Rumour Has It

A space for updates & thoughts.

This section is for players to post about things unrelated to the Standing Trials roleplay. You may talk about anything from world issues, to your personal life, to funny things you found on the internet. You are free to use this forum to express yourself as a player and not as your actual character. You can also post in other players journals so long as they give you permission to. Please remember not to post anything relating to pornography or anything with extensive use of profanity.

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Rumour Has It

Rumour's Journal

A space for updates about my life on and off Standing Trials.
Stay curious & be kind, babes.
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Rumour Has It

Hello, strangers!

For those new members who may not recognize me, I'm Rumour - a former Advocate and current (non-Team Lead) Developer. For those who do recognize me, you may have noticed that I've been away from Standing Trials for the last four months. Some not-so-awesome offline life stuff cropped up and really threw me for a loop. The staff have been so kind during my absence and have allowed me the space I needed to heal and come back as my (hopefully) best self.

I really can't tell you all how glad I am to be back. The Standing Trials community is filled with kind souls, great writing, the best staff, and more incestual characters than I can count. I've missed this place, and you, quite a bit.

To those in Rharne and who may have reached out over the past four months with Advocate concerns that I wasn't able to address - I'm so sorry for letting things slip. Thank you to the staff who picked up my slack and to the players for your forgiveness. While I won't be helping out in an Advocate capacity at this time, I'm really looking forward to staying a Rharne city mod and supporting the site as a Developer.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions or just want to say hi.

I look forward to seeing you all around the site!
word count: 245

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Rumour Has It

Hello Ru.

I have actually missed your presence on the website and wondered where you went. I feared you were gone. We haven’t had any personal contact and I don’t know you, but to me you have always come off as a voice of common sense, ringing out like a clear levelheaded, gentle and polite soprano over the sometimes very passionate song of the choir^^

Not sure if was allowed to say this. I wrote this post all the same.

Welcome Back.
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Rumour Has It

Thank you so much for your kind words, Yrmellyn! You are definitely allowed to say that. It means a lot. <3 I'm really pleased that you're still around - I've always enjoyed reading your stories, and your presence here has been a positive one.

word count: 47

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Rumour Has It

Behind The Scenes!
So, it's nearing the end of my first week in the Developer role! It's still a little weird to see my name in gold rather than avocado blue, but it's definitely been a positive shift creativity-wise. I thought I'd take a few moments to share what I've been working on behind the scenes. Hopefully this post will give you a sneak peek into what Dev life has been like, and maybe even inspire you to do some development of your own.

1. Edasha's Blessing: That's right! A blessing is in the making, folks. The always brilliant Djinn invited me to collaborate with him, so we're currently working on knocking this one out so that it can be reviewed (and hopefully released) soon. Creating abilities for Edasha's domains of Beauty, Jealousy, Sight, and Adultery has been both fun and challenging, and I really hope you guys like this one - it's been a blast to put together.

2. Rharne Lore: Some of you may have noticed that there are little pockets of lore that have not been completed. Now that I'm a full-time Developer, it's been a lot easier to prioritize putting the finishing touches on these pieces. The Religion and Military lore has now been updated. Next up is (hopefully!) the long overdue Merchants Guild faction write-up.

3. Rharne Locations: I've been on a Rharne binge this week! Creating locations and NPCs for a city I love is one of my very favourite pastimes, and I had so much fun writing up Little Ivorian (Gaia and Braxton's love story made me swoon a little, guys). If the stars align, I'm hoping to release a new location in Rharne once every 1-2 weeks so that we continue to build out the city and have a constant influx of fun places to play with. If you have any requests for locations (or really, any Rharne-related development), please don't hesitate to send them my way.

Basically, y'all are seriously exercising my creativity - and I love it. It's so good to be back. Thank you all for making this community what it is today and giving my muse a place to come home to.

word count: 387

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Rumour Has It

Happy New Year!
Hi all,

First, happy new year! I can still barely believe that it’s 2018. The last year felt like it went by so fast, and yet so much happened. We gained and lost some wonderful staff members and players, made big changes to our staff structure, developed new cities, released new magic and blessings and lore, held big global plots, and continued to build a fantastic community of writers and stories. We’ve persisted through challenges and shown our resilience, and I am so grateful to each and every one of you for being here and spending your valuable time and efforts on this site.

I’m back on the site after an extra-long & much needed holiday, and am looking forward to the year ahead. We’ve got some big development plans involving continuing the long trek to completion for all of the blessings, magic, and skill write-ups, as well as continued work on the cities, Immortals, and Otherworldly domains. I’m particularly looking forward to working with Anomaly on the Immortal Domains and Emea lore. She’s got so many wonderful ideas that we can’t wait to bring to fruition!

If you’ve sent me a PM over the past three weeks or if you need my response/feedback, please give me some time to catch my bearings and get myself caught up on everything that has happened during my absence.

My priorities for the next month are:
  • 1. Finishing Edasha’s blessing (we’re in the final review stage! So, so close!)
    2. Reviewing and posting skill write-ups to the lore
    3. Helping the team get caught up on CS reviews and PSF requests
If you feel up to responding to this post, I would love to hear from all of you about what you want to see the staff focus on in 2018 and what your priorities are!

word count: 321

"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
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Rumour Has It

Today in music I've been listening to lately:

Excellent for both writing and work.

Thanks to everyone who has an outstanding review or question with me. Work, life, excuses etc. You know the drill. I'll be catching up as best I can this weekend. Really appreciate your patience!

word count: 52

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