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Kes plz

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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A Pirates Life for Me

1st of Ashan
*Speaking Rakahi
*Speaking Common

“Up and at ‘em, Kes! First day of the season means we’re going out, if we ain’t gonna go now we’ll keep holding off till we ain’t gonna go.”

As she yelled Korva shoved Ashan off of her, a cuddle bug much like herself the pattered around for her shirt before recalling tossing it on the wheel to dry. The child grunted unhappily at the retreating warmth as she curled up tighter, muttering darkly as the Biqaj darted above, still chatting to Kes cheerfully uncaring of the early hours, “Never met a lazier kid, have ya?”

“I heard that!” The girl retorted from below as Korva smirked, then continued to ready the lines nodding her head for Kes to take the steering for the day.

“Yer gonna steer again, take us farther out and ‘round, we’ll wanna make a wide trip ‘round to hit the docks right. And if any fool wrecked we’ll see ‘em ‘fore we hit ‘em.”

“You need to annunciate. How am I supposed to learn when you talk like a sailor.”

“Oi! I am a sailor.” The Biqaj called back laughingly, “And ya need to sleep, yer cranky in the mornings, ain’t ya?”

A grumbled was heard from below before the hatch shut with a loud thud, only making the Biqaj laugh more. Ashan and her were still learning each other but she had to admit it was more of a learning curve than she thought and refused to admit the small bit of her that wished Ashan was still small enough to hold in her arms. Shaking her head she approached Kes, speaking softer to make sure there were no nosey ears below, “Listen and listen good, ya hear? Ya ask yer questions but ya don’t tell ‘em who yer there ‘fore or why. Ya don’t tell ‘em we on a ship, ya lie like yer life depends on it, ya get me?”

If he had any protests she held up a hand to forestall them, face pulled down in a worried frown as she continued hands reaching up to squeeze his shoulders, making sure she had all his attention. As if she was trying to feed her worry into him.

“I know ya ain’t worried but I am. Theres’ been ‘em thralls, and I ain’t here nothing ‘bout ‘em being in Almund, its weird and U’frek knows what actually gonna happen when we get there. I don’t want ya getting hurt ‘cause some book reading know-it-all gotta know things that ain’t any of their damned business. If it looks like trouble, ya call for me or ya run.”
**Made by the wonderful Kes
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            ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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            Re: A Pirates Life for Me


            Kesindir moaned as the voice of Korva carried to his ears. He'd slept poorly the night prior and was groggy. Specters had started infiltrating his dreams. Someone or something unknown to him stood in the corner of his eyes, at the back of his mind, nagging like it was something familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it. They'd only recently started too. Certainly they'd started during Cylus, but not with enough frequency for him to remember them. Now though, it felt like nearly every time he laid down, there it was. That familiarity haunting his subconscious slowly bleeding into his waking mind.

            "Yeah alright, I'm up I'm up." Kes preferred the stiff, still movement of the ground underneath for a bed, rather than the ever rocking motion of a bed in the cabin of a ship. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up, hearing the chatter between Korva and Ashan. Something else he had to get used to. He'd been about as young as his sister when she was the age Ashan was. Eight arcs old felt like forever ago for Kesindir. Near ten arcs. A quarter of those spent on his own. Now though? Look at where he was, sitting in the belly of a sloop with a new family. A real Biqaj family.

            Kes headed up to the deck just before Ashan slammed the hatch closed. "You two are quite the pair, you know that?" He stretched before giving a quick whistle, calling for his winged friend Dji'Oriq. The raptor was getting used to not having the trees to perch in for the night. He seemed to like it up on the mast, getting the full effect of the wind, though the hunting for fish out here was much better than anything the hawk would have found on land.

            "Hey, once we get out a bit and we can let the ship sail herself for a bit, I'm gonna try and fish something up. Maybe get us something good for dinner, yeah?" They'd be at sea for a few trials, so he might as well get some practice in with his bow. The Queen of the Lake wasn't going to stand for the plain ol' hook in the water trick. No, he knew he'd have to be faster than anyone had ever been when fishing to catch that elusive creature.

            Dji'Oriq landed on the railing of the deck and Kes nodded curtly to his friend and his headed to the wheel. "Aye Cap. I'll get us out on the water. Release the ropes and lower the sails. Let's get moving!" Kes had grown accustomed to some of the workings of actually sailing a ship, though he was still no master and would not do it alone. Having Korva there made it easier for him to take control as needed. He was more confident with her around. "To Almund!" He wasn't quiet at all with those final words, fully anticipating a yelling from Ashan, if she'd been woken by it.
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                      Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
                      "Spoken word in Common"
                      Others: "Spoken word"

                      "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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                      Re: A Pirates Life for Me

                      *Speaking Rakahi
                      *Speaking Common

                      “Lookit ya, thinking ya know all ‘bout the ship sailing ‘erself.” Korva teased as pushed away from the dock with her foot then went to let out the sails. It wasn’t rainy or particularly windy but the stripe of an old shirt tied on the mast told her all she needed to know. It would be slow sailing but it was a three day trip either way. She thought he was much to happy to be sailing to that Immortals damned area, great carving or not, but it made a warm spark in her belly to watch him bustle about the ship. “I ever show ya to lock the wheel?”

                      “Did I ever show you two to be quiet in the mornings?!”

                      The grumpy voice came from a bundle of Korvas own clothes, and a blanket all swaddles around Ashan as she plopped on the deck with a sou expression.

                      “Oi! Ain’t be rude, nice morning.”

                      “Be nicer if I was asleep.” Ashan muttered testily but said nothing more about it as she looked around them, “I’ve never been to Almund.”

                      The Biqaj blinked at that, pausing in her motions at the wheel to stare at the girl in surprise, “Never?”

                      “Nope.” Cautiously she continued, her gaze studiously on the water and not Korva, “Me and—we lived in the orphanage for a long, long time.”

                      She knew that already but she appreciated the girl telling her and grinned to take away any of the lingering memories of Ashans brother, “Ain’t worry ‘bout it, yer gonna sail everywhere with me.” If Ashan was surprised by the declaration she didn’t show it, and Korva returned to her sailor in training, “Ya take the rope and tie it ‘round the base then right ‘round the handle.”

                      As she said it she did it, trying to remember the simple knot her sister used to use but settling for a messy bow looking thing instead. Then glanced out at the water and slowly shrinking town, “Gotta watch for ice too, shallow waters freeze. And don’t be hitting no other ships cause ya leave it tied too long, got it?”

                      Quieter she nodded a head to Ashan, “I ain’t tell ‘er what yer going for, so don’t be go telling her. She got too much in ‘er head to be worry ‘bout you and pirates, I’ll do the worrying for that myself.”

                      Then she clapped her hands pulling away to speak loud enough for Ashan to hear, “Yer up now, so we can fish get supper!”
                      **Made by the wonderful Kes
                      word count: 439
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                                ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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                                Re: A Pirates Life for Me


                                Though it hadn't been a super long time that the trio had been fully together, Kes could already tell Korva and Ashan really hit that...combative family dynamic. "Never been ta Almund either." Really, for someone that had lived in Scalvoris for his entire life, he was a poorly traveled Biqaj. That was changing rapidly though, with him joining Korva on the boat, his reach and ability to travel and explore had grown exponentially. It was an exciting proposition in all honesty, and he needed to move. To see, to visit, explore. He needed to.

                                When asked about the wheel he shook his head, "Nah never showed me it." So he watched her tie the knot, securing the wheel in place and made mental note of it. "That's much better than what I had in mind. Just...letting go and doing other stuff," he laughed as the idea when said aloud sounded ridiculous. "Right, let's get to it then, eh? I've not been this far out and been able to fish. See if we can't get something."

                                Kesindir left the deck, heading down below to retrieve his bow and quiver, opting to only bring up the fishing arrows, and leaving the rest below deck. "Right. Ever seen someone shoot a fish with a bow? I know you've not seen me do it yet." He grinned as he slipped the quiver on his back and pulled out an arrow. The shaft was slim, fletchless, and the tip had three semi flexible prongs.

                                "How are you supposed to shoot a fish?" He had to give it to the kid. She asked some pretty on point questions, even if they weren't delivered with the utmost ... tact. "You see fish, you shoot fish. Pull in to boat." Of course, Kes wasn't always great with tact either when it came to some conversations. He moved over to the railing and stood, watching the water as the ship cut through the ocean. This might be a bit harder than he had expected. That's what he thought at least, till he saw the size of the fish that swam near the surface. Some well over four feet in length. He couldn't believe just how massive they were compared to river fish.

                                "This might be easier than I'm used too...." As Kesindir spoke he notched an arrow. He didn't know what type of fish it was, at least not from up here, but it was big. "Watch this!" He watched, waited, and when he was ready, pulled back on the bow, quickly aimed, and released. If they weren't watching, they'd have missed part of it, he was fast at it. The small amount of blood discolouring the water told Kes he'd hit it, but the fish just pulled on the string attached to the arrow. Hard. Much harder than he'd expected. So he drew, notched, and fired another arrow into the fish, the water becoming more clouded and the fish easing on it's pull.

                                "Alright," Kes said with a smirk as he gave the lines a tug, a low grunt escaping his lips as the weight of the fish was felt, "I might need help..." he laughed as he held onto the lines. They weren't in danger of breaking, thankfully he had high quality, and heavy weight tested lines designed for large fish. The boy was just a tad to weak to pull it in on his own.
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                                          Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
                                          "Spoken word in Common"
                                          Others: "Spoken word"

                                          "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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                                          Re: A Pirates Life for Me

                                          *Speaking Rakahi
                                          *Speaking Common

                                          “Ya lived here the whole time and ya never went? Thought ya traveled 'round yer trees.” Korva asked curiously, it was strange to think there was still so many things she didn’t know about her Kes. Asking would help Ashan get to know him too but mostly the woman felt nosey. “Yer pa ain’t like no Biqaj I’ve met if ya ain’t been ‘round yer island at least.” She commented, no harshness in her voice, just quiet thought. What Biqaj didn’t long to sail about, or travel or stay with his family. Not that she had much room to talk but even hers came to her when she’d left.

                                          “I show ya how to drag a net and ya go and stab ‘em outta the water. Don’t go shooting yer eye out.” She teased but there was pride in her voice, a smile on her lips as she went to help butting Ashan out of the way with her hip, “Move it for ya cut yer hands.”

                                          “I don’t know what your saying.” The girl said with a sigh, then made to help again until Korva shoo’d her, “Why can’t I help?”

                                          “Yer hands soft.” They were. A childs hands, Ashan frowned until the woman continued as her and Kes hauled the fished over the sides, “Ya get cut, work slow. Need bumps.” Korva said, showing the girl her calloused hands as the dead fish plopped onto the deck.


                                          Always smalls notes of surprise coloring Ashans voice when Korva used what the child had dubbed her 'mom voice'. But the Biqaj couldn’t focus on her when the fish flopped wetly at her feet, her nose crinkling a bit as the bit of blood stained the water. “Ya caught it, yer gonna cut it.”

                                          She said with a smirk in Kes’ direction, “Ain’t gonna leave it all over to make a mess then we’re gonna head out more, catch ‘em winds to come in faster and ‘round the north side of Almund.”

                                          The Biqaj kept to herself that it’d be easier to lose any problems when sailing towards open sea or the fact that her mer was likely on that side of Almund. If she was lucky neither Kes or Ashan would even know she was gone.
                                          **Made by the wonderful Kes
                                          word count: 400
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                                                    ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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                                                    Re: A Pirates Life for Me


                                                    "Oh I traveled, but typically stayed close to home. Especially when I first left home. Stayed close in case I got in over my head, ya know?" Kesindir spoke as the fish finally landed on the deck, small streams of water and blood running down the deck, "and yeah, I'll clean it. Bowfishing is way better on land than in the open seas, but this is just .... me showing off." Kes smirked as he knelt down beside the fish, his hunting knife in hand, as he made a cut length wise on the fish, from fin to head along the belly, blood and innards spilling free.

                                                    "Ash, you not ... how do you say squeamish?" The Biqaj looked back to the small child for a brief moment to gauge her facial features before he continued working on cleaning the fish, removing the innards and scraping clean the meat. "How long till Almund? Fish keep till then ya think?" He'd be all for cooking it now, but somehow a fire, on a boat, in the middle of the sea seemed like a terrible idea. If only a briefly terrible idea. He cleared the innards off the deck, knowing the waves and sea spray would handle what blood was still left. "For now though, where to store?" He'd been on the boat for a while now, but still didn't know all the ins and outs of it. Maybe one day when he had his own ship he'd be a lot less turned around with locations.

                                                    Once he was told where to take the fish, he strode to the wheel, ready to assume command once more. The wind was definitely picking up as they headed further out into more open seas. The trip to Almund shouldn't take them too long, as it wasn't that long of a hike from Scalvoris, so it couldn't be more than a day, two tops, to reach Almund via the sea. Of course, this was all from his very limited knowledge of how travel was on the high seas. For all he knew they could hit a storm and be stranded for a day or more, or they could hit a sandbar or get attacked by a giant sea monster. Anything was possible, and that uncertainty made it all the more enticing.

                                                    word count: 391
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                                                              Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
                                                              "Spoken word in Common"
                                                              Others: "Spoken word"

                                                              "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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                                                              Re: A Pirates Life for Me

                                                              *Speaking Rakahi
                                                              *Speaking Common

                                                              "Lookat ya, using yer head and not chasing adventure 'round. Can't say I thought of ya playing safe on land." Korva teased but obviously pleased she was going to be the one to show him around his home island. It seemed like every day he was a little older, a little stronger and it made her a tad bitter she hadn't got to see more of him as a child. But she'd take what she could get and as her ma like to preach, they were always kids to her. "Aye? Yer gonna hafta show me how great yer land fishing is, Ashan can try too."

                                                              If the girl was going to retort how she was not a baby the sight of Kes beginning to dissect the fish, carving it with calm of someone who'd done it long enough to no longer be phased, made her grow progressively paler. A look of abject disgust crossed her features much to Korva's amusement. Casually she moved to the side, unsurprised when Ashan darted to the side and dry heaved. The smell of copper mixed with the distinct scent of bloated fish guts was enough to make all first timers heave, it would have been shocking had she not. Smothering her laughter the Biqaj patted the girls back, "I--ew--do not want to fish."

                                                              "No one says ya gotta cut 'em up."

                                                              "Oh, well that's great, makes it much--I'm going to be sick--better."
                                                              The sarcasm lost most of it's effect every time the girl bemoaned her fate, a fresh scent of fish innards every time the breeze hit leaving her hunched over the side. Still fighting a smile Korva rummaged around for a lemon, offering it to the girl with a grin she couldn't hide anymore at the pitiful expression on her face.

                                                              "Eat it then ya gotta rub it under yer nose. Keeps the smell out."

                                                              Greedily the girl did as she was told while the Biqaj answered Kes, surprised he didn't know. He may not have traveled but the coastline was already in the horizon, "'Course it'll keep, be there 'fore night hits at these speeds. Only takes a trial just put what ya can in the fish smoker, rest of it can stay till we dock."

                                                              But the speed was a bit concerning. Korva could find no signs of a rainstorm but windstorms could be just as bad, not that she told Kes this as he resumed his post though she did set out the mast ropes without a word. It the water got to choppy both her kids were tying themselves whether they wanted to or not.

                                                              "Watch 'em waves. Ya hit it wrong we're gonna capsize, ain't fun to flip 'er 'round." Not fun and it would be damn near impossible without another ship or more hands.
                                                              **Made by the wonderful Kes
                                                              word count: 494
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                                                                        ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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