Drug Crafting

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Ice Block Tea
Type of Material: A fluid that can be dripped onto the tongue and ingested.
How To Gather: Gathering
Gathering Requirements: Detection-Expert
Rarity: Uncommon
Uses: Strong Heating Agent
Estimated Price: 8-10GN
Native to: Icy Shores of Northern Idalos
Information: On the rare occasions that a southern storm remains potent while extending up into the far north, a certain strain of kelp can be dredged up and left on the frozen shores of northern Idalos. This kelp has the capacity to shield itself from such cold, but being beached denies it the water it needs to live. When it dies, a fluid is forced through its outer layer, by the expansion of the freezing tissue inside. This fluid does not freeze, but gets coated in ice as northern winds blow it across the frozen shores, becoming slivers of ice with greenish centers.

If some herbalist does not find these quickly, they are often dragged back to sea by the incoming and outgoing tides. If found, however, it can result in quite a monetary windfall for the finder, as these crystals serve as nearly perfect little ice vials of a beneficial drug that greatly negates the effects of exposure to the frigid environment of the far north. A user will feel quite comfortable in conditions that would inflict severe frostbite or hypothermia to those around him. Naturally, use of this drug will make a person particularly vulnerable to the cold, once the effect wears off. Likewise, the severity of conditions will affect the duration of the drug's benefits. But for the most part, a person dressed in only basic environmental gear can survive for a full night of full exposure to a polar blizzard on just three or four crystallized doses.

One need only break open the ice casing and drip the fluid onto their tongue to feel a powerful warmth spread through their body, accompanied by a marked decrease in worry about the severity of the weather they are enduring. Of course, one still needs to respect the power of nature, and too many have fallen prey to this casual, chemically-induced sense of "immunity" to the cold, when they decided there was no longer any hurry to reach home. When the effects wore off, they froze to death in mere bits.

This is understandably a valuable commodity in the north, and would be as well in the far south, where comparably frigid conditions exist, if it ever reached markets so far away. There is really no call for this drug beyond the far north, so prices are pretty much only based on local northern demand. But a resident of Viden, Valaris, Scalvoris, Avaern, or even Melrath could expect to pay 8 or 10gn per crystallized dose. The nature of its icy enclosure distorts the view of how much each crystal contains, so there are times that a buyer gets a great deal, or a royal screwing. Other than the resulting vulnerability to cold, when the effects wear off, there are no debilitating withdrawal effects from use of this drug.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Bird’s Eye
Type of Material: The powdered egg shell can be added to food or drink and ingested. If ingested by itself, severe stomach cramping and constipation occur.
How To Gather: Gathering
Gathering Reqiurements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent and (Stealth-Competent or Weapon Skill-Competent)/Poison-Competent or Medicine-Competent
Rarity: Uncommon
Uses: Aerial Viewing Ability
Estimated Price: 25GN per dose locally, 60GN elsewhere. The eggs themselves often cost about 100GN per egg, which produces about 10 doses.
Native to: Western Idalos
Information: The "Ardor" is a gigantic bird found mostly around the Fields of Gauthrel in western Idalos. The powdered shells of the creature's eggs are used to make an exotic drug which bestows a strange ability to accurately envision an aerial view of a span of land which has only been viewed from ground level. Cartographers have found this drug very useful in detailing charts for maps, as have military tacticians in need of geographical information. And most have found no real addictive property in this drug.

But many people like to take a milder version of this drug before resting, to enjoy soaring dreams of flying over lands familiar to them. Here, some addiction problems arise, but it is mostly just the user wanting to continue enjoying the dreams night after night, and not any true chemical dependency. The danger of lurking around beneath the nests of these great beasts to acquire discarded shells is one of the reasons for this drug's cost. But generally, if you demonstrate no interest in the nests themselves, the Ardor will not interfere. Still, a charge of 25gn per dose is not uncommon locally. Upwards of 60gn is not uncommon in distant markets, though military pressure may persuade such vendors to sell at cost.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Mind’s Eye
Type of Material: The powdered tumors grown are mixed into milk and drank.
How To Gather: Hunting
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent and Tracking-Competent and Weapon Skill-Competent
Rarity: Rare
Uses: Potent Truth Reading
Estimated Price: 100GN per dose, 90GN for an undamaged eye and 10GN for amniotic fluid
Native to: Western Idalos

Information: Many people swear by the alleged effects of this drug; many people call it the biggest scam in Idalos. But all agree that the manner and materials used to create this drug are the most disturbing and disgusting they have ever heard of. There is a giant worm found in the fields of western Idalos, simply called the "Death Worm". Though this creature is technically eyeless, it still possesses an anaplastic sight organ within its "head" structure. When this malformed organ is removed, and allowed to soak in the amniotic fluids provided by any pregnant female mammal, whether obtained surgically, or collected after this water has "broken", small tumors will begin to grow on it.

These tumors can be cut off at any time, regardless of size, and dried to the point of being able to be ground to a powder, which can then be mixed in raw, whole milk for consumption. No other beverage works, and this mixture is often taken by powerful men before high-level meetings, as it bestows an incredible degree of insight into the behavior of those they have to deal with; discerning lies, half-truths and untrustworthy promises without fail. It is said to generate an "aura" in the view of the consumer that surrounds those under his scrutiny, revealing any attempt at deception by the discoloring of this aura.

However, not only is this drug costly, demanding a good 100gn per dose, due to the rarity of the Idalosian Death Worm, and the inherent peril of its domain, as well as the unsavory nature of its processing; it also afflicts the user with severe withdrawal for several trials after, in the form of near blindness, migraine headaches and nightmares. It is said that drinking a small portion of the same amniotic fluid that the individual tumor soaked in will end this affliction, but this has never been confirmed.

This mutant organ can be "farmed" for tumors for as long as the single source of amniotic fluid can be maintained, making it quite a lucrative product. But secrecy should be maintained, as citizens have been known to hound the makers of this drug into exile to avoid lynching. No one knows exactly who first stumbled upon such a loathsome process, and no one is sure they want to.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Night Sky
Type of Material: A Fluid extracted from the eyes of the Harrow, taken like a shot
How To Gather: Hunting or Gathering
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent and either Surgery-Competent or Blades: Competent/Poison-Expert or Chemistry-Competent
Rarity: Rare
Uses: Potent Night Vision, Medium ‘Feel Good’
Estimated Price: 25GN Locally, upwards of 50GN elsewhere
Native to: Fields of Gauthrel

Information: There is another spawn whose eyes are a source of a visual enhancement drug. This is the Harrow, a ghastly embodiment of rot and hunger that prowls the Fields of Gauthrel at night, like an enormously fang-mawed, undead slug. Some people think it is the clear-colored fangs that are processed to produce this drug. Most chemists are content to let them believe this, as heroic adventurers are then likely to leave the black eyes behind with the corpse when they are lucky enough to find and kill one of these abominations. Of course, these horrors look like corpses all the time, and more than one chemist found himself being the now-toothless beast's next victim.

Teeth and eyes both regenerate in a matter of trials if the creature is not truly dead, but evidence of the death of one of these monsters, in the form of teeth or eyes is generally cause for celebration by the people of western Idalos. This celebration often includes an indulgence in the drug gleaned from the fluids of the thing's eyes, though few are willing to admit it. It brings a contented state of warm gladness that is heightened by the glamor of a clear night. Detractors claim this is a reflection of the beast's contentment while feeding on the poor bastard being slowly devoured within, since they only come out at night. This mood enhancement is further enhanced by an effect which gives the user a visual capability to see great distances at night with inhuman clarity.

Hunters and trackers swear by this drug. Though it does not affect their aim, it makes the acquiring and tracking of prey far easier, making a successful hunt far more likely, and offsetting the cost of the drug. In the areas bordering the Fields of Gauthrel, the celebratory occasion of another dead Harrow often prompts the price of this drug to be lowered; as does the chemist being under its effect and being "content" to sell at cost. Depending on circumstances, a buyer may spend anything from 25 to 50gn for a vial that might net 4 or 5 doses.

Of course, frequent use nets less and less doses from each vial, as well as making the user painfully light sensitive for increasing lengths of time after the drug wears off. There are also reports of sudden onsets of nightmares relating to being slowly devoured by the creature. In one such instance, a woman knifed her husband to death, in bed beside her, in a frenzy of nightmare-related desperation, thinking she was killing a Harrow that was eating her.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Head Shot
Type of Material:A drink made from a watered down sap
How To Gather: Gathering
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent/Poison-Competent or Chemistry-Competent or Medicine-Competent
Rarity: Common
Uses:Medium Adrenal, Temporary Baldness
Estimated Price: 10GN
Native to: Ivorian

This is an energy boosting tonic, made from the watered sap of the 'Diurnal Bush' on the island nation of Ivorian. It is easy enough to come by, and is cheap in many markets. But this is also because causes temporary balding of both male and female users. Generally hair begins regrowth the next trial. The rate of this regrowth if fairly accelerated, perhaps an inch a trial, so only those with long hair are inconvenienced to any great degree.

People far from Ivorian often believe this to be a myth, and are shocked to discover the truth. For this reason, this drug, which pack a considerable and lengthy adrenaline rush, is often purchased to use as a prank. On Ivorian, the people don't really think of this as a drug, but rather as a benefit of nature, to be used when extra energy is needed, that carries a cosmetic side effect. It doesn't sell well there as a result, since people can simply go out and drain a bit of sap from a bush if they want some. Elsewhere, it can usually be had for no more than 10gn per dose.

People have been known to have inflicted permanent baldness on themselves with extended use. Some have even done this on purpose. Actors mostly, that want to be able to switch wigs at a moment's notice, and find real hair to be a nuisance. However, this much use will lead to addiction and withdrawal, involving seizures, cramps, nausea and a variety of sleep-deprivation symptoms.
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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Maggie’s Bag
Type of Material:Ground Nuts are eaten
How To Gather:Gathering
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Expert to determine the effects else Detection-Competent
Rarity: Common
Uses: Various, depending on nature of the acorns
Estimated Price: 10GN locally, twice that elsewhere
Native to: Eastern Idalos

Information: One of the most beneficial of the "Five hearts of Unabor" is the great oak, 'Maguon'. The acorns of this great tree carry a variety of beneficial effects when ground up and eaten. It is unfortunate that disreputable individuals exploit the generosity of this entity by selling them as drugs. They use what means they have to divide the nuts into categories for the most specific effect. Or they just mix it all up into a general "grab bag" of empowerment, ranging from healing, extra energy, strength or bursts of speed.

Since the size of a dose is such a small pinch of grounds, it is entirely possible to get all or most of only one effect and little of anything else, with a mixed bag. But it is also the easiest way of packaging the product. As a result, this "grab bag" is only 10gn for what could be 2 small doses' worth. Whereas the specific effect, it doesn't matter which, is double this price. And this is only in the areas around Cahyrst and Korlasir on the eastern continent, though this covers considerable territory. In more-remote regions of the eastern continent, you could pay half again this much, and double on the western continent, when it can even be found.

There are no addictive qualities to these drugs, since Maguon would never deliberately inflict such a hold on anyone receiving one of its benefits. The "Five Hearts of Unabor", "Maguon" and "Maguon's Acorns" can all be found in the 'Flora and Fauna' section of the Knowledge Base.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Sleepy Teeth
Type of Material: Fluid that can be mixed with a drink and ingested
How To Gather: Hunting and Harvesting
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent and Animal Handling-Expert
Rarity: Rare
Uses: Potent Relaxant
Estimated Price: 40GN , double that in exotic markets
Native to: Central Idalos

Information: Being attacked by the Colossus Eel of the central oceans of Idalos is a terrifying ordeal, likely to generate a massive flow of adrenaline and physical exertion. This should give someone an idea of the power of the drug present in this creature's teeth. It relaxes and elates the victim into a state that allows the beast to swallow them much easier. Such potency is worth a great deal of money for those wishing for a true vacation from the stresses of Idalosian conflicts.

The fact that this fluid must be milked from the mouth of this vicious creature is another reason for the cost. To be able to keep the creature alive long enough to be a lucrative source of frequent milkings, it must be kept in a large tank with refreshable sea water. And it must be fed live prey, or its gland loses the imperative to keep generating this drug. But this has the drawback of placing this dangerous creature in its favored element when it comes time for milking.

It should also be noted that The Mer are immune to this toxin, so somewhere out there is a chemical that negates the effectiveness of this drug. Since this is a drug that can be weaponized to inflict lethargy on opposing forces, this is an important detail. But for the most part, this is a recreational drug, affordable by only the reasonably wealthy, costing a good 35-40gn for a single dose, up to double that in more remote regions. But at least it is non-addictive.

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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Thunder
Type of Material: Tonic made from Blood Plasma and Enzyme
How To Gather: Hunting and Harvesting
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent and Hunting-Competent/Chemistry-Competent or Poison-Expert or Medicine-Master
Rarity: Common
Uses: Potent Adrenal
Estimated Price: 30GN , double that in exotic markets
Native to: Central Idalos
Information: The "Thunder Ocelot" - called 'jaguar' by some - has a seemingly supernatural power to put on a burst of speed that is beyond the ability of most mortals to even follow with the eye. It is at least supersonic, as evidenced by the crack of thunder that follows immediately after, and gives the feline its name. Admittedly this near teleportation covers only a few meters, but was sufficient to give chemists a notion that there may be some way to glean this power from the creature.

The level of success was a disappointment in comparison to what nature gave this creature, but chemistry still provided an impressive boost to reaction speed, alertness, focus, and confidence. There is a gland in this animal that secretes an enzyme that can be blended with blood plasma to create a tonic that can bestow these benefits to mortals. More than one chemist has paid some hunter dearly to capture one of these creatures so that it can be kept in a dreamy stasis, its gland farmed for this enzyme as it dreams of chasing down prey.

The military's chemists try to monopolize the production of this, as a way to ensure that sentries and scouts are at their very best. But men everywhere enjoy the shot of confidence this drug provides. They find that it gives them a decided improvement in their ability to impress the ladies. The drawback being a considerable depression when the effects finish running their course, as well as the possibility of some disease hidden in whatever blood was used to create the tonic.
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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Top o' the World
Type of Material: A paste that can be smeared on the tongue
How To Gather:Harvesting
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Competent/Chemistry-Competent or Medicine-Expert or Poison-Competent

Rarity: Rare
Uses: Potent Adrenal
Estimated Price: 10GN , not sold outside of south-east Idalos
Native to: South-east Idalos
Information: Contrary to what the name might suggest, this drug is not based on any material obtained from some high elevation, or the metaphorical tendency to think of north as "up", just because its at the top of a map. It is, in fact gained from a fungus found in the lowland jungles on the peninsula southwest of the Hotlands. This area is neither "up" on a map, nor of high altitude. The name refers to the sense of complete command of one's surroundings gained by the use of this drug.

It is also one of the reasons that "Thunder" does not sell well in this region of Idalos, since its effects are very similar. It grants an enhanced focus and confidence that boosts the user's feelings of capability; as well as an increased agility and sensitivity that justifies these feelings. A user feels 'on top of the world' while under the influence of this drug. This fungus is only "beneficial" when it grows from the dead carcass of a Sky Reacher tree that has been killed by a Strangler Vine. But since both these species are prevalent in the jungle forests of this region, this is not that rare of an occurrence.

But in truth, it is not actually the fungus from which the material is gained, but rather the dried husk of the Sky Reacher inside the winds of the Strangler Vine. It seems that all three species combine some elements to create a paste just inside of the point where the fungus meets the dead trunk of the tree. This is a dangerously addictive drug, but can be found in most markets without too much effort or cost. Only a very slow and closely-monitored weaning from this drug will prevent the very likely amputation of some bodily extremity. As the user indulges, a reliance upon this drug develops to prevent the same sort of drying and withering effect that overtakes the Sky Reacher before it dies.

An unscrupulous medic will probably gouge an addict for much greater cost, to save his arm or leg, than the vendor of the drug charged for enough to get him hooked in the first place. And it is all too easy to become dependent on this drug, due to its availability and affordability. Fortunately, there are many medics that DO have morals because a person can easily keep himself 'high' for several days for a cost of only 10gn. A stated before, there is no real demand for this drug outside of the southeastern areas of Idalos.
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Drug Crafting

Name of Material: Storm Brain
Type of Material: Pulverized minerals, usually a dark grey that can be brewed into a tea.
How To Gather: Gathering
Gathering Requirements/Processing Requirements: Detection-Expert/Medicine-Competent or Chemistry-Competent or Poison-Competent
Rarity: Common to Rare
Uses: Potent Hallucinogenic
Estimated Price: 10GN , up to 40GN when there are no Storms
Native to: Hotlands
Information: A play on the term "Brainstorm", it has been found that, in the trail left by the Hotland's wind-funnel storms, - called "Qui'aya" - an odd blend of pulverized minerals is occasionally left, which is capable of bestowing what many people believe are glimpses of the future. Naturally, the paradoxical nature of user's reactions to these visions make it impossible to verify whether they actually received any advance notice of some future event or not. People almost universally take steps that they think will alter the future, if it appears detrimental, and usually end up bringing about the very result they sought to prevent.

Those that instead accept their fate are often the beneficiaries of events that show that the original interpretation was incorrect, and not bad at all, or at least not as bad. Skeptics and believers alike point at resulting events as either supporting or disproving their positions on these warnings, actions, reactions and results. Mostly it just ends up being the cause of philosophical debates and arguments of faith and miracles. The cultures of many eastern cities thrive on such debate, where the involvement of one or more Immortals can be said to have played a part (and it is not this moderator's place to confirm or deny such claims ;) ). So indulgence in this drug is not viewed with any high moral judgement. In fact, many people like to see what develops from others' encounters with their fates. Some even make wagers on wide-reaching outcomes.

Sober, pragmatic chemists have not yet been able to determine just what it is that is going on with this drug, isolating neither a chemical or toxin that accounts for these visions, but they are ever ready to make sales to eager challengers of fate. The price of this drug is mostly dictated by availability, being a mere 10gn per dose in times of numerous Qui'aya, and grasping at costs four times this, when the winds are rare. Prices for this drug on the western continent are prohibitive for any but the extremely wealthy, as rivals spare no expense in hopes of an edge against their competition. There is no apparent addiction problem with this drug.
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