[Immortals Tongue] The Shrine of Fei

A trip to the Immortals Tongue. No moss zombies this time.

2nd of Saun 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Arlo Creede
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[Immortals Tongue] The Shrine of Fei

Generally speaking, the ability to see and talk to spirits was an interesting one to have. But the more Arlo thought about it, the more pleased he was that he didn't. Besides, while he admired the level of Faith's devotion to her Immortal of choice, no matter how he turned it round to look at it, it seemed like a fairly dreary option. Or a dark one. Or something.

If it was him, he wouldn't necessarily be interested in taking them out for a drink. But he did wonder if Faith was ever tempted to finish their business for them. Whatever business, that was, that compelled them to stay behind. He didn't ask though, and instead finished up his notes and drawings of the ruined walls, and shoved his book back into his rucksack.

"Facts are sort of a fluid thing aren't they?" he wondered. "Not all of them of course. But some things are only untrue until they are proven to be otherwise. True until another body of proof comes along to turn what's accepted as fact on its head." Then again, Arlo was more than aware that he'd rather dragons, than none. Rather any number of fantastic things, than not.

It was time to go however, and when Faith asked him to stall, Arlo grinned and adjusted his hat on his head. "I can dawdle with the best of them." He didn't know exactly what she had in mind. Something to do with worship or even the wayward souls, he guessed. Either way, it was a private thing so promising he'd hold up the rest of the group, to the best of his ability, he was on his way, trailing far behind the others.

Whatever it took. Stopping to tie a bootlace that had come undone...because he'd gone out of his way to step on it. Pausing to shrug his bag back up on his shoulder. Or simply shuffling along much slower than necessary. No denying he was probably becoming an aggravation to the rest of them. But he was good at that too. Or so a particular traveling companion had told him any number of times now.
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            Pash Raj'oriq
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            [Immortals Tongue] The Shrine of Fei

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            Let’s be honest, I was totally living vicariously through this thread. Even while on a class field trip, Faith seems to find some “work” to do. Ha. I think Faith is also the only one on Scalvoris who knows Tio isn’t who he pretends to be at any given moment.
            Let’s be honest, I was totally living vicariously through this thread. Tio is always a pleasure to read with his wit and humor, and I look forward to another trip to the Immortal’s Tongue in Vhalar! The thought of Tio taking a bunch of spirits out for a drink (or fencing bodies for them) amused me greatly.
            Let’s be honest, I was totally living vicariously through this thread. Arlo is always refreshingly curious and I love that he’s getting some studying in while traveling. "I can dawdle with the best of them," seems as true an Arlo-ism as any there ever was.
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