• Closed • An Old Map

Arlo's adventure begins! (Starter quest provided on CS approval.)

30th of Zi'da 716

Here is the City in the Trees. Desnind, home of the Immortal Moseke and much more! All IC writings in Desnind go here.
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An Old Map

"Over 100 arc old. Only 20 arc younger than Desnind." The man said looking at the young man, he was sure Arlo was impressed by the age. He was so young and something that had been their since either of the men were born was impressive. More so was the fact that some of the buildings were still standing even after the trees had over grown and taken back the location. Nature did not appreciate when people tried to force themselves into a place, and that was one of the main reasons the village had failed. The forest could be a stubborn mistress.

In searching the rest of the building for windows Arlo would find himself at an old empty window frame. It appeared safe to enter and you could easily look through it into the rest of the old crumbling building. The old man had not even considered another entrance. He read many, many, books but none had ever taught him about exploring and archaeology. So he watched a little confused as the boy walked off and around the corner to the side wall of the building. Maybe it was just his young mind, Bo was old after all. His thought processes ran a lot slower than Arlo's, so new and inventive ideas did not occur as quickly. Bo missed his young mind, the boy reminded him of himself long ago.

Arlo, where go you? You find something?" The man was unsure if he should follow. But after a few bits he decided to go and check on the young man. He doubted it but part of him worried Arlo had already gone into the building and taken whatever was hidden there for himself. Bo'kuna came around the corner using his staff as he had before to walk fast. Happily he found the man still there by the window. He moved up and stuck his head through the opening for a look around, it was dark but as far as old Bo could tell it was safe enough. He turned to face Arlo his face already showing what he was going to ask and tell the younger man.

He smiled as he patted Arlo on the arm.
"It safe, you go I wait here, me too old climb through window. You find you keep, me just want see." He gestured for the younger to go through the window, his statement showing he was not just exploiting the boy to steal it from him when he came back out. Now if Arlo were to enter he would immediately find his foot dropping through the floor board and revealing a small, but unlocked, wooden lock box. Inside the box was a folded piece of parchment, with a map drawn onto it, a rusty old dagger and a few silver and copper Nel.
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1x Parchment with hand drawn map
1x rusty dagger
5x Silver Nel
8x Copper Nel
word count: 498
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Arlo Creede
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An Old Map

Twenty arcs older than Desnind, and a good eighty or more than him. At only seventeen, to Arlo's mind, it might as well have been an eternity. Given enough time, he figured that nature would take back this place completely, and leave nothing but scattered stones as any indication that something had been there. Long, long ago.

So, there was a window he could climb through. It didn't help answer the question of why the door was locked from the inside, if in fact it was. But what it suggested at least to him, was that if something had been left behind here, whoever had done it had probably never returned.

"I'm in," he told the old man once he was inside, and the heel of his boot went straight through floor. "If you want to come in, I can probably get the door open. But the floor is rotted and giving way."

He would, if Bo wanted to come in for a look around. But from what he could tell, except for the old box he inadvertently uncovered, there wasn't anything else to see. And so with the box in his hands, he hauled himself out the window nearly as soon as he'd gone in. He waited till they were together, in better light, to open the thing and have a look inside.

"Not much," he said with a frown at first glance. "A few coins, an old knife. But look here," the young man said with interest as he plucked out an old piece of parchment and unfolded it. "It looks to be another old map. You recognize this one?" As far as he was concerned, whatever they found rightfully ought belong to both of them, since without Bo'kuna's help he'd never have gotten this far. Nonetheless, he handed the map to the much older man, hoping he'd recognize it, or at least be able to decipher it.
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An Old Map

"I see. Let me read." Bo took the map from the man who had come back out of the building. He had refused the offer of opening the door, he doubted there would be anything else hidden in the old structure. Arlo had said it was rotting and he couldn't believe it would have been practical for the original hider to have placed things scattered around the crumbling walls and rotting wood. He focused now on examining the map that had been handed to him. It was clearly unfinished and the only word he could read on it was "Mastes". However, in looking at the map it was clear that it was a maze, no doubt about it, no way was it a map of a forest or town.

Bo pointed at the word, he was sure that it could not be anything else. He had also factored in the clue from the original map when making his assumption.
"This word, mastes, he immortal. But this be map of maze, you see from turns and passages, this no forest or city." The mans face seemed to be lit up with excitement at what they had found. He doubted there were many of these in the world, even if it only seemed to map the first few hundred metres. He again clasped the young man on the arm, the short adventure had made him miss his younger years. He was very happy for the young lad, he saw a great and adventure filled future for the man.

"I believe this map of start of Mastes' maze, this is amazing find, you lucky to have this. It not complete, only few hundred metre but that still amazing." He looked at Arlo and gestured that it was time for them to leave. They had spent much of their day out there now and if they wished to get back before the dark Zi'da night rolled in they should leave. The man began to lead the way, making small talk witht he boy for the majority of the journey back to the city. Upon arrival the two men would go their separate ways, Arlo to his camp and the old man back to his books. He would ask to keep nothing of the boys, he could keep both the maps and what else he had found. All the man wanted was the memories of this last adventure, he did not think he would have many more chances for adventure in the coming seasons or maybe Arcs if age or illness did not take him on from this world.
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word count: 446
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Arlo Creede
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An Old Map

"Mastes," Arlo said, trying the word on for size when the old man pointed it out on the old map.

"An immortal, that's right," he remembered belatedly from his lessons when he was younger. He hadn't paid that much attention back then. The young man had been far more interested in dreams of adventure and the open road even then, staring out any nearby window, than he had been in his schooling. "Trickery?" he added, hoping he recalled it correctly. And vices, compulsion too.

It seemed right though, if the map was of a maze and not a city or forest. Bo hadn't drawn this one then. So chances were, the man who'd left the original map in the back of his book, had. And if it was incomplete? Everything in him yearned to follow that map, and then go further, much farther than what was drawn out already.

"I wonder if he went into the maze himself. And if he did, did he come out?" The young man's imagination was a good one, and could run wild at times.

But Bo was right about the trial getting older, though Arlo might wish it wasn't the case. The shadows cast by the trees were already growing longer, the sunlight turning that golden color that it tended to in early morning and late afternoon. Reluctantly, he agreed they should turn back for Desnind. But before they went, he packed both folded maps in the old wooden box, and stored it away in his rucksack.

Bo was good company on their hike back to the city, and before they parted, Arlo would thank him for all of his help. And also inform him that he intended to head back out there before long, find that maze and explore it. And when he did, he'd be sure to seek Bo out again and tell him all about the adventure he'd had.
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An Old Map

Name: Arlo Creede

Bo'kuna: The Librarian
Bo'kuna: Made your map of Desnind
Bo'kuna: Helped you with your quest
Bo'kuna: Not very nimble
Location: Makubwa Lori, around Desnind
Location: Muradi Sngäp
Location: The Hunters' Fire Pits
Immortal: Mastes
Mastes: Immortal of Trickery
Navigation: Following a map
Investigation: Following clues
Investigation: Asking people questions
Muradi Sngäp: 20 arcs younger than Desnind
Muradi Sngäp: Ruins of an old village

Loot: 1x Parchment with hand drawn map of a small section of mastes maze
1x rusty dagger
5x Silver Nel
8x Copper Nel
Injuries: N/A
Fame: +1 General good deed (You took the old man with you)
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
Magic: N/A

Comment: I had no issues with the story your collaboration with my leads or your structure, all sound! Great job there Arlo, I hope you enjoyed this starter quest, as I said in the PM we can continue this and as you requested Cylus we can get on that soon. You write very well and I was happy to and enjoyed writing this modded thread with you. I think Arlo is a great character and you have taken to playing him very quickly. I hope you enjoy your rewards! Again great job, welcome to the tree city, welcome to Desnind!

If you think I missed anything, or have any concerns or comments please do PM me! Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 246
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