Dawn of the Void-creatures

It's fight or be eaten. Cling to positivity, or become one of them...

The crystal city of Uleuda is accessed from the minds of the Yludih. A safe haven from the persecution suffered in Idalos, Uleuda provides a place for Yludih to learn about their people from the Ancients, congregate together about the light bringing crystal Yldria, and begin the process of unlocking their 'gates' to eternal life.

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Dawn of the Void-creatures


Laying there, Yana wanted to scurry away, to roll over and crawl to safety. But she couldn’t. Maybe it was because her reason told her that if she did, she’d touch the Nulliem who was standing over her. Perhaps it was because she was simply too frightened to move even the slightest bit. The Pink Girl had become a shaking pile of frightened Yludih, and the Wanderer was too far off to do anything. This was it. Nothing could save her now. Yana wondered idly if her death would mean anything at all. She would cease to exist, surely, but would it change anything? Probably not. She did not really mind. Did this mean she had accepted her demise then? Maybe she had. Maybe not. But that too would not change anything. She would die, end of story. Even if she did not like it, if she did not make peace with it.

However, A wave of brilliant light washed through the forest, and before Yana was able to process what exactly was happening, the Nulliem was gone, and the Wanderer was there instead, spear in hand. He reached out for her, and she took his hand gladly, pulled back on her feet quickly. Then she just stood there for a bit, letting the waves of light pulse through her. This was a deus ex machina if she’d ever seen one, only this was not theatre, this was reality. Where did it come from? Instinctively she knew the answer already.

“It's the Ancient,” the Pink Girl said, awed and relieved. They had made it. Although… they had only survived this encounter, but there could be more Nulliem coming. The Wanderer motioned for them to follow, which the female Yludih both did. Yet, the serenity and calm they all seemed to feel did not eradicate their caution. Yana’s senses were on high alert, ears and eyes –both of which she did not seem to possess in this world- on the lookout for the Nulliem. Their weapons were held ready, and the Nulliem they ran into were easily gotten rid of, the pulses of light helping a great deal.

It took a whole long walk before they found another surviving Yludih. It was a female who was very enthusiastic at the sight of more survivors. She rushed forwards, calling out, and two more Yludih came out of hiding. One of them yelled a name, dashing towards the Wanderer and promptly hitting him in the face. Worry was apparent in her, and it appeared that perhaps she had been crying. “Where are the others?” Yana asked one of the other Yludih who were leading the Pink Girl away. The male looked up, his rudimentary features drooping.

“The Ancient is over there,” he said. Yanahalqah needed no further explanation. The rest had not made it. So there were six of them, out of the twenty or so Yludih who’d gathered at the start of this debacle. Plus the Ancient One. Her shoulders fell down. She said nothing however, instead plopping down against the crystal bark of a tree. A disaster. A goddamn disaster. And worst of all, she cared. Now that the relief had been drained away, she only felt defeat.

The Ancient One declared with soft voice they’d be going back to the city now. His fellow Ancients were already here, purging the woods with light. He did not rage and roar, nor did he spout accusations. There was no need. Yana dragged herself forwards, feeling incredibly tired. The Wanderer was already gone. Some others had vanished too. Perhaps I should go back there as well… she thought and she slipped out of the Uleuda before she realized she had.
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Well, this was fun! No worries for ending it, you were a great partner. I'll be looking forward to threading with you again in the future. :)
word count: 652
"Speaking" - Thinking - "Others speaking"
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Dawn of the Void-creatures

Quio woke with his back to the hard floor of the ship deck he was lying on, staring up at the night sky. The stars had been a guiding light to the place his sister had called Uleuda, but now they were gone, blanketed by dark night clouds, and he took comfort in the idea that maybe --yes-- it had all just been a bad dream.

To consider the other option--

No. It was a dream. Thinking otherwise was a dagger through the heart.

Yanaqi was still sleeping by his side. She breathed evenly, without fret, and he took that as another sign. If any of that had really happened, if so many had died --on his behalf, from his mistake, but no, he wasn't thinking about that-- she would be upset, wouldn't she? Restless in her sleep.

But his half-sister slept soundly, and in sleep she was a comfort she was not to him in the waking world. He laid back down, staring up at the dark of the sky, the barest glimmer of moon casting its faint, cleansing light upon him, and let his troubles ease. Let himself feel at peace. It was okay. It was a dream. A nightmare. He had not done those things. He had not killed. Murdered, even. He was alright.

He was alright.
"Speaking in Rakahi" "Speaking speaking in Common" "Speaking in Ulehi"
word count: 233
Ruq, Iaan, Korim
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Dawn of the Void-creatures

Peer Review



General Layout: Uleuda
Uleuda: Everything Shines
Nullium: Destroyers of Light
Yana: Confident leader
Disguise: Unadorned clothing blends in to forest
Nulliem: Tree Killers
Uleuda: Feel the wind
Uleuda: Gravity still Present
Crystals are Slippery
Ancient Ability: Pulses Of Light
Tactics: Retreating can help prepare Counter attacks
Tactics: Sneaking Behind Wins

Loot: None

Injury: None

Fame: General Bad deed -1

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Quio had a unique outlook on Uleuda and it was intriguing. You played with the paper thin division between dream and reality where Uleuda somehow finds its place and yet, when a tragedy occurs, Quio is forced into denial that such tragedy did indeed occur. I felt this subtlety in dream Vs reality paid off in your last post.

The way you added further detail of the Nulliem, how they move and dissolve the crystal trees was extended not only faithfully from the lore (which is fairly skeletal) but described very well that it could be visualized. I liked the sound of the crashing trees - wow what a thing to imagine.

There should perhaps have been a bit of interaction with Yana, prior to waking up. Was hoping to see that happen and a little disappointed it didn't!



General Layout: Uleuda
Yludih Spear: Radiates with Light
Yludih Spear: Hope and Happiness
Yludih in Uleuda: Yana's People
Uleuda: Not entirely safe
Cannot let another Yludih die
Nullium: Destroyers of Light
Tactics: Defensive Spear Formation
Nulliem: Vanish from a Piercing Spear
Tactics: Dispair leads to a broken Formation
Nullium: Bodies used as Shields
Nulliem: Tree Killers
Camouflage: Fool Nulliem
Sneaking: Crouching on Balls of Feet
Nulliem: Ploughing through Crystals Slows them Down
Yludih: Cares for their safety

Loot: None

Injury: None

Fame: General bad deed -1
Leading outnumbered troops +2

Story: 4/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

Comment: Once again, it has been riveting to read another thread featuring Yana. The inner struggle between a cold tactician and an empathy for fellow Yludih generated plenty of tension throughout the thread. It was an interesting move, that Yana made the decision to help Quio and regret it following the harsh consequences of lost lives.

Your inner dialogue while perhaps heavy in some areas, drew me to understand your character and the complex thought processes. Unanswered questions are good too. Like Quio, you came up with some beautiful touches to extend the lore such as the ability for the Nulliem to run through crystal. You worked well with Quio although it would have been nice to have interacted further after the altercation with the nulliem.

Please mark this thread as "Reviewed" in the request for review thread.
Please update Skill Points in your CS.
Let me know if I missed something or wish to discuss anything.
word count: 471
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