As Cierne Develops...
Immortal Marks
Audnev (Audrae)
Abilities of the Favored
Blood Tie:
The blessed can always tell in what direction The city of Augiery lies. This does not magically open an easy path, but it does give a boon to ignore the many decoys and avoid the traps that ensnare the un-blessed who attempt to locate the hidden city. It can double as a compass of sorts. Can be activated twice per trial.
Leading the Blind:
The blessed is able to inflict, upon a single victim, a sense of absolute certainty that some item could only be hidden in one particular place. The victim simply refuses to consider the possibility of it being concealed anywhere else. It lasts as long as the searcher feels the necessity to search, or as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Deception" skill point total, whichever comes first. This can be done twice per trial, but not both uses at once, so a pair of guards will still be a problem.
Stare Down:
The blessed is always able to think clearly under extremes of terrifying situations. This does not mean they will never decide to run or hide (or whatever) anyway. But they will have been able to give lucid consideration to other options at the time. This includes the option of acting scared if they think it might give them some edge. This does not protect them from fear inflicted by drugs or arcana, but the impact will be significantly reduced.
Hand of Truth:
Once per trial, the blessed can impose a twitch upon a single victim, by which they can not keep their hand still if they tell something that is either an outright lie, or a distortion meant to deceive. It will be the same hand as the blessed's own primary hand. If the victim is missing that hand, this blessing will be ineffective. The duration is for half as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Intimidation" skill point total. The victim will be unaware of this condition, but this blessing does not compel him to talk if he chooses not to.
Shadow Blind:
Once per trial, the blessed can cloak themselves in a concealing shadow for as many bits (minutes) as their "Stealth" skill point total. However, use of this blessing in an unlikely spot, like broad daylight, will still be noticed, and probably draw unwanted investigation. At "Adored" level, this can be done three times per trial; at "Exalted", five.
Trigger of Innocence:
Once per trial, the blessed can speak one single phrase that will be believed by everyone in hearing range, provided it contains a single trigger word. This word must be chosen when the blessing is first received, but at each new tier of devotion, two more trigger words can be empowered with this ability.
Light the Way:
Once per trial, the blessed can boost their visual perception to see clearly in complete darkness. Any sudden flash of light, or significant increase in ambient light will end this boon. Otherwise, it will last as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Detection" skill point total. At "Exalted" level, a flash of light will not dazzle the eyes of the blessed, nor end the boon.
Echo of Nightmare:
Once per trial, the blessed can affect everyone within 25 yards, who is focusing on her, with the ominous feeling that nearby ambient sounds are something they heard in a recent nightmare; giving them a sense that something terrible, foretold in that dream, is about to occur. Usually, this is employed to facilitate escape by making pursuit afraid to turn a particular corner. Once the blessed is 50 yards from the activation point, the effect ends.
Mommy's Girl/Boy:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Deception, Intimidation, Stealth, or Detection. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
The blessed can always tell in what direction The city of Augiery lies. This does not magically open an easy path, but it does give a boon to ignore the many decoys and avoid the traps that ensnare the un-blessed who attempt to locate the hidden city. It can double as a compass of sorts. Can be activated twice per trial.
Leading the Blind:
The blessed is able to inflict, upon a single victim, a sense of absolute certainty that some item could only be hidden in one particular place. The victim simply refuses to consider the possibility of it being concealed anywhere else. It lasts as long as the searcher feels the necessity to search, or as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Deception" skill point total, whichever comes first. This can be done twice per trial, but not both uses at once, so a pair of guards will still be a problem.
Stare Down:
The blessed is always able to think clearly under extremes of terrifying situations. This does not mean they will never decide to run or hide (or whatever) anyway. But they will have been able to give lucid consideration to other options at the time. This includes the option of acting scared if they think it might give them some edge. This does not protect them from fear inflicted by drugs or arcana, but the impact will be significantly reduced.
Hand of Truth:
Once per trial, the blessed can impose a twitch upon a single victim, by which they can not keep their hand still if they tell something that is either an outright lie, or a distortion meant to deceive. It will be the same hand as the blessed's own primary hand. If the victim is missing that hand, this blessing will be ineffective. The duration is for half as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Intimidation" skill point total. The victim will be unaware of this condition, but this blessing does not compel him to talk if he chooses not to.
Shadow Blind:
Once per trial, the blessed can cloak themselves in a concealing shadow for as many bits (minutes) as their "Stealth" skill point total. However, use of this blessing in an unlikely spot, like broad daylight, will still be noticed, and probably draw unwanted investigation. At "Adored" level, this can be done three times per trial; at "Exalted", five.
Trigger of Innocence:
Once per trial, the blessed can speak one single phrase that will be believed by everyone in hearing range, provided it contains a single trigger word. This word must be chosen when the blessing is first received, but at each new tier of devotion, two more trigger words can be empowered with this ability.
Light the Way:
Once per trial, the blessed can boost their visual perception to see clearly in complete darkness. Any sudden flash of light, or significant increase in ambient light will end this boon. Otherwise, it will last as many bits (minutes) as the blessed's "Detection" skill point total. At "Exalted" level, a flash of light will not dazzle the eyes of the blessed, nor end the boon.
Echo of Nightmare:
Once per trial, the blessed can affect everyone within 25 yards, who is focusing on her, with the ominous feeling that nearby ambient sounds are something they heard in a recent nightmare; giving them a sense that something terrible, foretold in that dream, is about to occur. Usually, this is employed to facilitate escape by making pursuit afraid to turn a particular corner. Once the blessed is 50 yards from the activation point, the effect ends.
Mommy's Girl/Boy:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Deception, Intimidation, Stealth, or Detection. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Lethroda (Sintra)
Abilities of the Favored
The Lethroda skill that the Webspinners take their name from, Webspinning allows the bearer to connect those around them with a thread of energy, granting them a sense of what the people they connect to are doing and feeling. While this is not a perfect read of them, it will grant the Marked a vague understanding of their surroundings and emotions. At Favored this ability allows you to web three people. Adored gives you the read of six people. Exalted allows you to connect to twelve and the Champion of Sintra can connect to up to twenty four people. Anyone with Empathy will be able to recognize and physically see the webs that are being made, theoretically able to remove or even amplify them. At Favored it takes Competent Discipline or Meditation to resist this effect entirely, Adored needing Expert. An Exalted or a Champion with this power will require Master in either Discipline or Meditation.
Arachnid Familiar:
At the beginning of her blessing, Sintra grants a marking in between their shoulder-blades on their upper back. This Marking is an intricate tattoo of a spider, colored to look like whatever species of spider the Marked chooses. If the Blessing is forced onto someone a tarantula will be chosen by Sintra herself. This will then, at will, climb off the body of the Marked and take form of its real equivalent. This can not be any bigger than a Tarantula, any smaller than a coin and will not contain any venom at this stage of the blessing. This spider can not speak but can be used to monitor and watch, allowing the Blessed to look through the spider’s eyes and hear what it hears in place of their own senses. It will follow verbal commands the Blessed gives before returning to the Marked. Should the Marked give a command it can not do then it will remain in place. If the Familiar is killed then its body disappears and returns back to the Blessed’s back. This Marking becomes faded and, over the span of four trials, returns to its full condition where it can be used again. During this time the Marked feels a small burning pain on the tattoo. At Adored the Familiar can take telepathic commands. This Spider is a real, physical spider that has been chosen by Sintra to be used for her Marked.
Manipulative Skills I:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Stealth, Persuasion, Deception, Tactics or any weapon skill (Including natural weapons i.e. Unarmed). Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Silk Thread:
As a subtle protective measure a Lethroda can set up a small, single strand of webbing from their finger. This can be placed across ten feet of distance or less and will alert the Marked when it is broken. While this thread is delicate it will not break of natural causes, including strong winds. Yet a person lightly walking towards it will snap it on contact, as well as any other living being larger than a mouse interacting with the thread. Once this happens, the Marked immediately knows their thread has been broken, but not what broke it. This can be placed anywhere in Idalos and is often used to protect the Blessed’s belongings as well as zone off an area. At Favored only one can be placed. Adored allows for three at a time. Exalted has five and the Champion of Sintra has ten.
Bite of the Spider:
Making use of the Arachnid Familiar, this ability allows the Marked to see brief flashes of a desired memory by their familiar biting someone. Before the familiar bites their target, the Lethroda must think of something they desire to see, such as a specific valuable or a person of interest. If the bitten has seen this desire within the past three trials it will show the Marked a few trills of images as to what the desired item or person looks like and the general area around it, as if viewing pictures. If they have not seen it, nothing happens and the bitten feels the spiders bite, potentially lashing out to kill it. While these images are being shown the Arachnid Familiar can make a stealthy escape, the bitten falling in to a temporary trance. This can only be used once a trial. If those bitten have a Discipline or Meditation of Expert or Above the trance will not work, nor will any memories be obtainable.
Hateful Web:
One of the first powers allowing indirect manipulation, this ability allows the Marked of Sintra to place a small, physical web on a person or their clothes. This is hard to notice for an untrained eye and will usually go ignored, however something as small as a passive shoulder brush could destroy this web, so placement is important. If the person removes an item of clothing with the web on it then the effect will end and the web will break immediately. When this web is on somebody or their clothes it will draw negative attention from everyone around within a thirty feet radius, giving them an unnatural dislike of whoever it may be, even those that are usually friendly with the Webbed. If this web remains unbroken the effect will last for half a Break and the ability can only be used once every five trials. However, with a Detection at Expert or Above this web is easy to notice, or a Meditation at Equal level from the webbed will negate it entirely. Empath's can detect this effect at near to any level, though much more prominently at Competency.
Arachnid's Ally:
At this level of the blessing Sintra’s Marked is recognized as a Webspinner by all Arachnids. No arachnid will ever harm the Webspinner unless they actively attack one of their own or disturb their territory. However, if the Webspinner does attack and break this bond then the spider and all others around will attack for twenty Bits, weaker spiders doing minimal damage where venomous spiders could prove life threatening. Becomers, while not compelled to follow it as closely, will sense this bond in the form of a spider. Another Lethroda's familiar will also know of the bond and will not harm a Webspinner unless them or their Marked are under threat, even if ordered to do so.
Grip of the Spider:
An ability that can be toggled on and off at will, Grip of the Spider allows the hands and feet of the Webspinner to become adhesive. Each limb can individually be toggled, allowing all or select limbs to be adhesive or not. This can be used to scale walls, run up a wall with the right training or give combat bonuses. However, wearing gloves or shoes/socks will prevent this, bare skin needing to make contact.
As the final Favored power, Sintra allows you to create a thick spider's web from any part of your body, similar in thickness and strength to rope. This web is adhesive to everything that the Webspinner wills it to be, meaning it will not accidentally get stuck on their clothes or other items. Using this power allows the Webspinner to tie up someone, set up the rope for climbing or ensnare an unaware person or animal as well as many other uses. This web can be up to twenty four feet in length and can easily hold the weight of a person. After two Breaks this web will dissolve unless broken already by a strength of Expert or above. This ability can be used once every trial. To cut this web off from their body all the Marked has to do is stop producing it, leaving the end attached to their body.
The Lethroda skill that the Webspinners take their name from, Webspinning allows the bearer to connect those around them with a thread of energy, granting them a sense of what the people they connect to are doing and feeling. While this is not a perfect read of them, it will grant the Marked a vague understanding of their surroundings and emotions. At Favored this ability allows you to web three people. Adored gives you the read of six people. Exalted allows you to connect to twelve and the Champion of Sintra can connect to up to twenty four people. Anyone with Empathy will be able to recognize and physically see the webs that are being made, theoretically able to remove or even amplify them. At Favored it takes Competent Discipline or Meditation to resist this effect entirely, Adored needing Expert. An Exalted or a Champion with this power will require Master in either Discipline or Meditation.
Arachnid Familiar:
At the beginning of her blessing, Sintra grants a marking in between their shoulder-blades on their upper back. This Marking is an intricate tattoo of a spider, colored to look like whatever species of spider the Marked chooses. If the Blessing is forced onto someone a tarantula will be chosen by Sintra herself. This will then, at will, climb off the body of the Marked and take form of its real equivalent. This can not be any bigger than a Tarantula, any smaller than a coin and will not contain any venom at this stage of the blessing. This spider can not speak but can be used to monitor and watch, allowing the Blessed to look through the spider’s eyes and hear what it hears in place of their own senses. It will follow verbal commands the Blessed gives before returning to the Marked. Should the Marked give a command it can not do then it will remain in place. If the Familiar is killed then its body disappears and returns back to the Blessed’s back. This Marking becomes faded and, over the span of four trials, returns to its full condition where it can be used again. During this time the Marked feels a small burning pain on the tattoo. At Adored the Familiar can take telepathic commands. This Spider is a real, physical spider that has been chosen by Sintra to be used for her Marked.
Manipulative Skills I:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Stealth, Persuasion, Deception, Tactics or any weapon skill (Including natural weapons i.e. Unarmed). Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Silk Thread:
As a subtle protective measure a Lethroda can set up a small, single strand of webbing from their finger. This can be placed across ten feet of distance or less and will alert the Marked when it is broken. While this thread is delicate it will not break of natural causes, including strong winds. Yet a person lightly walking towards it will snap it on contact, as well as any other living being larger than a mouse interacting with the thread. Once this happens, the Marked immediately knows their thread has been broken, but not what broke it. This can be placed anywhere in Idalos and is often used to protect the Blessed’s belongings as well as zone off an area. At Favored only one can be placed. Adored allows for three at a time. Exalted has five and the Champion of Sintra has ten.
Bite of the Spider:
Making use of the Arachnid Familiar, this ability allows the Marked to see brief flashes of a desired memory by their familiar biting someone. Before the familiar bites their target, the Lethroda must think of something they desire to see, such as a specific valuable or a person of interest. If the bitten has seen this desire within the past three trials it will show the Marked a few trills of images as to what the desired item or person looks like and the general area around it, as if viewing pictures. If they have not seen it, nothing happens and the bitten feels the spiders bite, potentially lashing out to kill it. While these images are being shown the Arachnid Familiar can make a stealthy escape, the bitten falling in to a temporary trance. This can only be used once a trial. If those bitten have a Discipline or Meditation of Expert or Above the trance will not work, nor will any memories be obtainable.
Hateful Web:
One of the first powers allowing indirect manipulation, this ability allows the Marked of Sintra to place a small, physical web on a person or their clothes. This is hard to notice for an untrained eye and will usually go ignored, however something as small as a passive shoulder brush could destroy this web, so placement is important. If the person removes an item of clothing with the web on it then the effect will end and the web will break immediately. When this web is on somebody or their clothes it will draw negative attention from everyone around within a thirty feet radius, giving them an unnatural dislike of whoever it may be, even those that are usually friendly with the Webbed. If this web remains unbroken the effect will last for half a Break and the ability can only be used once every five trials. However, with a Detection at Expert or Above this web is easy to notice, or a Meditation at Equal level from the webbed will negate it entirely. Empath's can detect this effect at near to any level, though much more prominently at Competency.
Arachnid's Ally:
At this level of the blessing Sintra’s Marked is recognized as a Webspinner by all Arachnids. No arachnid will ever harm the Webspinner unless they actively attack one of their own or disturb their territory. However, if the Webspinner does attack and break this bond then the spider and all others around will attack for twenty Bits, weaker spiders doing minimal damage where venomous spiders could prove life threatening. Becomers, while not compelled to follow it as closely, will sense this bond in the form of a spider. Another Lethroda's familiar will also know of the bond and will not harm a Webspinner unless them or their Marked are under threat, even if ordered to do so.
Grip of the Spider:
An ability that can be toggled on and off at will, Grip of the Spider allows the hands and feet of the Webspinner to become adhesive. Each limb can individually be toggled, allowing all or select limbs to be adhesive or not. This can be used to scale walls, run up a wall with the right training or give combat bonuses. However, wearing gloves or shoes/socks will prevent this, bare skin needing to make contact.
As the final Favored power, Sintra allows you to create a thick spider's web from any part of your body, similar in thickness and strength to rope. This web is adhesive to everything that the Webspinner wills it to be, meaning it will not accidentally get stuck on their clothes or other items. Using this power allows the Webspinner to tie up someone, set up the rope for climbing or ensnare an unaware person or animal as well as many other uses. This web can be up to twenty four feet in length and can easily hold the weight of a person. After two Breaks this web will dissolve unless broken already by a strength of Expert or above. This ability can be used once every trial. To cut this web off from their body all the Marked has to do is stop producing it, leaving the end attached to their body.
Rusalkis (Chrien)
Abilities of the Favored
Turbulent Waters:
An ability that works on any body of water deep enough for the Rusalka to swim in, Turbulent Waters causes the water to toss and turn, rage and roar as if a storm had risen, even if the day is as clear as can be. In addition, there are strong and uncontrollable riptides under the waves. For an unskilled Rusalka, Turbulent Waters can be dangerous to use, but for the skilled, it is a dangerous and deadly ability. This is due to the fact that while the Rusalka is safe from the waters themselves, they are not immune to any effects the waters have on other things. This ability can only be used once a trial at full strength, more often if the Rusalka affects a smaller area. The power affects an area up to three nautical miles in diameter and lasts for a break.
Favorable Outcome:
An ability that allows the Rusalka to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or any thing of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the Rusalka's favor. The skill can be used as many times in a row as the Rusalka desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.
Rusalkis Skills I:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Swimming, Seafaring, Torture, Polearms, Gambling, or Fishing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Seed of Spite:
A surprisingly subtle ability for the usually operatic Chrien, Seed of Spite allows the Rusalka to plant the beginnings of a grudge in a target, a seed that can grow into a deep seated resentment and anger. Seed of Spite has been used in the past to ruin friendships, destroy loves, and topple dynasties, for such a small thing is so easily ignored. The seed is planted by touch, and will grow according to the victims natural inclinations, though the Rusalka can sort of "aim" a grudge by whispering into their hand what type of grudge they want the target to have.
Root of Dissent:
Like Seed of Spite, Root of Dissent is a subtle skill, mainly for use in information gathering. Root of Dissent allows the Rusalka to tell what the cause of any given grudge is at any time, as well as being able to tell when someone is holding a grudge. A skill with a myriad of uses, heroic Rusalka's have used such information to heal breaches, while more villainous Rusalka's have used the knowledge to cause entire families to tear themselves apart.
Stormy Skies:
Stormy Skies is an ability that, when activated, surrounds the Rusalka with storm clouds that then flow out from the Rusalka in a wave, allowing for a brief way to hide. The ability can be be used once five times a break, but repeated uses will cause the Rusalka to feel increasingly light headed.
Lucky Break:
An ability that is passive in nature, Lucky Break causes random acts of good fortune to befall the Rusalka, anything from accidentally landing a perfect thrust or managing to avoid hitting hard rocks on a fall. However, this ability is random, chaotic, and out of the Rusalka's control, so many Rusalka prefer not to rely on it, especially as once it causes a good stroke of luck to happen, a bad one is certain to shortly follow. (Note: While players can use this ability, keep in mind that abusing it will result in a loss of points and repeated offenses could be result in firmer action.)
A skill that allows the Rusalka to raise a terrible, but localized, wind against their enemies, the winds of this ability are no minor breeze, but rather a gale that can fling objects around, bend trees and collapse ships. However, not even Chrien can control the winds, so this ability can be almost as dangerous to the Rusalka as to their foes, for while the Rusalka is immune to the winds, they aren't immune to flying debris. This ability can only be used once a trial, covers an area about 500 feet in diameter and lasts for a break.
Spiteful Acid:
The Rusalka is given the ability to launch a short range acid spray from their hands. Against most people, this acid is little more than irritating and itchy. To anyone against whom the Rusalka holds a grudge against, however, the acid will burn, the burning getting worse the more the Rusalka hates their target. The ability can be used five times a break.
An ability that works on any body of water deep enough for the Rusalka to swim in, Turbulent Waters causes the water to toss and turn, rage and roar as if a storm had risen, even if the day is as clear as can be. In addition, there are strong and uncontrollable riptides under the waves. For an unskilled Rusalka, Turbulent Waters can be dangerous to use, but for the skilled, it is a dangerous and deadly ability. This is due to the fact that while the Rusalka is safe from the waters themselves, they are not immune to any effects the waters have on other things. This ability can only be used once a trial at full strength, more often if the Rusalka affects a smaller area. The power affects an area up to three nautical miles in diameter and lasts for a break.
Favorable Outcome:
An ability that allows the Rusalka to affect the odds of things like dice rolls and card draws, or any thing of a similarly small nature, so that they fall in the Rusalka's favor. The skill can be used as many times in a row as the Rusalka desires, but each consecutive use is less likely to succeed than the one before it, though going a whole Trial without using the ability will reset it.
Rusalkis Skills I:
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Swimming, Seafaring, Torture, Polearms, Gambling, or Fishing. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the PC chooses.
Seed of Spite:
A surprisingly subtle ability for the usually operatic Chrien, Seed of Spite allows the Rusalka to plant the beginnings of a grudge in a target, a seed that can grow into a deep seated resentment and anger. Seed of Spite has been used in the past to ruin friendships, destroy loves, and topple dynasties, for such a small thing is so easily ignored. The seed is planted by touch, and will grow according to the victims natural inclinations, though the Rusalka can sort of "aim" a grudge by whispering into their hand what type of grudge they want the target to have.
Root of Dissent:
Like Seed of Spite, Root of Dissent is a subtle skill, mainly for use in information gathering. Root of Dissent allows the Rusalka to tell what the cause of any given grudge is at any time, as well as being able to tell when someone is holding a grudge. A skill with a myriad of uses, heroic Rusalka's have used such information to heal breaches, while more villainous Rusalka's have used the knowledge to cause entire families to tear themselves apart.
Stormy Skies:
Stormy Skies is an ability that, when activated, surrounds the Rusalka with storm clouds that then flow out from the Rusalka in a wave, allowing for a brief way to hide. The ability can be be used once five times a break, but repeated uses will cause the Rusalka to feel increasingly light headed.
Lucky Break:
An ability that is passive in nature, Lucky Break causes random acts of good fortune to befall the Rusalka, anything from accidentally landing a perfect thrust or managing to avoid hitting hard rocks on a fall. However, this ability is random, chaotic, and out of the Rusalka's control, so many Rusalka prefer not to rely on it, especially as once it causes a good stroke of luck to happen, a bad one is certain to shortly follow. (Note: While players can use this ability, keep in mind that abusing it will result in a loss of points and repeated offenses could be result in firmer action.)
A skill that allows the Rusalka to raise a terrible, but localized, wind against their enemies, the winds of this ability are no minor breeze, but rather a gale that can fling objects around, bend trees and collapse ships. However, not even Chrien can control the winds, so this ability can be almost as dangerous to the Rusalka as to their foes, for while the Rusalka is immune to the winds, they aren't immune to flying debris. This ability can only be used once a trial, covers an area about 500 feet in diameter and lasts for a break.
Spiteful Acid:
The Rusalka is given the ability to launch a short range acid spray from their hands. Against most people, this acid is little more than irritating and itchy. To anyone against whom the Rusalka holds a grudge against, however, the acid will burn, the burning getting worse the more the Rusalka hates their target. The ability can be used five times a break.
Skill Progression
Skills to Acquire/Progress
Skill | Present Level | Goal |
Acrobatics | Novice | Competent |
Brewing | Unskilled | Competent |
Unarmed Combat | Unskilled | Competent |
Cryptography | Unskilled | Novice |
Deception | Competent | Master |
Dreamwalking | Novice | Master |
Intelligence | Novice | Master |
Linguistics | Competent | Expert |
Mixology | Competent | Expert |
Persuasion | Unskilled | Expert |
Stealth | Novice | Expert |
Torture | Competent | Master |
Magic to Acquire/Progress
Skill | Present Level | Goal |
Defiance | Novice | Master |
Empathy | Novice | Master |
Graft | Uninitiated | Expert |
Hone | Uninitiated | Expert |
Magic Mutation Themes/Ideas
Defiance (Expert)
Empathy (Expert)
Future Threads
Title | Summary | Tentative Date |