• Graded • Don't Spar(e) The Horses

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Re: Don't Spar(e) The Horses


Darius could not imagine being arrogant enough to think he could actually defeat the great Doran Thetys in combat. The man was an expert - one didn't get invited to put on an exhibition of sword mastery at The Proving Ground without earning a deserved reputation as a skilled fighter - and the bearded blond knew the man was taking things easy with him.

Even so, his eyes lit up as he swung his practice sword, thinking ever so briefly he might actually parry away the man's attack and attempt one of his own.

Alas, it was not to be.

Almost before he even realised what had happened, Doran had pacified Darius' blade and closed the gap between them. Had the pair been fighting in anger, their encounter would have been as bloody as it was brief.

It was a timely reality check, and the sailor was soon gratefully nodding as he received further instruction, making mental notes with each new piece of information.

At Doran's invitation, Darius attacked the man again, attempting to vary his strikes as best he could, while also trying to remember to relax, to lead with his foot, to turn defensive parries into attacks, to combat the fighter rather than his weapon...

It was a lot to learn, and suffice to say, he would often forget something from the list, only to focus on it the next time and forget something else in the process. But it was a start, and one he was grateful for. As their sparring session approached a full break, Darius' muscles were aching, and his tunic was damp with sweat. But he knew that he would eventually be able to sit down and reflect on the trial he sparred with the great Doran Thetys.
word count: 295
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Re: Don't Spar(e) The Horses


Experience: 15 no magic


Blades x5
Strength x4
Tactics x1

Darius Baer: I taught him to use the sword
Scalvoris: Location: The Proving Ground

Renown: 5 for teaching at the proving grounds.

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Comments: Doran is as good a teacher of blades, it seems, as he is of alchemy/chemistry. I'm impressed, as I haven't seen too much of his combative-type appearances. Usually I'm seeing him behind a laboratory or chemistry set or classroom chalkboard. This was a refreshing change of pace. It was an interesting way of introducing Doran to Darius, having an advertisement written by some carnival barker. But Doran's reaction to the advert was as you would expect.

Great job! Enjoy the rewards.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.

Experience: 15 no magic


Combat: Blades: How to properly wield a two-handed weapon.
Combat: Blades: Relax your body.
Combat: Blades: Turn defensive parries into attacks, because simply parrying is never enough.
Combat: Blades: Combat the fighter rather than his or her weapon.
Combat: Blades: Leading with your blade - rather than your feet - gives your opponent less time to react.
Combat: Blades: Raising your sword too high to make a strike might create an opening for your opponent.
Discipline: Follow the instructions of those more experienced than you.
Endurance: Keep persisting, no matter how many times you want to stop
Negotiation: Sometimes a deal will fall into your lap.
Tactics: Learn from the mistakes of others.
Tactics: Varying your attacks might create an opportunity to strike your opponent.

Doran: Is a master swordsman.
Doran: Is a patient teacher.

Renown: 10 for being seen with the famous Doran Thetys

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Comments: Darius is very down to earth, and reasonably skeptical of the claims made in the advert. Yet when he sees the famous Doran's swordfighting for himself, he's swift to come to the correct conclusion that maybe Doran is worth learning from. I enjoyed Darius here, learning from Doran. They made a fun counterpoint to each other.

Darius' plans for roaming the seas will surely lead him into trouble whether he looks for it or not, so learning to defend himself will surely be a good decision. I enjoyed the way you wrote his actions here, as brief as this collab might've been. And I didn't miss your addition of the scalvhunt phrase ;)

Great job and enjoy the rewards.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 447
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