• Graded • Etzos has Skills! [Kyin - GM]

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Etzos has Skills! [Kyin - GM]

It was nice to have some normal performances after the huge bloodbath and its resulting chaos that was the Flapper’s “act”. It was insulting to call it that, even with the air quotations in place. Oberan had spent the later half of his childhood among a traveling troupe of performers –acrobats, strongmen, fire breathers, knife throwers—and they had occasionally used animals when they gained temporary members along the way. The difference was that the beasts had been tamed and trained for the stage, getting used to being among a crowd of people, which was a very stressful situation for a wild animal to be in, so he had been told by Thi’ur the Tiger Tamer all those arcs ago. If Oberan trusted anyone to be in touch with the animals, it was that particular Sev’ryn.

The man would have been seeing red if he’d been among the crowd watching Nightshade’s bloodbath unfolding. Possibly, he’d have stepped onto the stage to stand right in front of the Flapper, and would have punched her so hard in the face, her grandchildren would be born bearing the mark of his fist on their cheek. Knowing the man, he’d have then gone off in search of the one who’d set the animals loose in the first place.

The Mortalborn couldn’t help but smile. It was a shame he was long gone. Oberan had quite liked the man, and his fondness had only grown over time as he’d remembered that Thi’ur hadn’t gotten along well with Hank.

Anyway, if Bran had to rate Nightshade’s performance on a scale of one to ten, he’d give her a solid disaster rating. Not only was it mindless slaughter, but the audience had been scared out of their mind, with many having fled the scene altogether, and some having been trampled by the panicking masses. Utter chaos. Perhaps if the judge was some psychopath this act might end up winning, but in Oberan’s eyes it failed to meet any and all criteria a performance was to be measured by.

In comparison, the acts that followed were great, even if they would have been only passable or decent at best. There was a guy that did flips, there was a couple that danced. There were some musicians, and there was someone who did improv theatre. Barring the last few people that were still waiting their turn, that was it. The other contestants had apparently dropped out, either killed or injured during Nightshade’s turn, or they had fled. Couldn’t really blame them, there wasn’t even half the original crowd left. Oberan wondered when the Blackjacks would show up to assess this mess.

As he thought on what would happen if the guard did appear, a girl and a man stepped on stage, and delivered a stunning act. There were visual effects, there was music –well, a bad song, but that did count—and the girl FUCKING LEVITATED. Obviously there was some sort of trick at work here, either a harness with wires and a pulley system, or a paranormal ability…magic or something like his own powers. The man in the background made it seem like the former. He stood rather out of sight, so this would be the logical explanation.

Some people didn’t appreciate it though. One guy tried to expose the trick like a fucking dickhead, unable to put his macho-man attitude aside and let the girl do her thing. No, instead he had to step up and show how clever he was for having seen through the act, simultaneously ruining it for everyone who hadn’t. There were no snapping wires though, and the man was instead hurled through the room. Oberan was the first to cheer, and did his best to get the crowd to join him in applauding.

Then they too stepped down the stage, and the last contestants stepped up. It wouldn’t be too long before the winner was announced. The Mortalborn was genuinely curious to what would be awarded the first prize; there had been some pretty decent and interesting performances among the bunch.
word count: 702
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Etzos has Skills! [Kyin - GM]

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

XP Rewards: +20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Acting: Dressing the Part
  • Acting: Playing 'Ringmaster' for Yourself
  • Acrobatics: Deliberate Clumsiness Takes Genuine Talent
  • Acrobatics: Juggling Eggs All Over Yourself Takes Accuracy
  • Acrobatics: Just a Little "Thrill" Gives a Nice Boost
  • Acrobatics: Talents get Stale with Disuse
  • Appraisal: Knowing Qi'oran Craftworks are the Best
  • Appraisal: Noth's Thugs are Actually Fairly Talented
  • Etiquette: Give Credit to the Organizer of an Event
  • Kyin: An Odd One
  • Kyin: Gave a Heckler a Tall "Taste" of His Own Medicine
  • Kyin: Passed You Notes Telling You Where You Stood
  • MB Ability: Thrill: Can be Used to Work a Crowd
  • PC: Kyin: Said by the Owner to be "an Asshole"
  • Politics: Only the Viewpoint of Authority Matters
  • Psychology: Excitement, not Talent, is What a Crowd Truly Loves
  • Psychology: Outfits Can Provoke Memories
  • Psychology: The Last Act is What is Most Remembered
  • Psychology: One Lone Judge's Verdict is Hardest to Anticipate
  • Sociology: In a Mock Competition, Genuine Applause is Bad
  • Tactics: Hecklers are Often on One Performer's Side


200gn, 2nd Prize! :)

Loss, Injuries:

43.3gn in costume costs, and lots of egg on your face ;)

Fame/Renown: +10

You were noteworthy, but also forgotten to a degree, after everything else that came after.


XP Rewards: +20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Acting: Dressing the Part
  • Appraisal: Knowing Qi'oran Craftworks are the Best
  • Appraisal: People Tend to Indulge in What They're Good at
  • Disguise: Baggy Clothes to Cover Features
  • Disguise: Soot in the Hair to Change its Color
  • Etiquette: Give Notice of Failure Discreetly
  • Etiquette: Let Your Thugs Compete, and Keep Their Winnings
  • Investigation: People Forget Identifying Features in Time
  • Kyin: An Odd One
  • Kyin: Gave a Heckler a Tall "Taste" of His Own Medicine
  • Kyin: Qi'oran Blacksmith, Leatherworker and Glass Blower
  • Oberan: A Convincing "Clumsy Act"
  • Oberan: Skilled Acrobat
  • Psychology: One Lone Judge's Verdict is Hardest to Anticipate
  • Psychology: Too Proud to Play Kyin's Game Yourself, Use Thugs
  • Politics: Only the Viewpoint of Authority Matters
  • Socializing: Partaking in Events for Money, Not Fellowship
  • Sociology: Hecklers are Unjustifiable Jerks
  • Sociology: Note-Passing Strongly Suggests a Connection


100gn 3rd Prize! :)

Loss, Injuries:

30gn for props and such

Fame/Renown: +5

Sorry dude, but seriously, you didn't even do the act yourself. :(
It's only because the thugs are known to be yours.


XP Rewards: +20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Appraisal: Knowing Qi'oran Craftworks are the Best
  • Appraisal: Noth's Thugs are Actually Fairly Talented
  • Blades: a Thrust Down an Animal's Throat Can Get Stuck Easily
  • Etiquette: Mocking One Performer is Not "Support" for Another
  • Etiquette: Telling Others It's Rude to Laugh
  • Field Craft: Animals in Unfamiliar Surroundings Get Aggressive
  • Flying: A Stage in a Tavern Has Little "Wing" Room
  • Kyin: An Odd One
  • Kyin: Gave a Heckler a Tall "Taste" of His Own Medicine
  • Mercenary Group: Alex, Axel and Elaine
  • Oberan: A Convincing "Clumsy Act"
  • Oberan: Skilled Acrobat
  • Psychology: Axel and Elaine's "Help" is Not Reassuring
  • Psychology: One Lone Judge's Verdict is Hardest to Anticipate
  • Politics: Only the Viewpoint of Authority Matters
  • Socializing: Changing the Nature of Your Act by Necessity
  • Spulmokawarta: Mutant Creature Whose Bite May Affect You
  • Tactics: Clumsiness Could be Deliberately Misleading
  • Tactics: Go For the Belly of a Creature with a Tough Hide
  • Tactics: Let a Beast's Own Momentum Impale Itself
  • Tactics: Take Advantage of Your Enemies' Distractions


Gifts from some folks you protected:
A three-vial box of The Raft, liquid bandages.
I will say this was delivered to you Ashan 1, 718, in keeping with an appreciative promise made at the time of this thread.
A vial that was not from this set was used to easily heal the wolf bites, scar-free.
1 dose of Storm Brain, given by someone that had a vision of the animal attack, but not all the details. They feel you earned advance warning of the next such thing.
A box of 12 bottles of mead from Mah'ludre and Velvessa Sej'lehna, the couple that owns the bar.


Some nasty wolf bites, long since healed by now.

Fame/Renown: +20

You saved folks' asses, and they won't forget it.
The hero of the day! :D


XP Rewards: +20

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Alchemy: Aukari Blood in Mixes For Sparkling Effects
  • Alchemy: Metal Flakes in Burnings Will add Heaviness and Colors
  • Appraisal: Knowing Qi'oran Craftworks are the Best
  • Appraisal: Noth's Thugs are Actually Fairly Talented
  • Caregiving: Letting a Kid Partake in a Talent Show
  • Caregiving: Letting Lizzie Come Up With Her Own Idea
  • Caregiving: Losing the Contest Might be a Better Lesson
  • Deception: Alchemy for Mystifying Stage Effects
  • Deception: An Initial Oration to Cover for An Act's Prep Time
  • Deception: Elaborate Looking Ropes and Pulleys That do Nothing
  • Deception: Using Smoke to Make it Look Like You're Hiding Something
  • Detection: Noth's Presence Suggests a Crime in Progress
  • Intelligence: Ply the Customer Base for Information
  • Kyin: An Odd One
  • Kyin: Gave a Heckler a Tall "Taste" of His Own Medicine
  • Oberan: A Convincing "Clumsy Act"
  • Oberan: Skilled Acrobat
  • Politics: Only the Viewpoint of Authority Matters
  • Psychology: One Lone Judge's Verdict is Hardest to Anticipate
  • Sociology: Flip Your Own Table!
  • Sociology: Less Fame Draws Less Interference
  • Sociology: People Will Remember Lizzie From Parren's Contest
  • Unarmed Combat: Flipping a Table to Use as a Tower Shield
  • Unarmed Combat: The Old Reliable Kick in the Crotch


300gn 1st PRIZE!!! :D
Plus a beautiful and unique set of glass ornaments to add draw to your restaurant.
The body of one Spulmokawarta, for potential alchemy use.

Loss, Injuries:

Nothing to speak of

Fame/Renown: +15

You brought folks back in after Night's "act" scared them off.
And it was also a deception at the core. Alchemy, to fake the faking of not-quite-magic.
Headline act, essentially.


Okay, I'm sort of considering what Kyin might have used to judge winners, as well as my own opinions.
Nauta wins - as much for dumping a heckler on his ass, as for having an impressive show that brought the crowd back. 8-)
Oberan - correctly judged that Kyin wanted to see talent mocked, not rewarded. And did it well. :lol:
Noth - Sorry man, decent talent, but no mockery, and no debacle. In this case, third place is loser. :(
Night - Kyin could see that you never even did your intended act. and your heroism was not a mockery of anything. :shock:
Overall, an enjoyable little jaunt into silliness, that got unmodded and off track.
Special notice to Nauta for taking the initiative of prompting a comeback post after 4 months of stagnation. :D
I'm not sure your little anak of force could really toss a grown man very effectively, but screw it.
Also, I DO happen to know what Kyin had planned as his special prize for 1st place...
Nauta, you wouldn't have wanted it, trust me. :roll:
So I came up with one of my own.
word count: 1204
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