The first two times, you did what you do. You epitomised the very thing you are. You were balanced." But not this. They weren't baiting, petulant, anger ridden. This wasn't right. If only she could quieten the din in her head, it might make sense.

Taking a trill to consider, Faith spoke. "My words irritated you. Angered you. But, at their core, they were true. You are ascribing judgements to them which were not there. When did truth start to annoy you?" It just wasn't their way, wasn't like them. She knew that there was something here, but she didn't know what it was. And Qit'ria was right. Absolutely right. "And you brought Qit to a room. When I died, I was in a place where I was comfortable. Why here?"

There was no doubting it, the tone of her voice - Faith was concerned. Worried. Every part of her was in pain, she wanted to simply collapse in a corner and sob; if it was too much for two Immortals, then it was too much for one mortal and then some. But there was one thing which over rode that, in this instance. Because these two judged every soul. Every one.

And then, she realised something. Something they had said.

"In Vri's name, by Famula's light, I swear to you that there is something wrong here," she sounded - because she felt - afraid.

" Is it not that she especially desires to aid them in crossing over? Are her adherents not charged with this same goal? Yet here you are, her Champion, encouraging the very opposite of this duty. How very odd. Should I decide that it is my duty to advocate for this person, and judge YOU for not properly doing your duty to your Matron? Well, let me stress again my pure devotion to MY duty. It is not part of my calling to 'tattle' on Famula's servants. I leave that to your own choosing."

The scene flashed again before Faith's eyes and she replayed it - her memory of it was perfect thanks to Vri and she gave a sudden, silent prayer to both Vri and Famula. Fear built in her.

"Because you know Famula better than I do. You know her, and you know that for those she deems with sufficient drive... sufficient Purpose, she gives them the chance. To become a Wisp. That is what she does, what she has blessed me with the ability to do in her name, and what I will do for Qit'ria." Silver eyes regarded the twins and Faith was absolutely, and completely sure that there was something very, very wrong here. They were wrong about Famula, they were petulant and they were trying to pick a fight from the very moment that they got here. Yet, she could not jump to the conclusion she wished to - that this was not them - because of what they had just shared with her. Although she realised that this was something she could do - give someone a death. Was it that?

"Please," she said, softly. "let me help you."

And she prayed to Famula. To Vri, Moseke and Ymiden. She had healed so many mortals, mortalborn, all sorts. But these two Immortals stood here and Faith genuinely believed that there was something very, very wrong. So, even though they had baited her, pushed her, and then hurt her in ways that she had no words to describe, she did the only thing that she would do.

She tried to help.

Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:39 pm
by Qit'ria

Qit's smile slowly twisted into a smirk as the two women continued to only prove her point. They were still acting like children, despite being beings that should know better. She continued to listen, her arms crossing over her chest, as she waited for them to be done. Lots of bluster, lots of talk. They were mad, they were beyond reason. Qit knew that state well. She was one who had let her emotion overtake her reason many a time. It was amusing, and refreshing, to see another doing it instead. Faith had already told her that there was no need for these two to be listened to anyways, that their so called judgment was meaningless.

So she waited for them to finish.

And when the woman came within inches of her face, Qit stared back into those deep, intelligent eyes with a stubbornness that can only come from those with no regard for rules of society, divine or otherwise. She stood her ground in that gaze, barely listening to a word the woman said while their eyes were locked. Qit could hear it all in the woman's tone, in the need to challenge her, to try and intimidate her by her close physical presence.

This space was where Qit lived, thrived. So she held her ground, she would not change who or what she was just because these two were upset. All she heard was complaining and excuses in the tone of that woman's voice. And when the woman stepped back, Qit'ria counted it as a victory. She didn't balk in the face of anyone, she was not about to start now.

Then Qit heard the exasperated gasp of pain that escaped Faith.

She didn't even look at her sister after that, her claws were readied, her eyes furious, her lips pulled back in a feral snarl. They attacked her family. And Qit had one rule she truly lived by, and that was to defend her family. She took a single step toward the bitches, ready to rip out their throats or die trying, when she stopped at the sound of her name. Faith's hand was on her arm. Qit looked toward Faith now, and the snarl lessened. She could see the savagery of pain on the woman's face. She didn't know what the twin had done to her, but Faith as doing what Faith did. She went above it.

And so, for Faith, Qit stood down.

That didn't stop her from maintaining a snarling glare at the sister that had done this to Faith. She continued to half listen at the angry twin's speech, never once letting her furious gaze waver. She did pay attention to the dangers they spoke of for ghosts, but those were immaterial arguments to her. Qit held her tongue though, for Faith was speaking now. This was Faith's fight, but as Pre, or was it Pier? She didn't know, nor did it matter to her. But as the woman finally finished prattling on, ending with a directive for Qit to 'Be a ghost then,' the huntress reached up and lightly thumbed her nose in the direction of the so heavily insulted twin.

And in her mind, she was making loud one singular thought, one that resonated with her entire being, was the one lesson that Qit had learned to hold dear above all others, one she'd lived her life by since it became relevant.

'Faith has earned my trust. You two have not.'


Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 3:54 am
by Maltruism
The look Pier cast in Qit'ria's direction now spoke more of weariness than anger. "Of what consequence is your trust in these proceedings? Trust does not enter into it. You have died, and you are to be judged. It is to your good fortune that your behavior in this chamber is not charged to that record. I recant my verdict, for we have not even begun, so why should we be held to answer to your advocate for an allegedly incomplete proceeding? All this nonsense has no bearing on anything related to our duty here. If we begin again, however, I will tolerate no repeat!"

Pre stepped to a more central spot and raised her voice briefly, "Then let ME state our position this time, sister. You have had your turn. And while I did not disagree, I believe much could have been stated in ways that would come across better." Pier naturally stated her disagreement with this assessment, but deferred to her sister.

"Advocate. You cannot deny your charge has spoken to us in very disrespectful terms. And while this is not held against her, as it was done in a place outside of her life's measure, it can be held that you are encouraging it if you do not make demonstrative efforts to stop her." The Immortal looked to be only taking a pause to confirm the wording she would use when she continued. This continuation was halted briefly as Pier pointed out that Faith had, in fact, made several vocal interruptions of Qit'ria's outbursts, as well as physically restraining her at one point.

There was a second pause as Pre cast a somewhat annoyed nod to her sister's point. She nodded further as Pier added that Faith had stated her presence as not only "Advocate", but also as "sister" and "friend", and that should extend some leeway as to the specific definition of Advocate. Ending her nodding, Pre shot a mild glare in her direction, "Yes, well, sometimes sisters do not act as friends, do they, sister." Pier's eyes rolled in response.

Turning back to Faith, Pre went on, "You make several assumptions about the precise parameters of our calling. You yourself cite that both our brother, Vri and your matron, Famula, will give Qit'ria the option you lay upon us as something we failed to do; that of rejecting rebirth and staying on as a ghost. This option has nothing to do with judgement, and it is not our place to attend to it. You have stood before us prior to this. Did we not "fail" to do so then as well? It is unclear to me why this person should merit special treatment. I see this as you arbitrarily demanding "justice" for your sister and friend, while having never cared about it for those others."

"Well, she did arrive late, sister." Pier interrupted, "It could well be assumed that she did not know what all may have been said before her arrival, and was just making sure. For you know that Vri's extension of this option is often while we are still present. It could easily be mistaken."

"But what of her anger?" Pre shot back. "It was to the debasing of our very domain for her to come in making demands, as if our performance of our duty was not up to her standards. I really have no care over mortals' opinions of us. But when they attack our sacred purpose? Yes, it offends me." She shot a finger in the direction of Qit'ria, "As well as making this one feel justified in continuing with her unrepentant insults."

"But you just said you did not care what opinion mortals have of you." Pier countered, earning another glare from her sister.

A somewhat perplexed look tempered the anger in her glare, but she shrugged it off, "And let's speak again of the anger we have displayed; the emotion. And this mention of our pain? Why should you feel that this is "wrong"? Of course we know of pain and emotion! Are not the majority of mortals' deeds motivated by emotion and pain? Certainly enough that we would be derelict in our function to know nothing of them. And what was it yours was based on? A simple use of the word 'Miss'? and a comment that you perform in an official capacity for once?"

Pier interrupted now, "Yes sister, I questioned the need for that comment when first you said it. I still do not see what made it necessary. If we are holding her to a standard based on a three-fold status of advocate, sister and friend, then any of those where she did not declare advocacy specifically would still entail the other two, and that is a majority."

"Those other times did not involve sisterhood, so they would not carry this majority you speak of, dear. Though, in fairness, they were favorable judgments all the same. But the use of 'Miss' is nothing more than a semantic issue, and was not intended to refer to your marital status. But getting back to the point..." she scolded with a look toward her sister, "...We need to know the impact of emotion and pain, else we would judge a criminal who robs a store out of selfishness in the same light as one who did so out of need to provide for his family; or one who kills to silence a witness to his crime compared to one who does so in self defense. For this reason, we must experience it."

"And in truth..." Pier cut in, "...the fact of my anger growing so great as to prompt punishment upon the advocate should stand in Qit'ria's favor, given that I easily fell prey to the impulse it generated, in the same manner that she herself has done so many times."

Pre started to say something, but the words froze in her mouth, turning to a strangled gurgle. She turned with a blanching face as she stammered in shock, "Wh-w-what? D-D-Did you say? Sister? FAVOR? should not be speaking of what stands in anyone's favor!" Pier now also stiffened in shock as Pre's words registered. She staggered back against a wall as her sister continued in anguish, "This is not possible! What is happening? How did you come to be favoring the judged? How am I standing in opposition? This cannot be!"

The mortals were momentarily forgotten, as the two Immortals of judgement rushed to a stricken embrace, their eyes bulging in wild disbelief and confusion. Several desperate questions started forth, only to be left unfinished, "Our Calling! Our Purpose! How can it....How did...What is....When did we.....Who did....What has become...?" Fear stared out between fingers clasped upon twin faces.

Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2019 6:28 pm
by Faith Augustin

Faith moved, making sure that she was close to Qit'ria. Because this? This was not something which Qit needed to face alone. Faith was here and her hand slipped into Qit's. If there was something wrong with this pair of Immortals ~ something Faith was increasingly sure of ~ then who knew what was about to happen here and she needed to protect her friend. As the person being judged, Qit was in a position of vulnerability, and so Faith took hold of her hand and held on.

As the two of them talked at the two of them, Faith increasingly recognised that there was no point to actually answering the questions, as she had tried to, because they were.. Faith's expression turned into a slight frown. What one had argued previously, the other one did now. Where one had been positive, the other negative - now that was reversed. That wasn't right, was it? Faith thought back to what she knew of the twins and always, one was pro, the other anti - and it was always the same order. This was just getting more and more difficult to understand for the devout young woman.

When the Immortals realised it, they ran to each other and hugged, like the sisters they were. They had questions, and they seemed entirely unable to comprehend what was going on. Faith considered it, for a moment, and then she had a thought. Stepping forward, with a squeeze of Qit'ria's hand, she spoke. "If I might, I think maybe it's my fault." Faith's voice was soft, reassuring. "I ... my house was attacked. Qit saved my children, my babies. And she died in the process." Faith tried to explain, the best way that she could, although her mind was working as she spoke. "And so I came here. I could only do that because of my blessings," which must mean, Faith knew, that this was not a common or usual occurrence.

"You give your judgement to one individual, could my presence have unbalanced that?" Faith asked. It made sense to her, from the moment that she arrived, they had been unlike she had ever seen them before. Maybe her presence here had done the very opposite of what she had intended. "I assumed that advocating for Qit was both acceptable and even usual, but as I think on it, that seems less than likely." It was a rather specific circumstance, after all. Faith would not have done anything else, not ever, but if by doing so she had hurt the Immortals, upset their balance. "If that is the case, I can only apologise if my presence has hurt you. I assure you, my intention was pure." They could see her, they knew that. But then, of course, even things down to the mis-naming and the notion of her doing her job "for once" made more sense if that was the case.

Keeping her hand in Qit'ria's Faith was quiet then, waiting to see what the Immortals thought of that. Things were on a very tricky balance here right now, and she had no wish to push either one of them into a frenzy.

Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 12:02 am
by Maltruism
The twins clung to each other, their grips tightening to what soon showed itself to be a dangerous level. The whitening stress showing in their fingernails began to glow. If Faith or Qit were to attempt to approach them they would feel themselves cast back, but not to actually land on,or impact, a solid surface.

They would soon feel the structural reality and support of the room dissolve beneath their feet anyway. But they did not fall, near as they could tell. It was futile to tell what sort of environment replaced it, other than the growing brightness of the twins. Fear of some devastating burst of destructive energy could not but find root in the mortals' hearts, as the light turned blinding even through tightly closed lids. Turning away would only find a reflective wall turning the brightness back at them, though the discovery of some structural integrity was reassuring.

All at once the intensity burst, as did the chamber itself, telescoping outward into a measureless array of reflecting surfaces, each finding itself beset with numerous motes of light. Millions, tens of millions, perhaps hundreds, locking into offsetting positions as forms of light took shape to act out deeds of every description. the offsetting figures mirrored each other, yet the actual actions were of opposite nature. One figure, his arm thrusting forward to stab an enemy, was mirrored by an arm thrusting forward to place food before a starving child. The leader of a group waiting in thieving ambush, was mirrored by one waiting to lead welcomers in cheer at a surprise party. One figure, bear-hugging another to injure him, was mirrored by another squeezing a man choking on a piece of bone.

And even where the action was too veiled to be displayed, understanding was immediate. A figure rifling through a sleeping man's belongings for purposes of theft was mirrored by another, rifling through his friend's pack to remove an item planted by a corrupt official bent on framing him. A man, trailing a woman for heinous purposes, mirrored by a father watching his daughter make it safely to her friend's home. A parent, stashing money needed for bills, for their own selfish purpose, mirrored by one saving up money to send their child to the academy.

Faces alone reflected opposites. A face shouting in anger opposite one shouting encouragement. Tears of anguish reflected by tears of joy. The pain of needless torment offsetting the pain of a necessary medical procedure. Some depicted multiple figures. A dance of pure joyful release going against the jeering dance of a mob lynching an innocent man. It went on and on, every level of cruelty or mercy, concern or callousness, love, hate or apathy were depicted in every facet of life. But what stood out most was that every figure in every scene was Pier or Pre; and that they were sharing all sides of mortal nature equally.

The room began to spin, or perhaps it had been the whole time. While not taken up into the swirl of images, Faith found her equilibrium had abandoned her. Qit'ria as well. Up, down, forward, back, inside, outside, they had no meaning, no orientation. The chamber swirled and began to condense, the far corners slowly moving in to create a sphere. The sphere growing brighter inside as the millions of bright figures began to coalesce together. Once again, Faith and Qit'ria found their eyes dazzled, with a slightly curved wall at their back.

Movement was difficult, and as orientation returned, they found that they were lying on their backs, the "floor" of light passing upwards beyond them as the sphere seemed to shrink to where it was entirely above them. As the dazzle waned, the ball of light shrunk to where they realized it was nothing more than a reflection of some candle light on the surface of Pre's eye as she looked down with a smile. Being helped to their feet,the two mortals would see that the room had returned to its original scene.

"Faith, dear Faith, you were right. It was your presence here that set balance in flux. Every hundred arcs or so, my sister and I must reacquire our balance. So much deliberate deception exists. So much rationalization of justice and refusal to accept truth. So much desperate grasping to believe what is false. It slowly erodes our purity."

Or perhaps it had been Pier speaking, "We both confirmed your official capacity. And as you declared yourself advocate, but advocate for the two of us, it set the rebalancing in motion. While we do both know what case we will make, no judgement is final prior to this stage of debate. But over time we grow too black and white regarding the innate value of our claims, as though every point is of equal measure. Emotion begins to...leak into our positions, trying to make us understand that all is not as black and white as simply counting point for versus point against."

The first twin elaborated further, "I need to occasionally relearn that I must truly hear my sister's case, and not just count off point against point, and see who holds any that remain unanswered when the procedure is finished, and call that judgement."

The voice came from the other again now. It was unsure still as to which one was speaking, "Emotion must not be the basis of a judgement, but the understanding of how it affects behavior must be taken into account, even our own. Separation of the impact on those we must judge, from the same impact on ourselves, is of paramount importance to our task. You have helped us accomplish both."

She turned now to her opposite, "But you know sister, I must admit, having taken up the championing of the cause of acquittal was...stirring. I can see why you take to it so readily." So, it was Pier speaking now.

"As did I feel like being a warrior of accusation against the perpetrators of injustice, right or wrong, a very satisfying calling. Still, dear sister, I am glad to be back where I belong." said Pre with a relieved smile. "I would see to one other task though, before we release your sister to our brother's charge".

She stepped up to Faith, her fingertips gently guiding her face down to kiss her forehead. "I give you our blessing, Faith Augustin. That you may aid the realizations of the nature of judgement upon those you encounter from trial to trial." Faith could feel a tingling on just a few symmetrically-placed spots where the Immortal's fingers had touched. As she pulled away, Pre allowed her fingers to slide down Faith's eyelids and cheeks, possibly allowing for the locations of marks to come.

"But understand, you two," responded Pier, already reassuming her role as contrarian to her sister, "Faith's aid in this regard, to any mortal that comes to us later, does not automatically count as a point in their favor. And for that matter, I feel it necessary to give a task of redemption, to Faith, to offset and balance of the blessing."

An identical look of mischief passed between them, "Whenever Faith should hear a debate being given on the merits or hazards of choosing to remain free of the cycle of rebirth, as a ghost, she must then step in with a counter position until the one in question can make an informed decision." Her expression betrayed no mirth, but a twinkle gleamed clearly in her eye, "It may save us time later."

Pre made no effort to hide her amusement as she gave a grand flourish, "Yes, my sister is being difficult; balance is once again restored."

Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:01 pm
by Faith Augustin

The brightness of the light was such that Faith felt like she might melt. It bore into her soul, revealing every weakness and fear - showing her for the coward she was. And then, before their eyes, every action - and it's opposite - played out simultaneously in what seemed to be at once a single blink of her eyes and an eternity of teaching, of learning, of torture. It was overwhelming and that moment changed Faith - as had the moments before. She had been shown what it was to exist as these two, at a time when they were at their most imbalanced as it transpired, and she knew that this would be something which would stay with her for a long time indeed.

Blinking against the light, Faith realised that she was on the floor, someone was helping her up. "Thank you," she said, shakily, glancing to make sure that Qit'ria was alright. Then, the twins began to speak, and Faith listened attentively as they explained. It made sense, and she watched them transform ~ become once again who they had always been ~ whilst not changing at all. It was surreal and astounding to her, and she committed it to memory, careful that she attended to each and every detail. This was an experience in a lifetime, she knew, because this was witnessing something so uniquely personal to the Immortals in question that she felt privileged to have been part of it - although she was an honest woman and had to admit that she'd played a tiny and irritating part, during which she'd spent a lot of her time terrified or just plain irked.

She felt the blessing and she looked at the pair before her as she was also given a task of balance. Faith nodded, solemnly. "My deepest gratitude for both actions," she said. Ever had Faith been earnest and intense and this experience was likely to make her more so, not less. It certainly served to do so in this moment. "I will do my utmost, you have my word." On both tasks. Faith felt a swell of pleasure as she realised that the twins had seen fit to bless her. Justice, equality, truth - these were fundamental to her and always had been.

So, she gave a deep bow, and made the vow which she had made before to them, and to Famula, Vri, Moseke and Ymiden. "Unto my final breath, and beyond."

Re: The Sound of Silence (Faith and Ghoul)

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 6:42 am
by Maltruism
Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: +20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Caregiving: Every child's cry is unique
  • Detection: Domain inconsistency showing a problem with Pre/Pier
  • Detection: The slow, steady rhythm of breathing while sleeping
  • Discipline: A friend is more important than your nice, warm bed
  • Discipline: Shutting down the replaying of triggered bad memories
  • Endurance: The Domain of Pre/Pier inflicted upon your mortal mind
  • Endurance: Following the Twins' rebalancing orientation ritual
  • Persuasion: Acknowledging a share of blame
  • Persuasion: Invoking the name of an Immortal to convince another
  • Persuasion: Willingness to stick through whatever it takes to help
  • Psychology: Guilt: A friend died in a place you said would be safe
  • Resistance: Ignoring pain of freezing ice and stones while barefoot
  • Resistance: Overcoming dread sickness at first hearing terrible news
  • Resistance: The shock of seeing a dead friend's body is an actual affliction
  • Resistance: Sometimes a friend has to shout you out of indecision
  • Resistance: Overcoming the unbalanced emotion of Pre/Pier's upset

Non-Skill Knowledges:
  • Pre/Pier: Behaved oddly during Qit's judgement
  • Pre/Pier require a rebalancing ritual every hundred arcs or so
  • Qit'ria is now a ghost
  • Ymiden: Embracing the mutually forgiving nature of the Vinyza blessing
  • Zuuda: Sever the Imposter: De-Necromancing a knife before use on yourself
  • Zuuda: Walk Between Worlds: The Door of Blood into the Beneath


Blessing: Gwelliph: Favored

Loss, injuries:

A redemption task to balance the pros and cons of all overheard debates over becoming a ghost.
Not really a loss or injury, but it IS an

Fame/Renown: 10

This event will surely trickle down to mark holders over time


Well, as much fun as this ultimately was, it was not really skill heavy for you guys. I cannot deny having greatly enjoyed playing the twins under such bizarre behavioral affliction.
Faith, your response fell right into line with what I needed to figure out how to get them back. I went ahead and put down the blessing knowledges, if they are still pertinent. If not....meh... :|
Qit, if you come back, I will be glad to give you your grade.

Re: The Sound of Silence [Faith and Ghoul] (Graded)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:55 pm
by Maltruism

None seemed to notice that Vri now stood among them. Of course, when they did, the sisters welcomed him, and the mortals displayed different degrees of reverence.

"I would say to you, Qit'ria, that I think you have chosen correctly. I do not believe that a completed judgment would have turned out in your favor. You have suffered a great deal, and that would certainly have tempered any verdict. But I do not think it would have negated all that you have wrongfully done in your life. I believe you know this to be true."

He smiled as he continued, "You must remember that even your friends are not without the capacity to err. And blindly rushing to anger against any that make charge against them will not always stand you in good stead. I would say also, however, that you have friends from among the best in the world. I hope that this temporarily-reduced capacity to interact directly with the world will prompt you to find new ways of reacting to it."

He looked over at his sisters, who mirrored each others nods, and then back at Qit'ria, "After this initial difficulty was put in balance, you conducted yourself well. And such behavior as this imbalance provoked from my sisters could certainly be held as sufficient antagonism to account for anything untoward that you may have said or done here. Wouldn't you agree, my dears?"

The response would have been as with one voice, was one not saying yes and the other no. They looked at each other, and back at Vri and all three could be seen to be suppressing laughter. "Forgive us, Qit'ria...Faith" said Vri with reacquired solemnity. "This is surely no laughing matter to you. I can only say that what is done is done; and perhaps facing it in a angry situation first of all may have been the best emotional circumstance for you. You will find what it is that holds you to the mortal plane. It may be more than one thing. You will also find an affinity for some particular talent, unique to yourself and your new condition."

He stepped over to his sisters, giving them a genuinely loving embrace and looking deep into their eyes. Going from one to the other and back again, they did not resist. It was fairly obvious that all three recognized that their ordeal had been of a singularly chaotic nature, and assurance that it was now behind them was of paramount importance. One of the twins nodded subtly over her brothers' shoulder and Vri turned around.

"Yes, I'm sorry, you are free to go. There will be no barrier now. But heed...Many perils there are in both the mortal and underlying planes. You are prey to many of them. And your friends may not always be connected to the plain from whence they come, and unable to help protect you. As well, the nature of how much focus you place on your own goals and desires will effect how long you can separate yourself from them when needed. My sisters were not wrong about there being much more to staying on as an undying soul than an ongoing family nest."

The words were somewhat cryptic in parting, "Good luck. Both of you..."

Re: The Sound of Silence [Faith and Ghoul] (Graded)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 8:58 pm
by Maltruism
Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: 20

These points can NOT be used for magic...Sorry :(


  • Detection: The barrier of the judgement chamber
  • Detection: The grey of The Beneath is not like a dream
  • Detection: Domain inconsistency showing a problem with Pre/Pier
  • Detection: Seeing your own dead body is the biggest clue that you've died
  • Discipline: Heeding a friend's advice to curb your tongue
  • Discipline: Letting your advocate do the talking
  • Discipline: Shouting for help when you need it is sensible, not failure
  • Endurance: Following the Twins' rebalancing orientation ritual
  • Etiquette: Threatening an Immortal with death is not the best move
  • Intelligence: Immortals can get pissed off like anyone else
  • Intimidation: Unflinching eye-to-eye contact
  • Intimidation: Take the warnings about a ghost's hazards seriously
  • Persuasion: Citing behavior as just cause to ignore an angry tirade
  • Psychology: Accepting the indicators that you have died
  • Psychology: The sense of failure as motivation to stay on as a ghost
  • Psychology: The sense of having failed family and friends

Non-Skill Knowledges:

  • Caz'aria, Faith and Oonah are your anchors to the living world
  • Pre/Pier: Behaved oddly during your judgement
  • Pre/Pier require a rebalancing ritual every hundred arcs or so


25 points in a ghost skill of your choice.
And the acknowledgment that you may continue on as a ghost to be with those you love.

Loss/Injuries: ARE dead. I guess that counts as an injury. :shock:

Renown: 10

I suppose when you get back to Faith's place, the news will run quickly through your circle of friends and the grapevine in general.
It won't be happy news, but it will surely draw interest.


I'm so glad to have you back so I could truly finish this.
This was an awesome thread, and I really feared that I was going to completely ruin it.
enjoy your new condition and your xp! :D