5th Ymiden, 720
Location: Faldrass
Ari'sora searched the ground intently from her vantage point in the sky. There was a lot of dirt, debris, ash...all things one might be expected to find in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption. But nothing that might be of interest. The mansion and everyone in it was just...gone. Buried. Ari'sora realized that that was to be expected, though. It had fallen into the caverns during the earthquake. Ari'sora shuddered at the thought. She was painfully aware that the mansion had fallen into the caverns below it as it collapsed because it had been falling on
her until she had been rescued. People had spoken of a landslide that was threatening the mansion during the chaos. Looking at it now, Ari'sora realized that it must have happened. The mansion had fallen into the cavern, and the landslide had covered it up as if it had never existed at all.
But as she flew overhead, people were digging on the ground, and that slowly began to change. She began to see a bit of a wall here, and a roof tile there as the efforts of the men and women working on the ground began to pay off. Ari'sora noted these, but didn't comment on them. The people digging were sure to report anything that they found themselves.
After a while, she heard a shouted question rising up to her, and she turned in the direction where the man was standing. She was about to reply that she herself hadn't found anything, some of the people on the ground had, and they might appreciate extra help digging out the wall that had been found. Where there was a wall, there might be a door, after all. And if the room on the other side was even partially intact, they might find something within it.
But she was distracted by a flash of glitter as the light reflected off of something shiny.
"I might have! I'll tell you in a few bits!"
Ari'sora circled in for a landing, searching for the exact location of the source of glitter she had seen. When her feet touched the ground, she winced slightly at the pain that flared in them at the pressure on her injured feet. She ignored that though, focusing instead on what she might have seen from the air.
After several bits of searching, she found it. A'ri'sora squatted down and carefully dug it out from where it was partially buried. It was an amulet the size of her palm. There was a blue jewel of some kind that was shaped like a dragon. It had smaller amber colored jewels for its eyes, and it was clutching a small red gem in its talons. The setting and chain were golden. Ari'sora guessed that that must mean that it was actually made out of gold, and not just painted such given the obvious wealth that anyone with a title like Baron must have.
She was about to bring it over to the man she had spoken to earlier when she noticed a raised portion of the ground. Was something buried there? After a few bits worth of careful digging, she found that there was. Someone's hand lay exposed after her efforts. The hand bore an onyx ring with a blue gem on it. Ari'sora didn't think that she would be able to dig whoever this was out on her own, but there were plenty of people who were good at digging scattered around the area.
"There's someone over here!" she called loudly.
Then she made her way over to the man who had asked her if she had seen anything earlier.
"I found this over there near the person I just found." she told him, offering him the amulet.
Then she looked at the door and the portion of a room that had not been there before. Remembering that the man had magic that let him control the elements, Ari'sora realized that he must have used that magic to uncover the room. Ari'sora felt deeply uneasy about going through that door...even if it were possible to do so. Being buried alive was a prominent feature in the nightmares that plagued her every night, and she had no desire to make that nightmare a reality. But if the others wanted to go in...she would too. At least...she would try to make herself go in.