[Krome] Blueprints for the future

70th of Ashan 717

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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Celeste Andaris
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[Krome] Blueprints for the future

70th Ashan, 717
"It is most kind of you to come to see us, Lord Gawyne. I hope that your journey was pleasant?" Celeste Andaris and Xander Krome had requested the presence of Hunter Gawyne at Xander's home in Krome in order to discuss the possibility of a new home being built for them.

However, Celeste was nothing if not prepared. She had spoken to Xander's mother and found out about the Duke and Duchess of Gawyne, of their children and their grandchildren. It was all information which could be, should be, used. Like armour against ignorance, information was power. "Baron and Baroness Krome are otherwise engaged, but they are delighted that you have been able to visit us. Lord Krome hopes to join us, also." Celeste Andaris was the very image of her mother, not that Hunter Gawyne would know that. However, should he have done his homework he would know that she was the first in line to the Andaris house and duchy. So this little lordling from the minor house was nothing to her but a pebble in a very small pond. She hoped that he recognised that but, should he need reminding then she would be more than happy to do so.

"How are your parents, Lord Gawyne? Baroness Krome was recalling with me the other trial about an event they attended together, your parents and Lord Krome's. Apparently, your mother was pregnant with your sister Ivy at the time, and you were there as, of course, a very young child. So was I, by all accounts so we have met previously even though we may not recall it." Her smile was half amused, half eye rolling at the tendencies of parents to chatter about those trials where now fully grown adults had been but infants. He'd probably been a spoiled little bitch then and she very much doubted that anything had change.

Celeste had dressed carefully for this meeting. She always did, in fairness, attend to what she wore. This trial she had chosen a white blouse, a knee length black skirt and dark stockings to ensure that she was warm and appropriately covered up. As ever, she had no concern for fashion, but she had her own style and she wore what made her look good. As they sat, sipping tea and getting these dull and utterly meaningless pleasantries over with, she wondered. "And how fares Gawyne in this dreadful illness? The people of Krome have suffered dreadfully, I am afraid. Lord Krome has sent food to the soup kitchens and I volunteer my time every other trial, but I am afraid that medical supplies are starting to run low here. How fares your duchy?" Self involved little ass probably had no idea and less sense than to deny such, Celeste thought as she smiled at him pleasantly.

She did not raise the issue of why he had come here. That would be his to raise, and she would chat amiably until he did. Having been raised the only girl in the Andaris family, Celeste could witter away for breaks at a time if needs be.
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            Hunter Gawyne
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            [Krome] Blueprints for the future

            If he was being honest with himself, Krome was the last duchy Hunter would visit. Andaris was the capital, Warrick had beautiful sunsets, Venora was modern and fancy, Endor had impressive architecture, Gawyne was his home and Burhan, well, maybe the second last duchy he would visit. Burhan had nothing but bad memories for him. But after being so kindly invited by the heiress of Andaris and his old friend Xander, who could refuse?

            "The trip was more than pleasant, my Lady, I simply love the north in the time of rebirth. What about you Lady Andaris, Krome certainly isn't like your home, do you like it here?" He asked back, deciding not to let any potential information slip from his hands during this conversation. He would learn anything and everything he could about Celeste Andaris, no matter what it took.

            "I am sorry to hear that. I hoped I could see the Baron and Baroness today, but I guess their son and his fiance shall do. My apologies for not attending your party, Lady Andaris." He said, reminding himself that Xander and Celeste had celebrated their engagement earlier that season, and that he was, unfortunately, too busy to make the trip to Krome during that time. He needed to play it carefully now, or she might pull out that card at any point in time, which would not be good for the relations between their houses.

            "They are alive and well, my Lady. Unfortunately, I cannot get them to join me in the capital, not even for a week, they just like the north a tad too much. Are you close to the Baroness? Your future mother-in-law, that is? I seem to recall my mother telling me stories of how the mothers and wives of lords could never get along well. Perhaps those were just stories." He said, eyeing the woman cautiously, trying not to miss any sign her body might give up while also keeping his emotionless smile up and ready as a defence.

            It was a dangerous move by Celeste, pulling up the talk of the illness when they were there to discuss building a house. Hunter, however, had absolutely no issues talking about anything and everything else the lady desired to hear from him, as the emotions such as boredom were something that had bothered him in the past, but not today. He would talk and chat all trial long, if that was what was necessary.

            "I hate to admit this, but I haven't been in my home duchy for a while now. I simply despise the winds Fort Gawyne has to deal with, and my parents' home is always covered in snow. I spend my time at the capital, so I could not tell you how Gawyne is dealing with the illness. I must note, it is very noble of you to help others in this time of need. You are a rarity among the nobles, if I may say so, my Lady." He said, not believing a word she said about volunteering, but she was the one who invited him, and she was the one who could kick him out, so it was best to remain on her good side.

            "May I say, you look beautiful, Lady Andaris, if Lord Krome wasn't a friend of mine, I would've been jealous." He said, attempting to turn the conversation away from himself and towards her, and towards what he could learn about her. Was she going to be a faithful wife to Xander Krome, or was she going to take every chance she got with other men? Was she flirtatious, or was she shy? And a lot more questions still lingered on inside Hunter's mind as he worked on debasing the facade of Celeste Andaris.
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                      Celeste Andaris
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                      [Krome] Blueprints for the future

                      "Krome is simply delightful. I must admit, I had expected more differences in truth. But then, I should remember that we share a border" He was about as subtle as a whore expecting a beating from her pimp, but then what would she expect from one of his house. Stargazers, philosophers and wastes of perfectly useful skin. "I'm so pleased that we will 'do' for you, Lord Gawyne. You've quite made my trial. More tea?" She smiled and waved a hand. "And really, please, do not concern yourself. I'm sure you've heard. I was attacked during the aftermath and nearly died. I am just relieved that you did not have to see such and have your sensibilities offended." Either he knew and was being an ass or he had no idea and so was an ignorant ass. Neither one was good, both were exploitable.

                      On his conversation about daughters and mothers in law, though, Celeste smiled and shook her head. "Really, Lord Gawyne? My mother got along very well with my grandmother." She allowed one eyebrow to simply raise just a slight amount, "Maybe it's something specific? You should ask your mother for more information some time. Are you courting, Lord Gawyne?" Her smile was gentle and understated, obviously the problem was that his mother was as half witted and politically aware as her son. Or twice as intelligent and astute, which would still have her on par with the coffee table. "Perhaps she could provide you the details which would allow for your future bride and her to get on well. I'm sure that the lucky lady will appreciate the kind of relationship I am enjoying with Baroness Krome thusfar. Speaking from the point of view of a member of one of the seven houses whose marriage has been arranged, any hints would have been very well received." Her own mother, of course, was dead and so it put those with a mother at an advantage. "Knowledge is power, after all. I believe that is one of Gawyne's main tenets, is it not?"

                      At his words of her being the exception amongst nobles, Celeste shook her head. "I think that what I do is the easiest thing. I go every other trial and spend a few breaks. Xander, Lord Krome, he organises the soup kitchen being maintained and looks at the resources. It is easy to be in the front handing out soup and being seen, but in truth, it is the smallest part of what needs to be done." They were entirely honest words, not playing the game or dancing the dance, but simply saying what she felt and knew to be true. "I had not ever considered just how much of a toll illness takes not just on those who suffer from it, but from those who care for them when the families live in less than extravagant circumstances."

                      His words about her beauty, though, they surprised her and Celeste raised an eyebrow. He was brash, this little Lordling and she wondered if he thought she would be flattered. No, this was not that, it was him testing her, she did not doubt. Even he was not so stupid as to think that she would look at him twice, or her family at his. No, not at all.
                      "Oh, this old thing? You are far too kind, Lord Gawyne. I assure you, though, you have nothing to be jealous of. Nothing at all" Except for Xander's brains, integrity and ability to hold a conversation, she considered. He should be more than envious of those. Immortals, but how this rubbish simply bored her to the point that she wished she could go and sleep away the rest of the trial, hiding from this one. "How long have you and Lord Krome known each other?" Good friends or empty words, she wondered.
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                                [Krome] Blueprints for the future


                                "Almost three arcs now I believe." Xander entered the room unannounced, answering Celeste's question for his old friend. They had not met that much since Gawyne but he held no ill will towards the man. In fact, he considered him an old friend. He smiled as he came up behind his bride to be, the door he entered through came from out of her sight but he could be seen by hunter. He was wearing his brown informal trousers along with a shirt, his formal grey trousers needed to be replaced after the events of the engagement party. "It sounds like I got here jsut in time, any longer and I might have had to seek a new fiance."

                                He chuckled as he went to greet Lord Gawyne with a handshake. Xander was always happy to see people from the past, especially those who had once agreed to share and maintain a good, supportive and friendly relationship between the houses. "I am sorry to interrupt your conversation but when Badon told me you had arrived I decided it a good idea I come and say hello." Xander looked to Celeste with the hope she did not disapprove of his actions. Although, after all he had done for her this season and all he had learnt he doubted she would mind. They had been through more together already in Ashan than many couples would in their lives, trials that had been a struggle for both of them in different ways.

                                Xander released Hunter's hand and then moved to stand by his intended. "Please do continue, I do not wish to stop your conversation." He was charming as always, Hunter most likely remembered this side of him from when they had first met. His ability to hold a facade in the presence of those who needed it. Even when he had been more to the point with Hunter in Fort Gawyne he had always kept a civil and Lord like facade. Celeste had been the only one to see the true Xander, also, however, the serving boy who had attacked. He had experienced and pulled out the darkness that lurked in Xander's heart.

                                The young wolf wondered what Celeste thought of the man Xander had once seeked out as a friend and ally. He was not even sure whether this man still shared an interest in good relations but by the fact he had come and was going to help them have a home built he had high hopes for the maintenance of what they had agreed almost 3 arcs ago. "I see you still work in architecture, do you also continue to pursue your interest in mathematics?" He knew Celeste and she was not going to move this conversation to its point and so Xander tried to nudge the discussion towards its intended topic.
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                                          Hunter Gawyne
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                                          [Krome] Blueprints for the future

                                          To some, stargazing was a waste of useful skin, while to others, it was a completely different thing. In fact, to some, the skill that Celeste possessed, that charm, it was a waste of a brain. How much she could've accomplished if she only gave all those hours of learning to behave into learning about life, about the world. Oh, the woman was clever, but Hunter knew better than to call her smart.

                                          "No, thank you." He said. He much preferred water to tea, he preferred water to any drink, in truth, but that was not the topic of their conversation, so there was no point in bringing it up. The lady probably preferred some expensive tea only found in the deepest forests of the Burning Mountains, judging from her behaviour so far. Although she knew etiquette, and knew how to play the game, her spoiled nature was easily seen by any with the slightest bit of a brain.

                                          "I am so sorry. I hadn't heard of that, please forgive my ignorance, my Lady." Hunter said, genuinely surprised about the news. This was a card he wasn't prepared for, and now thoughts raced through his mind to find a solution to the growing problem in the room. She thought he was careless, and people were more defensive towards careless individuals. He couldn't have her be defensive, that would mean she was more likely to tell lies, more likely to stay behind her cover.

                                          "I shall ask her about it when I next see her then." Hunter replied, completely ignoring the comment about courtship, as he had no way of answering it with a follow-up question. Perhaps she would think him rude to ignore a question like that, perhaps she would assume an answer, the noble didn't really care, as it was a detail easily overlooked. "Yes, knowledge is power, but I believe it is not as simple. Sometimes, we need to be ignorant to be happy." Which was most of his life. Unfortunately, Hunter didn't know how to be ignorant, and so happiness was a hard thing to achieve for the young lord.

                                          "Lord Krome told me once that what he cared about was his people. You seem to agree with him on that. I don't know you that well, Lady Andaris, but you sound like a wonderful match for the Lord." Hunter said with a smile, ignoring any and all comments she made that might have been slightly unfriendly. He had to admit to himself, he didn't like this woman, not one bit. Not because she was stupid, but because she wasn't. She was smart, and yet even relatively kind. It was a dangerous combination, especially if Xander went through with his ideas of becoming duke. Had he told her already? Did she know of his husband's aspirations, or was she just playing for the barony? Because one thing was so obvious it might've been called the elephant in the room. Celeste Andaris was a woman that desired power.

                                          And then he showed up. The young wolf, Xander Krome, there to break the what would be called boredom by some, and to enlighten the ones in darkness. Would Celeste put down her cover because of him? There was only one way to see, and one thing was for sure, Hunter would try it. Because the more he learned about the woman who would be duchess of two duchies, the better.

                                          "I assure you, Lord Krome, I would never." Hunter chuckled as he shook hands with his old friend. Now the party was beginning. Should he start the talk on the house now that both of them were there, or should he keep going with the boring, but informational conversation that Celeste and he were having thus far. A hard choice, but one that had to be made quickly.

                                          "It is alright, we were simply chatting." Hunter said to Lord Krome, before he was asked about his job, finally. Xander apparently made the choice for him, it was to be the talk of the house then. He could still learn more about the woman however, Hunter hoped. "Yes, I very much do, I pursue mathematics at the University, while doing this outside of it."

                                          "Now that the three of us are here, shall we talk business? I was told I'm here to design a home, after all." He finally said, releasing the smile he held on for too long and showing a more professional look in his eyes, one that matched the black suit he was wearing.
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                                                    Celeste Andaris
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                                                    [Krome] Blueprints for the future

                                                    Celeste suspected that he really had not known of the attack, judging by his reaction. Of course, it could be that he was simply an excellent liar, but she did not think so. So, she gave a genuine smile of reassurance. "Honestly, I am relieved to hear that you hadn't," putting down her cup, she explained, "I was rather embarrassed by my own reaction. The serving boy in question was a good foot shorter than me. I'm afraid I fainted when Xander came into sight. Fainting flower does not sit well with me, so I am pleased that it is not the talk of the nobility." Some other poor sap was, or he did not pay attention to what was. One of the other, she thought probably the latter.

                                                    His philosophy on knowledge, and the need for ignorance to be happy intrigued Celeste. She quirked an eyebrow as he said it. "I must admit, I have never considered such. I will think about it and look forward to discussing it with you next time we meet." Like she would look forward to having her toenails pulled out for no reason, she thought with a slight smile. Still, she had to admit that he dealt with the conversation well; he did not answer what he did not wish to, yet he did it with charm and an ability to seem like it was a simple oversight as the conversation progressed. Not bad.

                                                    He said that she and Xander were a wonderful match and Celeste considered that it was becoming a more popular opinion. "I believe that our parents share that opinion, hence arranging the marriage between us." Was it true or not? Well, she wasn't letting him in on that. Except, of course, she did reveal a lot more than she meant to and did so unwittingly. As Xander came in the room, Celeste turned and smiled to him. It was a brief expression but her pleasure at seeing him was undeniable in that moment.

                                                    "Seek a new fiance, Lord Krome? You wound me." Celeste smiled a gentle smile at Xander, happy to tease him since he seemed to be happy to do the same. Now that he was here and had admitted that yes, this man was a friend then she would take her lead from him. It was more than just Xander's words which told her, it was his way of being. He still maintained that careful facade which he wore but he was more relaxed than he would be with a stranger. "How easily I am to be replaced. It is a sad trial."

                                                    When the two men had shaken hands, Xander sat and they turned the conversation around. Thank all the Immortals. "Mathematics? I must admit to being impressed and a little afraid." Celeste looked at Hunter and wondered just how bright he was. There was no doubting that he was clever, but studying mathematics at the university took a specific kind of thought process. He would be logical, formulaic and prone to seeing patterns she thought.

                                                    "A house, yes. In fact, if I may be entirely frank, we are looking at trying to build a home." One glance at Xander, just to be sure that he was happy with such honesty; but they had to tell the man what they wanted. "Built on the border between our two duchies. Nothing extravagant, if we wanted that we could live in either of our family homes." Patterns, formulae and predictable ~ he would require the information. "The aim of this home is for us to have a place where we can be husband and wife, mother and father if we are so blessed." The rest of the details she would leave to Xander, glancing at him to see if he was happy to provide the actual number of bedrooms, budget and all those other things.
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                                                              Xander Andaris
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                                                              [Krome] Blueprints for the future


                                                              The man was still pursuing his studies which was good to see. However, it did not bode well for him becoming baron anytime soon, a lack of interest would certainly not make it come any quicker. Anyway, the old friend was here and Xander would need to meet with him in private at some point to discuss their old agreement. A lot could change in three arcs and Xander would need to make sure they were not now at odds. This man would one day be duke of Gawyne after all. There would be no harm in making sure that they had not lost a friendly relationship.

                                                              Celeste took the lead with telling the Lord what they wished from the home. Somewhere to be man and wife and raise their children safe and happy, he could not have explained it better himself. Of course though he was left to explain the complex parts of the house. Not that he was any better at explaining it than she. He just new it didn't have to be huge and grand, it was to be a anime and comfortable house. It would still be clearly built for a rich person but not like the manor houses and palaces of Andairs or the castles and forts of the North.

                                                              ”We would like to start off with something small and comfortable. It would be just three bedrooms, a large living room and dining room, of course a kitchen and bathroom and a study for myself. It doesn't need to be huge just big enough for use to start a family and live comfortably.” He knew the house would not be huge and he did not expect it to be. In fact, he much preferred the idea of a small homely place. There was only one addition he would add that he himself wanted.

                                                              He smiled at Celeste before continuing. ”I would also like to point out my wish for a large garden that has an open grass area as well as flower beds and a small covered stage with a column supported roof.” It was an odd request but he had his reasons for it, he hoped to make use of it in the future for himself and also his children. ”Finally I suppose is the budget, this is where it becomes flexible, of course I would like not to spend beyond what I can afford but I also want a stable and safe home. I suppose what this means is you estimate a price and I will tell you if it is too much. Anything to add Celeste?” He looked to her sure he probably missed somethings.
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                                                                        Hunter Gawyne
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                                                                        [Krome] Blueprints for the future

                                                                        Hunter simply nodded as the woman answered his talk of philosophy. He was certain she was lying, so he didn’t care to continue on that topic right there and then. Unless you knew the truth and wanted to have fun, purposely listening to someone’s lies was pointless, he thought, which was, of course, hypocritical, as the truth would often be extracted from someone who was lying in the first place.

                                                                        Just as he was about to answer to the more truthful words of the Lady, Xander had walked into the room, and therefore stopped his thought process for a short moment, making Hunter rethink his planned actions. It would be bad to continue playing the game with the woman’s future husband in the room with them, so he stopped. But that didn’t mean he would stop with every attempt to learn about Celeste, only that he would stop with active attempts to make her give him information.

                                                                        ”Thank you, my Lady, but there is no need to be afraid, mathematics is in reality only a simple science.” He noted with a smile a snake would wear after it had swallowed a mouse whole. She appeared to have finally realised with what kind of person she was dealing with, and that felt surprisingly satisfying to the noble lord, even though the conversation had moved away from what exactly he wanted it to be.

                                                                        Hunter then listened to what the noble couple had to say about their home, and he wrote it all inside his mind, within the palace that was his brain, for later. Now he needed to dig up information on how it would all work.”As far as I recall, there is a river between Andaris and Krome. There is also a lake which is quite beautiful most times of the arc, perhaps you would want your house near it?” He said with a warm smile now returning to his face. He didn’t really care about what kind of house they wanted, but Xander was his friend, and Celeste was Xander’s fiance, it was only normal for a person to care about a friend and a friend’s fiance.

                                                                        Then he focused his mind on the price. It was flexible, Xander said, so it shouldn’t be much of an issue no matter what number he said. But he couldn’t say a number, could he? He didn’t know the crucial factor. ”What about the materials, what kind of building materials were you thinking? I know it may be too specific for you to know, but it influences the budget heavily.” He said with a more serious tone than before, looking more towards Xander than Celeste on this one.
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                                                                                  Xander Andaris
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                                                                                  [Krome] Blueprints for the future


                                                                                  "There is, the Zor River and Lake Krome, both are very beautiful and it is an ideal place with out backgrounds in both Duchies." Xander confirmed the Gawyne nobles beliefs and scratched his chin as he continued."It would certainly be a good place, in fact it would be ideal and a nice place for any future children to spend time away from the politics." Xander smiled and looked at Celeste and then back to the Gawyne Architect and nodded. "Yes I think that would be a good spot."

                                                                                  Of course Xander had spoken of a flexible budget but he trusted the other noble would remain within reason, he was a mathematician and an architect and a politician too. Xander was sure he knew how to make money go plenty far, otherwise Xander may find himself wishing he had not consulted his old friend on the matter. Still he was sure if the plans went ahead the Lord would be able to make the home affordable for the couple.

                                                                                  The question of materials was a good one and Xander had considered the idea of Krome wood, perhaps pines or spruces and maybe some stone too. In his mind a mix of wood and stone would be ideal, something sturdy and yet reasonably well blended with the world around it. The last thing Xander wanted was some huge stone palace that stuck out like a sore thumb, he would much rather something comfortable and cosy, nestled into the countryside.

                                                                                  "I was thinking stone and wood perhaps, I like the idea of the home being natural and blending." Xander bit his lip and then looked to Celeste again with a smile. "Something cosy, a place where our family can go to escape from the madness of politics and the richness of our noble positions. I have sometimes thought of living only to necessity so it appeals to me to have somewhere more normal than where we would usually find ourselves." The young wolf was sure he was clear but in the case of more discussion being needed he took the Gawyne through into a sitting room for some drinks and further discussion on the matter.
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                                                                                            [Krome] Blueprints for the future



                                                                                            Cosmetology: Consider your audience when choosing your clothing
                                                                                            Intelligence: Gather background information on other nobles
                                                                                            Intelligence: Observe, question and then observe more.
                                                                                            Intelligence: Casual questions
                                                                                            Politics: Use the past as a means of connecting
                                                                                            Politics: Never miss an opportunity to point out your strengths
                                                                                            Politics: Never miss an opportunity to point out another's failings
                                                                                            Politics: The art of the subtle dig

                                                                                            Loot: N/A
                                                                                            Injuries: N/A
                                                                                            Fame: N/A
                                                                                            Magic XP: N/A

                                                                                            Points: 15



                                                                                            Etiquette: Small talk
                                                                                            Etiquette: It is acceptable to tease friends, just a little
                                                                                            Etiquette: Come to greet old friends
                                                                                            Etiquette: Do not interrupt the flow of conversation
                                                                                            Politics: The secret to a good entrance
                                                                                            Politics: Maintain alliances
                                                                                            Politics: Show interest in the hobbies of your allies
                                                                                            Politics: Reaffirm old alliances.

                                                                                            Loot: N/A
                                                                                            Injuries: N/A
                                                                                            Fame: N/A
                                                                                            Magic XP: N/A

                                                                                            Points: 15
                                                                                            - - -

                                                                                            This was an enjoyable thread even if it was mostly about planning to build a house. It’s a pity it ended prematurely. Celeste is so different from your other PCs. She’s like the perfect noblewoman. She appears to be slightly arrogant (“this little lordling from the minor house”), yet polite, and she is always prepared. Xander and she make an interesting couple. Isn’t he still a Krome in this thread? I wonder what the future will bring for the two of them!

                                                                                            Hunter, please PM me if you decide to start playing this PC again and want to get your experience points and knowledges!
                                                                                            word count: 254
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