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Full Oakleigh Alchemist

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:53 am
by Sintih
intih watched as Tristan put on his charms on the man. Despite being a good businessman and used to haggling, Sin was sure the man had never faced someone like Tristan, who had once convinced people he was the King of Rynmere because he thought it to be an interesting joke. Sin watched as the Duke kept pushing him, refusing to give up. He had to admit he was pleasantly surprised to see Tristan work so hard for something. Aside from his art, his parties and his daughter, Sin didn't think Tristan had ever put such effort into anything before. "I can't just give out information about my other clients to anyone who asks. I'm sure you'd appreciate the same level of privacy if you were my client."

Sin's eyes locked with Tristan as the Duke glanced at him. He nodded, ever so slightly, as to let Tristan know he was aware of what was happening here. It looked like the Duke was able to follow the same line of thought as Sin in this situation. Despite that, Tristan didn't let up, trying something else when he couldn't get the information about Oonco's clients from him. Sin focused on Lear, trying to read his face while Tristan spoke. When Tristan spoke about people not being happy with him being here, Sin expected to see that unhappiness on the man's face, perhaps even a hint of anger or outrage, some sort of colonial pride. Instead, for a trill, he thought he recognized fear in the man's eyes. "You are not unknown, that is true. I didn't mean to imply such with my words."

He'd seen a similar look before, most often when people had been trying to get away from the patrols after having done something bad. The moment they knew they were about to be caught. The moment before his foot connected with their family jewels was also one of these, at least when they saw it coming. He even knew what that moment felt like. The Nulliem brought that moment with them wherever they walked. Sin wouldn't be surprised to learn that every Yludih, aside from perhaps the ancients, carried that moment with them for the rest of their lives. In the instant he saw those eyes, Sin knew that Lear Oonco was not the Noble-hating rebel that Sin had thought him to be but just another pawn in the games played between men of power.

For a moment after Tristan asked his question, Lear sat in silence, obviously thinking about his reply. "It is not that I don't want to do business with you, your grace. I simply don't have the capacity for it at the moment." Curious. Sin tilted his head slightly as he listened, going over the words again. Basically, he'd given Tristan the same message but his words were different, his approach seemed difference. "My other client..." He hesitated again, formulating his words. "They would become a Thorn in your side if they knew you're the reason I'm late with my deliveries. He seemed to stress the thorn in particular, as if he wanted Tristan to know about it. Sin's eyes widened for a moment at the words and he turned his attention back to Tristan to see if the Duke had understood them as he had.

Before Tristan could respond, however, Lear stood up from his seat. "Now, I still have a lot of work to do, I hope you understand, your grace." His hand motioned out towards the door, inviting Tristan and Sintih to get out, preferably as quickly as possible. Sin was curious to see what Tristan would do in this situation. On the one hand, a man of lower standing, by all means a commoner, was throwing the Duke of Oakleigh out of his place of business, in the nicest way possible. On the other hand, he had just told them exactly who was standing in the way of the Duke's wishes. Sin stepped away from the wall, ready to follow Tristan's lead, whether that lead went outside peacefully or not.

Full Oakleigh Alchemist

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:31 am
by Tristan Venora
“Of course not“, Tristan replied as Mr. Oonco insisted that he couldn’t give out information about his other clients to anyone who asked. “Forgive me for asking for such a thing”, he added. In truth he wasn’t looking for forgiveness, and he wasn’t particularly sorry either. He was just frustrated because he wasn’t sure how he could make the man talk, and he wished he had brought a truth serum so that he would have to tell him.

Despite that he smiled at Mr. Oonco as he looked at him in fear in order to let him know that there was nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t punish somebody just for disliking him and not doing business with him. He was not Cassander, and he didn’t want to become like Cassander either even though he had wanted nothing more than to wear a crown on his head once upon a time.

“I see”, the young duke murmured as the merchant claimed that he didn’t have the capacity at the moment and took a sip from his glass before he abruptly looked up again and glanced at Sintih. Had he heard what he had heard? The Thorns were the client!

He resisted the urge to smile triumphantly (or thank him) as he wasn’t completely sure if Mr. Oonco would appreciate that. Instead, he just inclined his head in order to let him know that he had understood, and then he stood up from his seat as well, having finished his drink and extended his hand for the other man to shake. “I thank you for making time for me, Mr. Oonco, in spite of how busy you are.”

“I wish you good luck with your business in the future”,
he added. “What your family built up here is very impressive!” With that he gave Sintih a sign to follow him and bade the merchant farewell.

He was aware that the man was practically throwing him out, and it occurred to him that any other duke would have found that rude and would possibly have asked him if he had any idea who he was dealing with instead of wishing him good luck and thanking him, but he didn’t care. He had not gotten exactly what he had wanted, but he had gotten something. That was a start, and in time Mr. Oonco would do business with him and even like him. He was sure of it!

Once they were out of the door, he turned to Sintih, smiling. “So it’s the Thorns”, he remarked. “What do you think, Sintih? Shall we pay them a visit next or shall we visit Mr. Oonco’s competitors? I think I almost had him! This went better than I expected!”

Re: Full Oakleigh Alchemist

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 9:01 am
by Oberan
Review Rewards

His Grace, the eccentric Duke Tristan Venora of Oakleigh

Points awarded: 15


Acting: Pretending that you need a cane
Acting: Acting polite and humble
Alchemy: Using the wrong amount of something can lead to explosions
Alchemy: You don't always have to plan everything out
Leadership: Interacting with your subjects
Persuasion: Being humble helps
Persuasion: Flattering people helps
Persuasion: Dumping a potion into the water supply might persuade people to like you better
Persuasion: If you want to persuade somebody to do business with you, show interest in their work
Persuasion: Asking people what might persuade them to do business with you
Persuasion: Persuading somebody occasionally takes time

The Oonco family: largest supplier of glassware in Oakleigh

Magic: No magic exp

Other: +5 Fame for meeting someone relatively important

Yana's Soulmate

Points awarded: 15

Knowledge: N/A

Magic: No magic exp

Other: +5 Fame for being Tristan's Bodyguard

Ah, it's always a bit of a shame to see a thread go unfinished. This one seemed close to the end, so the blow is lessened a little, but I still would have liked to read a little bit more of the both of you. It's a really cool political thread, and I am actually rather curious to see how this would have played out further.

Your review request is here.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns in regards to this review, feel free to PM.