[Approved by Jade] Bronik

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Date of Birth:
1 Ashan 689
Factions Joined:
Languages Spoken:
Expert: Common
Conversational: Rakahi

Gaspard Ulliel
A p p e a r a n c e
Bronik has a very prominent scar on his left cheek which is especially visible when he smiles and resembles a large, highset dimple. A boating accident as a child left him with many scars, not all as visible as the one on his face, however, those that decorate his left side, lower back, and inner left thigh, which have left him very insecure about anyone seeing him undressed. His hair is generally kept short, letting it grow no further than his jaw. Standing at five foot ten, he is considered about average height for a Biqaj. His smile is said to be very sinister and his presence rather menacing. His eye colour tends to switch between blue and gold, only turning green when he is upset. He has dark hair with a light smattering of facial hair across his jaw, and more often than not, his upper lip.
P e r s o n a l i t y

Bronik is as much a part of the sea as a bird belongs to the sky. Any extended amount of time spent on land makes him tense, nervous, and sometimes even angry. Out at sea he is cool, calm, and collect, and enjoys a great number of things from swimming and fishing to training his pet hawk, Gav. For the most part, Bronik is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy who tries not to take life too seriously.
As a very tactile being, Bronik has always been drawn to building and tearing things apart. He likes to know how things work and doesn't tend to give up easily. When Bronik is working on something he enjoys, it can be very difficult to get his attention, as such, he tends to lose track of time and stay up later than he should.
H i s t o r y

Bronik was raised by a human family in Rhakros, who found him while visiting friends in Ne'haer. The boy had been wandering along the shores of Ne'haer through the rubble of what looked to be the remains of a shipwreck. Dazed, confused, and sporting a deep gash on his left cheek, the couple, Anna and Jonathan Fang, decided to raise the boy along with their daughter Lacey.
Bronik was no angel, often getting into trouble at school for fighting with the older boys or lying to his teacher. Though he did his best to please his parents, he longed for something he couldn't explain, something that caused him to play up and grow restless, something Jonathan tried to cure him of with the task of boat building. By the time Bronik was fifteen, he had been suspended from school four times and his parents decided to let him get a job at Jon's place of work where he helped his father build boats, and together, they built Bronik's first sloop, a boat he still sails today.
P r i z e d P o s s e s s i o n

A gladius with black leather sheath and belt he found while 'treasure hunting' with his sister Lacey, which generally meant stealing anything that wasn't tied down.
H o u s i n g
A single mast sailing Sloop (boat) with a mainsail and jib rigged fore and aft. The sloop has a small hold and living quarters under the deck, enough room for a single bed, table or small writing desk, chair, storage chest, and shelf.

Sloop includes:

Small table
6 Plates (assorted)
2 Eating knives
Fish smoker
Map of Ne'haer shoreline
Last edited by Bronik on Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:34 am, edited 30 times in total. word count: 647
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K n o w l e d g e & S k i l l s

SkillPoints AcquiredProficiencyTotal
Ship Building [SP] 25, 5, 1, 2 37/100 49/251
Carpentry 2, 3, 3 8/100 8/251
Climbing 2 2/100 2/251
Logistics 1 1/100 1/251
Mount 2 2/100 2/251
Animal Training: Birds [SP] 10, [JD] 5, 15/100 15/251
Animal Husbandry 1 1/100 1/251
Navigation [RB] 10 [FT] 10/100 10/251
Fishing [SP] 15, 1, 11 26/100 27/251
Strength 1, 2, 1 4/100 4/251
Seafaring [JD] 5, [RB] 20, 10 35/100 45/251
Swimming [JD] 5, 5/100 5/251
Fame[SF] -30, -1, -1, -2-34
S k i l l P o i n t s L e d g e r
Thread or SkillAction TakenRunning Total
Unstuck +10 10
After The Dragon+919
Skill Allocation: Fishing-118
Skill Allocation: Ship Building-80
Maybe Next Time+843
Skill Allocation: Seafaring-2023
Sick and Powerless+1033

Basic Knowledge

[columns=2]× Navigation: Moons and Stars
× Shipwright: Preferred Materials
× Animal Training: Hawk Training
× Dangers of Swimming in the Ocean
× Animal Training: Good Bird Treats
× Seafaring: Suspicious Boats
× Not All Redheads are Aukari
× Carpentry: Spoons are Easy Money
× The importance of seeing the big picture
× Burjo: Wood mill worker in Ne’haer
× Burjo: Knowledgeable at shipbuilding but bad at business
× Burjo: Great teacher sometimes, but mostly grumpy old fool giving Bronik unqualified side jobs
× Burjo: Fired Bronik in an unpleasant way due to the boy being ambitious
× Fishing: how to maximise the catch
× Location: Rynmere docks
× Location: Andaris Library
× Seafaring: techniques for furling and unfurling sails
× Seafaring: docking safely
× Ship Building: the theory of steaming wood
× Ship Building: planning helps maximise every piece of wood
× Swimming: Breath control whilst diving
× Fishing: Catching Crayfish
× Survival: Sunburn is best avoided
× Fishing: Techniques for avoiding net tangles
× Fishing: Shark bait: Old rotten fish
× Fishin: How to kill a shark without getting bitten
× Seafaring: Sailing at speed
× Cooking: Drying and smoking meat to preserve it
× Business Management: Always consider what's fashionable
× Animal Husbandry: Shark fins: names, placement etc.
× Animal Husbandry: You can tell something's dead by touching it's eyes.
× Medicine: The importance of stopping a bleed
× Medicine: Small cuts to hands and feet and heads bleed a lot
× Location: Rynmere waters: good shark-hunting spots
× Lacey: Thinks you are like a shark
× Alistair Venora: Kind of stares a lot
× Alistair Venora: Looks like a rich lad
× Alistair Venora: Sticks out like a sore thumb in your world
× Alistair Venora: Can't hold his liquor
× Alistair Venora: A noble without a poo-plucker
× Alistair: One minute he wants it... the next?
× Alistair: Turns on a sixpence
× Camel Hair: Also called Witches Hair
× Night Sky: Enhances vision and gives a wicked high
× Disguise: Covering scars with hair
× Seafaring: Coastlines are tricky
× Seafaring: Sometimes, it's better to wait till morning.
× Seafaring: Judging the weather by the sky
× Storytelling: Keep 'em laughing
× Jewelry Crafting: Threading onto a chain
× Shipbuilding: Steam wood to bend it
× Shipbuilding: Saw it once in place
× Shipbuilding: Figurehead first
× Shipbuilding: Cheaper to make the mast yourself
× Carpentry: Charcoal for an outline
× Carpentry: Using different chisel for detail
× Lacey: Adoptive-sister
× Lacey: Followed you to Rynmere
× Negotiation: Bluffing
× Fishing: Takes Time and Patience
× Fishing: Fish Can Jump
× Fish, Those Tricky Bastards
× Fishing: Fishing Poles Are Better[/columns]

Specialized Knowledge

× Ari'Dali: Carpenter
× Ari'Dali: Loves Stories
× Ari'Dali: Sev'ryn
× Cameron: Acquiring an Apprenticeship
× Cameron: Proving Your Worth
× Lacey: Artistic
× Lacey: Missed you
× Lacey: Hard to resist
× Lacey: Encourages you to use Narcotics
× Lacey: Attractive in her own right
× Lacey: Playful
× Lacey: Wants to seduce you
× Lacey: You missed her
× Lacey: Your only lover
× Lacey: Your adoptive family misses you
× Animal Training: Flying to the Glove
× Animal Training: Command “Hunt”
× Animal Training: Command “Return”
× Animal Training: Dogs, Worse when encouraged
× Animal Training: Dog, Called Luri
× Business Management (Shipbuilding): The contracts for big boats go to the waterfront establishments
× Business Management (Shipbuilding): Small firm, small contracts
× Carpentry: The heartwood of Redwood is hard, resilient to rot, water damage, fire, and insects
× Carpentry: Redwood is hard for boat building, but perfect for building a deck on a large ship
× Carpentry: The process of felling a tree
× Carpentry: To cut out a wedge
× Carpentry: Covering peg ends with metal casings to fixate them tightly in the wood
× Carpentry: Shaping wood with a mallet
× Carpentry: Using a steamer to heat up wood and make it more malleable
× Carpentry: The technique for holding the wood in place properly when hammering
× Carpentry: Sketch first, Cut After
× Carpentry: Takes it's toll on the hands
× Carpentry: Using shapes from nature
× Climbing: How to climb a tree
× Drawing: Don’t Smudge with the Fingers
× Endurance: Fatique effectds concentration
× Fishing: Gloves are Mandatory
× Navigation: Finding True North
× Navigation: avoiding getting stuck on the sandbar
× Seafaring: Sailing In Shallow Water
× Seafaring: effects of saltwater on rope
× Seafaring: Steering into Adaris Port
× Ship Building: The Basic Tools And How To Use Them
× Ship Building: Keeping A Clean Workshop
× Ship Building: Clinker Build
× Ship Building: Long Ship Materials
× Ship Building: Sanding, Bending, and Setting Planks
× Shipbuilding: How to use clamps to hold steamed wood in place and shape it
× Shipbuilding: How to build a longship
× Ship Building: avoiding imperfections in wood
× Ship Building: strengthening the keel and ribs
× Swimming: Increasing lung capacity with practice
× Mako: A particularly nasty shark
× Mako: Is it stalking you?
× Mako: The one that got away!
× Mako: Doesn't think you're a shark, thinks you're a yummy treat.
× Mako: Has a taste for human flesh
× Seafaring: Speed is easier when you keep a tidy top deck
× Seafaring: Keeping course by tying the sail rope
× Fishing: Using fresh blood to attract a shark
× Navigation: Identifying coastal areas where you are likely to get stuck
× Deception: Evading answers
× Carpentry: Remain focused or it’ll cost you
× Lacey: Sentimental
× Lacey: Morally ambiguous
× Negotiation: Be prepared to walk away
× Fishing: Using A Net To Catch Fish
× Fishing: Setting A Rock Wall Trap
× Fishing: Using Rocks as Sinkers
× Shell Brush Seeds: A drug
× Shell Brush Seeds: Adrenaline and then a trip[/columns]
Last edited by Bronik on Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:30 am, edited 26 times in total. word count: 1042
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L e d g e r

ItemCreditDebit Balance
[SP] 20 GN 20 GN
Fox 15 GN 5 GN
Hammer (small) 5 SN 4 GN 5 SN
Saw (small) 1 GN 3 GN 5 SN
Claps (large) 1GN 2 GN 5 SN
Small Nails (100) 1 GN1 GN 5 SN
Wood Carving Knife 1 GN 5 SN
Rebirth 716 Wage1071 GN1071 GN 5 SN
Rebirth 716 Tax53 GN 5 SN 5 CN 1017 GN 9 SN 5 CN
Starting Loan Full Repayment300 GN717 GN 9 SN 5 CN
Ymiden Wage 1328 GN 2045 9 SN 5 CN
Ymiden Tax 66 GN 4 SN1979 GN 5 SN 5 CN
Silver Earrings2 GN 1977 GN 5 SN 5 CN
Bronze Necklace 5 SN1977 GN 5 CN
Medium Bag2 SN1976 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Night Sky10 GN1966 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Bottle of wine: Venora Rose6 GN 1960 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Storm Brain15 GN 1960 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Maiden’s Kiss 1 GN 1959 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Iron Shell Bush Seeds10 GN1944 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Brain Berry Leaves5 GN1939 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Drug: Night Scarf7 GN1932 GN 8 SN 5 CN
4 x Shirt 4 GN 8 SN1928 GN 0 5 CN
Pants 3 GN1925 GN 5 CN
Jacket 3 GN1922 GN 5 CN
Vest 1 GN1921 GN 5 CN
4 x Tunic 3 GN 2 SN1917 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Sold: Sloop750 GN2667 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Light Rope 300ft120 GN 2547 GN 8 SN 5 CN
2 x Small Sail600 GN1947 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Large Sail 600 GN1347 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Small Mast 400 GN947 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Large Mast800 GN147 GN 8 SN 5 CN
3 x Sanding Block 1 GN 146 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Chisels (15 assorted weights and sizes) 30 GN 116 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Saun Wages 840 GN956 GN 8 SN 5 CN
Saun Tax88 GN 8 SN868 GN 5 CN
Schooner Cabin130 GN738 GN 5 CN
Wood for Schooner Deck100 GN638 GN 5 CN
Last edited by Bronik on Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:37 am, edited 24 times in total. word count: 356
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I t e m s

Ship: Schooner
× Light Rope 300ft
× 3Small Sail
× Large Sail
× Small Mast
× Large Mast
× 1 Small fishing net
× 1 Small anchor
× 1 Hammock
× 1 Gangplank
× 1 Set Ribs for Schooner (build)
× 1 Cabin & Deck

× 2 Silver Earrings
× 1 Bronze Necklace
× 1 Medium Bag
× 4 Shirt
× 1 Pants
× 1 Jacket
× 1 Vest
× 4 Tunic
× 1 Set of clothing

× 2 Hammer (small)
× 1 Saw (small)
× 3 Claps (large)
× 1 Small Nails (200)
× 1 Gladius
× 1 Wood Carving Knife
× 1 Pair of Work Gloves
× 1 Tool Belt
× 1 Wooden Mallet
× 1 Chisel
× 1 Compass
× 1 Spyglass
× 15 Chisels (assorted weights and sizes)
× 3 Sanding Blocks

× 1 Hawk
× 1 Fox

× 1 Small table
× 1 Chair
× Chest
× 6 Plates (assorted)
× 2 Eating knives
× 1 Fish smoker
× 1 Lantern
× 1 Map of Ne'haer shoreline
× 1 Set of toiletries
× 1 Tinderbox
× 1 Waterskin

× 1 Night Sky
× 1 Storm Brain
× 1 Maiden’s Kiss
× 1 Iron Shell Bush Seeds
× 1 Brain Berry Leaves
× 1 Night Scarf

× 1 Wine: Venora Rose
× 1 Week’s worth of dried food rations[/columns]
Last edited by Bronik on Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:32 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 184
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S u p p o r t i n g C a s t
Name: Lacey
Race: Human
Born: 12 Saun 692
Skills: Boat Building (30), Seafaring (30), Muscial Instrument (13), Dancing (20), Seduction (10).
Appearance: Standing at five foot seven, Lacey is considered to be of average height for a human. She is thin with sharp blue eyes, short, dark brown hair, and henna-style tattoos on both hands.
Personality: Lacey is outgoing but she doesn't let anyone give her attitude. She is witty, sometimes bossy, and knows how to have a good time. She is a lover of the arts, music, painting, and dancing, and often uses these art forms to express herself.
Relationship to PC: Half sister. Bronik and Lacey grew up together after Lacey's parents adopted the man as a boy. It took Lacey some time to warm to the boy, used to demanding all of her parents attention a lot of the time, but as they got older the two became inseparable with Lacey deciding to follow Bronik across the world to stay close to him.
Lacey works for Bronik, helping build and repair boats. The business, Rigged, is only small, but the pair work well together and manage to get a lot accomplished in a short time. Lacey has been marked with the Elithem blessing and often sings to pass the time, making the most of the gift she has been granted.
Last edited by Bronik on Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:32 am, edited 22 times in total. word count: 254
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T h r e a d L i s t

C y l u s 716 3 Cylus 716 Returning Home
8 Cylus 716 Must Be the Salt Air 5 Ship Building.
11 Cylus 716 Good Morning 1 Shipbuilding, 2 Carpentry, 1 Strength, 1 Animal Husbandry, 1 Fishing.
22 Cylus 716 Missing The Sun
A s h a n 716
52 Ashan 716 Where Boats Are Born Carpentry 3, Climbing 2, Logistics 1, Riding 2, Strength 2.
PH Placeholder
PH Placeholder
Y m i d e n 716
1 Ymiden 716 Maybe Next Time 8/10.
2 Ymiden 716 Grumpy Old Fart Shipbuilding 2, Carpentry 3, Strength 1, Fame -1.
68 Ymiden 716 Unstuck 10/10 Fame -1.
71 Ymiden 716 After The Dragon 9/10.
76 Ymiden 716 Back to Basics
S a u n 716
1 Saun 716 To The Letter
5 Saun 716 Ship for a Lady
10 Saun 716 Dogfish 10/10.
16 Saun 716 Black Barbra
18 Saun 716 Prometheus 15/15 Fame: -2.
20 Suan 716 Reverberate 10/15.
21 Saun 716 Sick and Powerless 10/10.
22 Saun 716 Fight The Tide
30 Saun 716 Sail Away, Sail Away
V h a l a r 716
44 Vhalar 716 Running a Line
68 Vhalar 716 Sinking Blue
Last edited by Bronik on Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:19 am, edited 19 times in total. word count: 221
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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.
Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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