34th of Ymiden, 718
Upon his travels in Ne'haer, he found a book on archery, seeing it as a useful talent to perfect. Remember his training from his mother, he knew he needed to sharpen it. When unable to use a blade, he was sure to use the piercing power of a will placed arrow when in need. As he read the book he found a secluded area in the forest between cities, and propped a longbow and quiver of arrows he "borrowed" to use. He read the book in its entirety and then decided to take what he learned into practice. He allowed the first few shots to go fly, gauging his current level of skill and finding it piss poor. After a few more rounds, he begin to settle into a calm, almost meditative process of self-awareness to check that his body is in position for the shot. He stands sideways to the target, relaxes his shoulders, fit the arrow on to the bow and then raise it. Before he shoots, he checked his hand isn’t gripping the bow too tightly, this can actually make the shot less steady, with his thumb and forefinger just meeting around the bow and the rest of his fingers at 45 degrees. Letting off the shot, it hit the trunk of the tree he was aiming at. A smirk painted his face at the success, seeing this as just the beginning. This was the one thing that made him feel at home, being out in the wild, practicing the way of the bow like he did when he was with his mother.