[Hopetoun] Surviving

40th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] Surviving

40th Ashan, 721.

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Vega had, during Cylus, helped and rescued some cadouri who had gone hunting etchwings. She had ended up saving them and two of the three had stayed in Hopetoun. Following that, she'd written to Saoire and offered to help out by running some classes on Fieldcraft and survival, Hunting and general wilderness skills. However, she'd been clear that she needed to do that from Hopetoun, as it was where she knew and she didn't want to run survival lessons in the Badlands. Vega knew what an opportunity this was and, when she'd received the ok from Saoire, she'd come up with an idea. Darius had agreed and so, Vega had gotten busy.

Vega's pregnancy was, now, known around Hopetoun and she was her usual self; namely, she knew people, they knew her. She'd gotten to know the people here, and they her. Her fiddle-playing each night pulled people together and, more than that the flag she'd been gifted pulled together in a sense of community. So, Darius had given her the ok to do this. First thing she'd done was to get notices out that she'd be organising patrols. Working together for the community, hunting, patrolling. She'd given this time, and this place, to meet up for any and all volunteers.

"Right," she said, to the group of settlers. There were six of them, the ones which Lars had picked as having the most hunting experience. "What I want to do is this," she was about to launch into her idea when she realised what she was doing. "Or, back a step. So. After Harold an' Winston joined us, I wrote to Saoire, an' offered to help out teachin' at the school. She's taken me up on that offer, an' I'm goin' to be teachin' people survival skills an' huntin' an' things, from Hopetoun. Before that happens, I'd like to make sure that we're all workin' together as well as we can, in that regard."

Shon, Vega's cousin, was with her and he regarded them solemnly, too. "So, lets talk about what we're doin' an' how we're doin' it. Lars, you're leadin' huntin' parties, yes?" He nodded his head and Vega looked around. "What I'd like to do, if you're willin', is to involve those people who're in Lars' huntin' parties in the lessons." Lars smiled, pleased with that. "I a pretty good hunter, an' I reckon that I can teach a thing or two." Lars seemed to almost speak more to the other settlers than to Vega when he answered. "You're the best hunter I've seen in a long time. It will be a help, I'm sure."

Vega smiled. "So, my plan is to teach Survival an' Huntin' for Saoire's school. But I want to include foragin' an' resource collectin' too. They don't teach weapons, but for us, I think extra lessons in usin' a bow would be good, too." They seemed happy with that, and Vega smiled. "So, Lars said you six are the best in terms of huntin' an' stuff. So, if we all work together an' get ourselves more organised, I think we can really bring in a lot more resources for Hopetoun, an' act as a sort of guard patrol, too." Vega sat back and looked at the six of them, and then at Lars.

"Yes," he said. "If we have regular hunts, we have regular patrols, too."

Vega nodded. "An' you can use that. At Storm's Edge, we used to have a place with a map on the wall an' before we went out, we noted where we were plannin' on goin' an' what time. That way, if somethin' goes wrong, we know where to start lookin' for missin' people." Lars nodded his head. That made sense, it was simple and easy to implement. And it would - potentially - save lives. "Then, when we get back we jus' report back an' make sure that we give the information of where we went, an' what we got. That way, we can start buildin' up a map of what's out there, an' we are able to more effectively map the area."

Looking at them, Vega realised that they were pleased with this - happy with the ideas. "Darius is happy with us doin' this, an' we'll be able to give him actual reports an' things. As people see the patrols happenin' it gives more of a sense of stability an' routine, too, so that helps morale. It's win win." They nodded.

"Right then," said Vega. "Lets get started."
word count: 787

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Surviving

40th Ashan, 721.

following this

"So, first thing we need to do," Vega said, "Is identify a place what we're goin' to use. Darius will - eventually - need some kind of administration of the place, so I suggest you set up somewhere near to him." They nodded, and Lars spoke up. "I think in an adjacent building?" Vega agreed. "That's for people who can set things up. Organisers, an' things. We need, then, to get a map of the island, an' then a more close up map of Hopetoun an' the surroundin' area." Looking at Lars, she said. "An' then, we can start it."

Lars was able to organise that, he said, and he would. Vega nodded. "A'right, so what I think we need to think about then, is three bums on a bed." They all looked at her blankly and Vega grinned. "No? Ok. So, there are three "w" questions here." Kneeling down to trace in the dirt, she wrote a rounded "W" for each question. "What resources? When do we go? An' Where is it?" Pointing down to the three Ws, she smiled. "Three bums." Then, she drew a large capital H with the horizontal line of the H just underneath the three Ws.

"An' that's the bed, the three bums are on. That's the H. An' that's the most important one. How." Looking at Lars, she explained. "How do we get there? How often should we go there? How do we hunt there without strippin' the place clean, an' how does to-trial's hunt change every hunt what follows."

Lars nodded, the six others with him doing the same. "Does this work?" Lars asked. Vega grinned.

"For huntin'? I've got no idea. But it worked for sendin' out troops to the Stormlands, an' mappin' what was there in terms of the flamin' bad guys called Pumpernickels." Lars blinked at that. "Isn't that a type of bread?" Vega's expression was pure mischief. "Yeah. It is. I named them a stupid, easy-to-mock thing because they were scary. The names stuck. It made people smile, or wonder jus' who was thinkin' what when they named them. An' that meant that just for the time it took them to have that thought, they weren't thinkin' about how afraid they were, or how we was facin' impossible odds." They were all looking at her with expressions on their faces Vega realised and she shrugged. "I mean, hope. It's what I do. Xiur an' all that."

With a small smile, she changed the subject. "So, what I suggest we do is that someone who does stuff like that works out a schedule. We have seven teams - an' we get about. So, you know the place, you know what you want an' need." She looked at Lars and the six of them. "In the first few weeks of doin' this, the more information we can get the better. What kind of trees are where, what nests an' that kind of stuff." Lifting her hand in a gesture which pointed in the direction of Rharne. "At Storm's Edge, we mapped it first in terms of resources, an' threats. Here, I guess the same thing might apply?"

Lars nodded. "That makes sense," he said. "Resources, threats, potential."


"Yes," one of the six settlers, Roh'na, the Sev'ryn male who'd been at both her fletching and her woodcrafting lessons spoke up. "Yes. Is there a good place to expand, an area to grow, something that we could do or some way we could expand there which isn't a resource, but a possibility about the place."

Vega nodded. "That makes perfect sense. Lets do that." She wanted to make sure that they were maximising what they did. "So, if we go out an' do some huntin' an' I show you how to set up camps an' things. Then you all will be able to pass that on to your partners or teams." That made sense to her and they nodded. "Right, an' in the meantime, Lars, you'll work on getting a schedule ready? Think of them as hunts, an' patrols, at the same time. Because once we've got the information, we begin to look at what changes, if anythin' does." Nodding in memory, she said. "An' that way, we can sometimes manage to trouble trouble, before trouble troubles us."

There were chuckles, but they agreed. "Right, so we'll go out in groups. There's six of you, so three hunts. I'll go to each, an' two of you each time. But before that, I'm afraid, there's some talkin' an' learnin' to do." They were happy with this and so they agreed to meet again the next day, when Lars would have the schedules, and the maps, and Vega would begin the teaching.
word count: 818

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Surviving


Review Rewards

Name: Vega

Points awarded: 10xp

Logistics x 4
Tactics x 2

Renown: 5 (for leading the effort to organize educational opportunities in Hopetoun)

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level

Organizing is tough business, especially when you have to make sure Darius is in the loop. Have you ever considered having Vega write him a letter? :D

All kidding aside, this is a great set-up piece that allowed the reader to understand how Vega got from point A to point B, which is always a good thing. Sometimes stories can jump around and leave the reader in the dark. Vega asked about teaching, Saoire accepted....now here is how it's going to happen instead of leaving the 'how' vague. My OCD brain likes the first way better.

Great balance with the npcs and bringing them into the conversation, allowing Vega to showcase a few of her leadership skills as well. This is not her first rodeo and it shows.

Wonderful writing!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


word count: 186
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