Mature This is the Dividing Line

81st of Ymiden 720

Heavily guarded by the Dragoon, only nobles and their most selected guests visit beyond the fortress battlements. Dukes and Baronesses come and go in cut-throat court games of sham royalty.
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This is the Dividing Line


Continued from here...

81st of Ymiden 720

The runes of fatigue, along with the mastery with which Woe wielded the cat, filled the air below the scaffold with the choral screams of the condemned. Every exhalation of agony seemed to spread like a contagion from one afflicted to another, compounding their agony. Woe danced for them all, as only he could, bearing his whip like a brush, their bared backs the canvas on which he writ this lesson. The torturer was well capable of scourging them without drawing blood for much longer than most torturers, being a grandmaster of the whip.

He could stretch the moments of agony into trials perhaps. But even he wasn't infallible. A few breaks into the torment, their backs began to bleed ever so slightly from the abuse.

Seeing this, Woe stopped, and decided they'd had enough agony, slumped over their carved executioners block. Queue Fleaface to enter the scene, with an executioner's axe. Being as this was a rabble, a clean death wasn't to be theirs. The Etzori peasant wielded a heavy axe, it's edge rusted and caked with dried blood. Some of the condemned wailed upon seeing the hooded Fleaface enter the scene, in the guise of an executioner.

Woe thought he looked good in that role, and almost formed a sense of admiration for his servant. Perhaps they'd have made a good team as torturer and carnifex, had their paths in life gone differently. But as it was, Fleaface was a good servant to Woe, who commanded his obedience through a superior position.

Fargis bore the axe forward, and Woe laid a hand on his shoulder. For a moment they locked eyes, and Woe looked deep into his soul, attempting to lay his brand upon the man. Having seen him in his carnifex raiment, Woe thought it might be useful to keep tabs on his servant during his dreams.

Thus he was branded.

Fleaface strode further onto the scaffolding, brushing past Woe brusquely. There, he stood at attention, wearing the executioner's garb, and the huge axe they'd given him for the job. Woe for his part simply stood by, waiting for a signal from the Commander. When it came, Woe cleared his throat, readying himself to pitch a prepared speech he'd concocted for just this occasion.

He rattled off the names of all the condemned, one after the other. As they heard their names uttered by their tormenter, they couldn't keep the tears from their eyes. Those in the crowd who knew these men were in varying states of disrepair and grief. From pulling their hair and scratching their faces, to screaming epitaphs at Woe and Fleaface. When Woe was done reciting the names, he went on to the condemnation.

"Since you have denied the sovereignty of your head of state, his Majesty, King Arkenstone, you have hereby been sentences to lose your own heads. The punishment for treason is clear. Expiation of your crimes through agony, ritual humiliation, and then death. If you have any last words to give, now is the time."

For a moment in the courtyard beneath the Scaffold, there was silence. And then the silence laid on the scaffold. Woe was about to give the signal to Fleaface, when he heard a cough from one of the condemned. He said, "I spit on the stripling king, who couldn't protect us from the Creep! Even a King may bleed, and the Wounded God will have his due!"

Woe shook his head at this speech, and in disgust signaled for Fleaface to take his head. Whatever the King's fate, this worm would bleed his last long before he had the pleasure of seeing anything like that from King Arkenstone.
word count: 632
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: This is the Dividing Line


"Then by the authority of His Majesty, the King Arkenstone, we hereby sentence you to death. Blessed is he who bleeds." So saying, like a good convert and adherent to the Theocratum, Woe said that last bit as tribute to the church. Then he nodded to Fleaface, signaling that he should go ahead and take the heads, one by one.

Now Fleaface was a master of the axe, but even he could do so much with a rusty and blunted axe. It certainly had the heft to get the job done, but it would take a great amount of doing to get a clean death out of these worms lined up on the scaffolding. Even an axe master would be hard pressed to perform a clean kill with such an inferior tool.

So as the etzori peasant approached the first of the condemned, a woman who'd had the temerity to toss flaming torch in the face of a soldier, Woe felt around for their emotional tapestry, reaching out with his ability to Empathize with them, and reveling in the emotional feedback. He only pulled back at the last moment, as the axe fell with several swift strikes from Fleaface. There was a scream from the victim, as the first strike only partially severed their neck, but was soon silenced as it crushed their throat and finally took their head from their shoulder.

Fleaface brought his free wrist to his forehead, or where his forehead would be if he wasn't wearing a leather hood over it. Woe had to give him a stern look to warn against taking it off. He knew his servant, and Fleaface often forgot himself in the midst of hard work. Fleaface grunted when he saw the look on Woe's face. Then he went on to the next on the scaffold. Five strikes this time were needed to end the life. It was a bloody and screaming mess before he managed to finish the job.

Woe was getting impatient, there were at least a handful more of the condemned to work through, and he didn't want to spend the entire evening here. He had other plans that didn't involve getting splattered by the blood of derelicts and traitors.

Fleaface began sharpening his axe in the middle of the work, running the whetstone over the bloodied edge of the axe, and then buffing it with a leather strap. Woe admired his handiwork with the sharpening of the axe, even as he began losing patience. As they heard the stone grind against the axe, many of the condemned began to lose their composure. Woe couldn't have that, so he calmed them down, searching deep within their tangles to bring out what calm lay within it, deep beneath the surface. From that, he spread the calm throughout their number, strumming their calm one by one. This had a temporary effect of calming each of them, while Fleaface made sure he could give them a reasonably clean death.

The rest of the proceedings went on very smoothly. Necks cut to separate the heads from their bodies, from the first woman to the last man. And their blood pooled to feed devotion to the Wounded God. Woe didn't know anything about the Theocratum, in truth, even for all he'd been through with its members and in the undercroft of one of its churches. But he began to understand and experience the significance of the blood sacrifice that was the Carnifex's work.

Fleaface set aside the executioner axe, and placed it against the frame of the scaffold as he joined Woe at the bottom of the stands. The people were beginning to disperse, their hopes and rebellious thoughts thoroughly quashed.

Woe nudged Fleaface on the shoulder, and nodded, "You wouldn't be a half bad carnifex, Fargis. Maybe turn over a new leaf, become legitimate?"

Fargis snorted, "Right Master. I'm takin' the coin I made here straight to the lair. Fuck legitimacy."

Woe shrugged, and waved as he went his separate ways with the etzori peasant.

He was escorted by a few dragoons, who were assigned to watch him, lest he run afoul of anyone seeking revenge against the erstwhile magistrate that had put their kin to death. In truth, it probably wouldn't be needed. Woe could take care of himself, but more than that, he could use a few more residents in his dungeon. It was a shame that the dragoons saw fit to supervise his way home.

Even so, he didn't complain or raise an objection to their company as he walked the rest of the way through the Fortress, then outside of it, and into the ruined remnants of the Gleam. At least, he reflected as he neared his own home, his mansion there was still standing. His 'family' and the people under his protection had been spared the worst of the war, and survived yet.

So as he departed the Dragoons, he slipped them each a few silvers for their troubles, and then went onto the courtyard leading up to the house. He was home.
word count: 858
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: This is the Dividing Line


Whip x 3
Leadership x 3

Loot: Brand: Fleaface
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10 for magistrating over the execution of several traitors.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I occasionally enjoy reading threads that are a bit on the darker side, and I have to say, you write about darker things/torture quite well. I really liked the opening paragraph. Woe truly seems to be an artist with the whip there, using his targets’ backs as a canvas!

I found it interesting that those people didn’t deserve a clean death. I wonder if Fleaface ever takes care of that axe and cleans it though, or if he has left it in such a state on purpose.

Anyway, I like Woe’s servant. You write Fleaface quite well!

Empathy is definitely quite a useful magic when it comes to calming those people that lose their composure in the face of their impending execution down. In my opinion, the execution was well-written!

Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 171





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