Darius Baer

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Darius Baer Bottom
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Posts: 1477
Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:46 am
Race: Human
Profession: Woodworker / Sailor
Renown: 1145
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Wealth Tier: Tier 9


The Patriarch

The Love Interest

The Miscreant

The Informant

The Companion

The Entourage


Name: Josef Baer

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Arc 659, 8th of Ashan. (61 arcs old.)

Role: Former sailor; father of Darius Baer.

Skills: Cartography (10XP 51XP), Fishing (30XP 31XP), Navigation (30XP), Seafaring (20XP 26XP), Storytelling (10XP 18XP).

Skill Increases:
NPC Starting XP Bonus: Cartography (25XP), Combat: Ranged (26XP), Hunting (1XP), Storytelling (8XP)
Skills Scale Down: Convert Fishing (30XP) to Hunting.
Ashan 720: Seafaring (6XP), Storytelling (4XP)
Ymiden 720: Cartography (10XP)
Vhalar 720: Cartography (6XP), Storytelling (4XP)

Description: A former sailor whose best arcs are behind him, Josef's stocky frame stands at 5'9". Dark hair crowns a head of weathered skin, and the lines either side of his grey eyes betray countless breaks spent squinting at the distant horizon. He is a man of few words. As someone who has made his living by relying on the bounty of the sea, he has learned a thing or two about patience, and this is conveyed in his general demeanor. He is usually the last to share his thoughts on a matter, (and he often does so only when asked), but when he speaks, people tend to listen. That tends to change when he has enough alcohol in his system, however, at which point he finds himself capable of sharing many tales from the high seas. If these stories are to believed, then Josef - while lacking the derring-do and wanderlust of his son Darius - has nonetheless seen his fair share of adventure.

Dialogue colour.

Notable Threads:

Name: Nael Devlin

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Arc 691, 10th of Cylus. (29 arcs old.)

Role: Estranged childhood friend of Darius Baer; potential contact.

Skills: Intelligence (26XP 51XP), Larceny (52XP), Athletics (10XP 26XP), Stealth (12XP 51XP).

Skill Increases:
NPC Starting XP Bonus: Athletics (10XP); Intelligence (25XP); Stealth (25XP).
Skills Scale Down: Convert Lock Picking (26XP) to Larceny; convert Pick Pocketing (26XP) to Larceny.
Cylus 720: Stealth (10XP)
Ashan 721: Athletics (6XP), Stealth (4XP)

Description: Darius and Nael were childhood friends. They would frequently spend their trials playing together and causing mischief. That ended when Darius was caught stealing an apple and Nael evaded capture. With Darius' mother eager to keep her son away from a boy who she viewed as a bad influence, their paths quickly diverged. While Darius was quick to learn his lesson and has been much more respectful of the law, Nael has found himself skirting the edges of society. Although Nael was the bigger of the two boys when they were younger, he now has a scrawny build and stands at 5'11" tall, a few inches shorter than Darius. He has dark brown hair and eyes that are often compared to that of a weasel. A potential source of information, he gets by on the money he gains from pick pocketing and other petty crimes.

Dialogue colour.

Notable Threads:


Name: Astra Miawynn

Race: Half-biqaj, half-human.

Date of Birth: Arc 695, 85th of Zi'da. (24 arcs old.)

Role: First mate and second-in-command of the brig Libertalia.

Skills: Athletics (7XP 14XP), Combat: Ranged (7XP 51XP), Leadership (26XP), Mount: Land (0XP 51XP), Navigation (26XP), Seafaring (26XP), Swimming (8XP 26XP).

Skill Increases:
NPC Starting XP Bonus: Combat: Ranged (25XP); Mount: Land (31XP); Swimming (4XP).
Ashan 720: Combat: Ranged (10XP)
Ymiden 720: Athletics (1XP); Combat: Ranged (9XP)
Vhalar 720: Mount: Land (10XP)
Ashan 721: Mount: Land (10XP)
Ymiden 721: Swimming (10XP)
Zi'da 721: Athletics (6XP); Swimming (4XP)

(Cylus 722 to be added when Pirate Princess Seeks Salty Seadog For Answers And Companionship is completed. Relevant threads are Council Meeting: Rebirth Cycle 722 and Pirate Princess Seeks Salty Seadog For Answers And Companionship.)

Appearance: A skilled sailor who has lived most of her arcs at sea, Astra Miawynn knows her way around a ship. Her dark brown hair is long and wild, with all but one braid cascading down her right side, and is often adorned by decorative feathers. Her pointy ears are evidence of her half-biqaj heritage, while her tanned skin speaks of her time on the water. Her penetrating eyes are typically a deep evergreen hue with glints of blue, but they have been known to change subtly depending on circumstance. Her 5'6" height and slender frame - along with clothing that has seen many a mend - belie an inner strength that has seen her defiantly confront giant swells and brutes alike.

Personality: Astra is a strong, independent woman. She is confident in her own abilities, and her knack for take control of a situation has been known to intimidate people - particularly men. To those who don't know her well, her hardy exterior might seem difficult to penetrate, but to those she fully trusts, Astra is able to be her more gentle and vulnerable self. She also has a strong sense of right and wrong, and although she opposes bureaucracy - hence her decision to make a career at sea - she isn't afraid to 'play the game' when she believes the end justifies the means.

Relationship To PC: Senior crew member on Darius' ship; potential future romantic interest.

Dialogue colour. COLOR=#8040BF
Eye Colours: blue-green (amusement), orange (respect), yellow (concern)

Notable Threads:

CREW OPTIONS (Libertalia) Captain + 10 crew

Captain (Darius Baer)
First Mate (Astra Miawynn)
Deckhand x 3
Name: Ledas

Race: Spirit

Date of Birth: Unknown.

Role: Spirit companion.

Skills: Combat: Unarmed (76XP), Hunting (76XP), Intimidation (76XP), Investigation (3XP), Linguistics (76XP), Stealth (0XP 26XP), Strength (20 51XP), Swimming (76XP).

Skill Increases:
NPC Starting XP Bonus: Investigation (3XP); Stealth (26XP); Strength (31XP).

Description: In the natural world, the tiger is the largest of the various cat species, and Ledas puts most of them to shame. At a length of 13'2" and weighing approximately 350kg, he dwarfs the majority of his feline kin.

However, there is more than his size that sets him apart. He is in fact a spirit companion, able to take either a physical or spirit form. When he is in his tiger form, he appears to be an ice creature, and, while his fur is soft to the touch, it shimmers and reflects light as though it was made of an icy flame.

Ledas can communicate telepathically not only with Darius, but with other tigers. Only Darius can hear him speak; to anyone else, it will sound like he is growling or making other noises associated with tigers. If he is too heavily drained or badly injured, he will revert to a spirit form until he is either rested or healed. He can also choose to revert to spirit form at will, and Darius can still communicate with him in spirit form.

He has human level intelligence. He has a bond with Famula, Moseke, Daia, Cassion, U'frek, Xiur, Ziell, and Qylios, and he speaks fondly of them all.

Ledas is both fierce and fiercely loyal, and, like Darius, he is proud to call Scalvoris home. He also has a playful side, allowing for his feline nature to influence his interactions with Darius and those he trusts. It is not uncommon for him to be curled up at the foot of Darius' bed, or lying in the midtrial sun.

He dislikes travel, preferring to stay in and around Scalvoris when possible, which essentially makes him a giant, glowing, telepathic housecat.

Languages Known: Ancient (Fluent), Common (Fluent), Scalveen (Fluent), Common Sign (Broken), Rakahi (Conversational), Xanthea (Broken).

Language Progression:
  • Start: Ancient (Fluent), Scalveen (Broken)
  • Novice: Common Sign (Broken), Rakahi (Broken)
  • Competent: Common (Fluent)
  • Expert: Scalveen (Conversational), Xanthea (Broken)
  • Master: Scalveen (Fluent), Rakahi (Conversational)
Dialogue colour.
Name: Isla 'Red' Raye

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Arc 695, 61st of Ymiden. (26 arcs old.)

Role: Contact based in Almund.

Skills: Combat: Blades (22XP 26XP), Intelligence (26XP 51XP), Investigation (0XP 16XP), Larceny (26XP), Stealth (26XP 51XP).

Skill Increases:
NPC Starting XP Bonus: Intelligence (19XP); Investigation (16XP); Stealth (25XP).
Ashan 721: Combat: Blades (4XP), Intelligence (6XP)

Description: Only allowing herself to be known to a handful of people, most of whom only know her as 'Red', Isla Raye can occasionally been found around Almund - though only by those who truly seek her out. The average citizen is oblivious to her presence. She is a source of much information to those who she deems worthy of receiving it, and has been known to be involved in dealings with people on both sides of the law.

Her nickname derives from her red-brown hair. This is one of the few identifying features of her appearance, as she frequently covers part of her face when she wishes to protect her identity. She has a slender but athletic build, and is capable of protecting herself with a pair of daggers that she carries with her, but she only resorts to this if she cannot see a more discreet alternative. Her voice carries an almost indistinguishable accent that appears to be a mixture of many regions. This may mean that she has travelled far and wide, or it may simply be a result of living in a city as racially and culturally diverse as Almund.

Red is gaining a reputation for knowing much of what happens in the capital city, but the accuracy of this information may vary. It is also said that she lives a respectable - and unmasked - life when she wishes to. As such, she is not dependent on her information and assistance as a source of income, allowing her the freedom to choose who she helps based on her own perception of what justice should look like.

Dialogue colour.

Baer's Bodyguard

In addition to named NPCs, Darius also has a number of flavour followers, courtesy of his renown.

15 x NPCs with the following skills: Combat: Ranged (30XP), Combat: Blades (5XP), Combat: Shields (5XP), Discipline (5XP), Tactics (5XP)

Still To Come (Not Yet Approved)

10 x NPCs (75XP) with the following skills: Combat: Blades (26XP), Combat: Shields (26XP), Combat: Polearms And Staves (6XP), Combat: Ranged (6XP), Discipline (6XP), Tactics (5XP)

10 x NPCs (100XP) with the following skills: Combat: Blades (26XP), Combat: Ranged (26XP), Combat: Shields (26XP), Combat: Polearms And Staves (6XP), Combat: Unarmed (6XP), Discipline (5XP), Tactics (5XP)
word count: 1710
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Darius Baer Bottom
Wiki Worker
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Posts: 1477
Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2020 10:46 am
Race: Human
Profession: Woodworker / Sailor
Renown: 1145
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 9


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Oram Mednix

Yeva of Rharne
word count: 8
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