Among effective Uthaldrian tactics in slaying beasts is the development of weapons made specifically to combat individual beasts, or overall classifications.
The majority of these weapons are unique to Uthaldria, and protected carefully, with foreigners and non-Path members not allowed to purchase any of these. Any found storing, stealing or attempting to duplicate these weapons can be held for the worst offense possible: treasonous subversion, punishable by death. Their materials depend, though many of them are made of Terrendyte, a mineral unique to the city.
There are many classifications of beast in Uthaldria, but there are a few primary examples, with weapons specifically made to combat them:
1. Mobile - Enemies that cannot typically be pinned down and killed by a lone warrior, or even a collective, without endangering their allies.
2. Fortified - A beast that is unable to be easily penetrated by blades, even Terrendyte two-handers.
3. Vulnerable - Enemies vulnerable to a specific weapon or type of force or damage often have weapons made specifically to deal with them.
3. Supernatural - A beast with unusual capabilities, usually requiring specific weapons to deal with them.
4. Overwhelming - A beast of exceptional might, perhaps containing multiple categories. Generally, long-ranged weapons are devised to deal with these creatures, so warriors are not senselessly slaughtered in their pursuit.
Shellshatter Harpoon 150 gn
Enemy Type: Fortified
The Shellshatter Harpoon is a weapon made of Terrendyte, requiring exceptional strength to wield. It is said that even Lothar of Master-level strength cannot wield this weapon lightly or easily, but even so, most groups of Jeger will have at least one Harpoon-bearer if they are expecting to come across heavily fortified beasts. This weapon is exceptionally common among the Nordhoff Clan, who come across near-impenetrable beasts quite consistently, such as the Nosgorn and Mongul.
The weapon is launched by a propulsion mechanism along the hilt, whipping forward and rapidly lodging itself into any creature caught in front of it. The acceleration speed and the resulting force are immense, the harpoon's whipping motion being followed by an almost immediate ascent to the intended location. A man can be ripped into dozens of shreds instantaneously upon impact with the Harpoon, and even monsters as fortified as thick stone cannot even begin to resist the force of the Harpoon's impact. Upon the harpoon landing in the creature or fortification, it will open up and reel back, ripping through the shell and destroying the surrounding mass.
It has recently been realized the effect this harpoon has on walls - basic city walls are almost instantly cleaved.
Submission Chain 250 gn
Enemy Type: Fortified
Submission Chains are for beasts even more durable (or large) than those targeted by the Harpoon. Generally, two to three warriors will wield them together, all of them of exceptional strength. The blades are bladed at the bottom and meant to rake and drag into materials, whilst being exceptionally heavy to wield. Throwing the chain around or behind a monster will trigger it to be dropped by the weight, with the blades (known for their piercing power) ripping through even the most absurdly tough materials. After lodging their way into the beast or fortification, the warriors will pull back, ripping monsters or walls in half, tearing off great chunks.
Nirnbone Longbow 100 gn
Enemy Type: Mobile, Overwhelming
Nirnbone Longbows are powerful bows crafted by the exoskeletons of the Nirn, a massive aquatic insect. They are flexible enough to work as bows, but with the strength and durability not to snap even when pulled back roughly and rapidly. They allow for constant quickfiring with high velocity and strength in each shot, making them considerably the best bow option for any Lotharen seeking to engage in ranged combat from atop a mount. When fighting humanoids, this weapon is considered even more effective, making Lotharen horse archers exceptionally deadly.
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